
Erectile dysfunction

It was past midnight and the nightclub was bustling. People occupied the dance floor and danced like it was the last night they had in their life. 

''Fuckers are dancing as if tomorrow an apocalypse will take over the world,'' Ryle was sitting on barstool as he observed the people who were enjoying themselves to the brim, ''What is even making them so happy?" 

Maxim looked at the man with an inquisitive gaze, ''Did you call me over here in the middle of the night to observe how other people are functioning in their lives?" When the man did not say anything, ''Say the word, Ryle. If it's a yes, then they have brought over a new team of therapists in the hospital. I'll do you a favor and book you an appointment the first thing in the morning tomorrow.'' 

Ryle narrowed his eyes, ''Must you spew poison the moment you open your mouth?" 

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