
Enemies Gather Around A Spear Boy

(Artemis POV)

-Mount Olympus (Above The Empire State Building)-

Walking into the lobby of the building and showing my card to the person at the front desk, they immediately went white with fear and shakily pointed to the elevator. Not desiring to remain close to this mortal who looked ready to piss himself, I walked into the elevator and slotted in my card, revealing a number at the top with the omega symbol. After pressing it, the doors closed.

I left my huntresses on their hunting grounds outside the city as I needed to report what I found to the council. Even though I hate coming to this place, I need to inform my father of this development because if he is one thing, he fears things he does not know. It's almost ironic how similar he is to an average mortal in his fear of the unknown, but I would never say that to his face nor think it in his presence.

"What does he plan to do next?" I asked myself as the elevator climbed the floors. My huntresses found his home empty after a few days as he seemingly disappeared. Since the spear has been hiding his signature, I do not know where he went. There are very few places he could go with that sacred gear. All of them are essentially suicides regardless.

Regardless, I need to report this to the council in addition to some recent finds in terms of monsters spawning from Tartarus at an increased rate, as I've now been seeing Minotaurs and Nemean Lions wandering the country, and it has been a long time since I've seen one of those. I can still remember one day when I found a Nemean Lion roaming a battlefield during the first Great War. I remember how it turned that battlefield into a hunting ground and a Minotaur destroying two armies of Confederates all by itself. 

Mortals truly are pathetic creatures.

They had nary a means to defend themselves other than magic and sacred gear, but even magicians and sacred gear wielders were few and far between. And it's almost funny how human magicians become so self-centered once they become powerful enough it truly just becomes them and the world at that point. Merlin gave them a gift, and they squandered it immensely.

Not to mention that their magic is essentially a bastardization of the devil's imagination magic, yet such potential remains lost even after only a couple of centuries.

My musings are then interrupted as the elevator opens, revealing the lights of the new Mount Olympus and *sigh* my brother waiting for me. Walking forward and not even giving him a look, he smiles and starts to walk alongside me and says, "Hey, little sis, how have you been?"

"I am older than you, Apollo; now leave me alone. I need to report some new information to Father." After pushing him off, he sighs and says, "You must be talking about the new spear user, right? I saw him training in Washington, and I was wondering if I should've introduced myself."

I almost shuddered as Apollo introducing himself often led to tragedy for the other party as I remembered Daphne and Hyacinthus. But I kept walking as he tried to compose his terrible haikus again, and shooting him with an arrow did not silence him. Trust me, I have tried.

"You really should lighten up, little sis. It's just one mortal, and even with that spear, he won't last long without a person to train him or any backing in the supernatural world." While somewhat correct, I added, "Brother, it's not the fact that a new spirit has appeared but the fact that he is here now as that spear has always appeared in times of great tribulation or change. And you know sacred gear wielders, brother, they are an eccentric lot, to say the least."

Apollo then stopped, and after turning to him, he said, "I can't see him. He is gone." That is a problem.

"Where did you last see him?" I asked, to which Apollo began to shake as he answered, "Scotland."

That made even me stop in my tracks as there was only one being he could look for in Scotland. "He went to the witch! Is he mad?! That woman has only taken two disciples in her entire life and has killed hundreds that have tried to learn from her." Apollo, still shaking, then ran towards the main council building, and I followed as if the God Slayer was training that child. We may have a problem.

Father had already taken his seat next to Hera as he asked with a small amount of thunder echoing with each word, "Artemis, Apollo, why do you both seem terrified? Has something happened to the both of you?" Hera seems to almost smile at our state as she has always hated us and loved to see us suffer or at our wit's end.

"Father, the spear has found a new user," I say as Apollo won't stop shaking as he remembers what that witch did to him when he tried to woo her. Zeus's brow raises as he says, "The appearance of the spear will not leave you in such a state. What has happened? Speak!" Apollo then says, "Father, he has gone to the witch to learn from her. I saw him disappear when he went to Scotland."

That news causes the throne room to shake as Zeus's power rises. He yells, "He has gone to the god slayer! It matters not as after he leaves, he will die." Zeus seems almost ready to blow Scotland off the face of the Earth but fears destroying the chains that bind the witch to her land of shadows.

The woman did not choose to live in that place as it was a coalition of Gods that bound her to that place in order to keep her contained. They could not kill her due to the number of gods the witch slayed; she became something of a half God and half-human, but unlike the demigods that normally appear. 

Scathach gained the power to remain in her prime state forever, and nothing could kill her since she was always improving her technique and skills with every God she fought and killed. The only choice that could be made was to seal her in the Land of Shadows.

No one knows why she decided to hunt down gods as she never truly explained herself, but it mattered not as she was able to wipe out the nearby Gods by herself after only a couple of years. That woman is a monster in the truest sense of the word. 

Zeus almost went to war with Odin as that woman displayed the ability to use his runes, but the Old God took that as a slight against him. The Olympians in the Norse almost went to war, but Freya and Hestia mediated the conflict as they explained that Scathach learned the primordial runes the same way that Odin did therein by sacrificing something.

The Norse refused to reveal what she sacrificed as Mimir remained silent, but since she did not lack any of her physical features, it must not have been something of that sort but maybe something relating to the mind or spirit. But it does not matter as Zeus hates that woman as a threat to his power as well as the status quo. 

Zeus firmly believes that Gods stand above Mortals, and while that is mostly true, there have been exceptions, but they are too far between to matter truly.

"Apollo, I need you to send a message to Hades and have him send his legions to the entrance to the land of shadows as if he leaves, he will die. I will not have another god slayer on our hands." Apollo then nods as he goes to inform Hades of this development. It was a good move, as Hades despises sacred gear wielders as he has always hated the biblical factions.

I would pity the boy, but if he has gone to that woman, he shall die as the world shall not suffer another god slayer. Hestia then adds her own comment: "Is this not a bit reckless, Zeus? As the child has not made any enemies and has little option other than death."

Zeus scoffs as he replies, "Hestia, that boy wields the Spear of Longinus and at any moment could kill gods with enough training and time. Do not speak as if we have not already dealt with similar Longinus wielders the same way. Humans are beneath us and always will be. Such trinkets do not matter in the long run."

Hestia, without fear, then says, "But Zeus, do you not fear suffering the wrath of a Longinus wielder as he bears no ill will towards us, and he will be able to recognize you sending armies against him. I am not saying that we should not be wary of this new spear user, but we should try to gain cooperation with him."

"Silence! My decision is final! Every Longinus wielder has always been a threat, and do you not think that Scathach will not turn him against us when he leaves." Hestia sighs as I ask, "Father, should I hunt him myself?" Zeus then turns to me and says, "No, I do not want to risk losses amongst us, so let the monsters take care of him."

Nodding, he then says, "Gather your band and keep a watch for him and if you find him. Do not hesitate to eliminate him. Besides, you should enjoy it as he is a male, after all."

Bowing slightly, I began to walk out of the room and saw Areas and Athena bickering with each other, with Ares with Athena essentially ignoring him but after noticing me he smiled and walked over to me and said, "It seems a new player has joined the board, little archer."

I always hated that nickname, but I responded, "He is not a player, Ares, but a small roadblock to be passed by." Ares smirked as if knowing something different and said," You would be right, little archer, but times are changing. You know as well as I that when that spear appears, things will change. Do you not remember the last time?"

Taking a breath, I remember the last time that spear appeared, and it was during World War Two as the spear was used by a Russian soldier who destroyed the front he was on with that spear alone and allowed the Russians to get all the way to Berlin. That rush will live on in supernatural history as he destroyed not only the entirety of that German army but all of the magicians who were aiding the Germans.

The ones that aided the Germans weren't truly loyal to the Nazis but simply wanted to take advantage of the regime to allow for more unethical experiments of theirs. The wielder was then brought down by old age and a well-planned assassination by the Grauzauberer magician organization.

Ares then said, "I will meet this new user as I long for a true challenge." I turned to him and said, "Are you mad?! Father has said that no one should approach him. You would defy Zeus?" Ares again smirked as he said, "There is more to this world than simply Father, Artemis, but I'm not going to say anymore, and besides, would it not be great for a God of War to be slain during a glorious battle?"

He has lost his mind.

Athena then pipes in and says, "Ares that the God Slayer will have trained boy for who knows how long, and you would wish to die by his hands?" Ares then looks to Athena and says, "I have not fought anyone for hundreds of years. I am going insane, Athena, and while you may find satisfaction in your books, I need to fight someone on my level and the Hindus are too strong for me to fight head-on, and the devil's too afraid along with the Fallen Angels."

Sighing, Athena teleported away to coordinate a response with the help of Hermes and let the entire world know that the spear had found a new wielder. Ares goes to ready his weapons and leaves in a torrent of fire as I teleported back to my huntresses to let them know the new mission, which Zoe will be quite happy with. 

(Cao Cao POV)

Feeling threatened, I looked around as Cato asked ( I do not feel any threats around you. Why are you so jumpy?), "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this, Cato." Celestine then scoffed as Cato sighed while I continued my training as a certain witch waits with bated breath.

I only have three more weeks before the witch will fight me to ascertain if I should be trained, and I will need it. I do not know why I know this, but the feeling remains. Thankfully, my sorcery level has increased to the point where I can make use of the Mirror Dimension to train, as I do not want the witch to be able to counter my spear techniques.

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