
Chapter 15 – Side detour

"A demon king conquering the world... Are you kidding me?"

After a moment of shock, Sadao quickly regained his composure. He sighed softly, "Why should I waste useless energy on something that has no meaning at all? You said you can't support yourself, and you want me to be your host. Well, that's not entirely impossible. No matter how you look at it, the ability to live my current laid-back life is all thanks to the culinary skills you gave me. In that sense, you have indeed done me a favor. However, conquering the world is a boring endeavor, and I cannot agree to it."

If it were him from before being expelled from Totsuki, he might have been excited initially upon receiving the system. However, the ultimate result would undoubtedly remain unchanged, as pursuing a laid-back lifestyle was his final goal.

The so-called conquering of the world would inevitably involve maneuvering and competing with others, a life he had experienced before and had no interest in revisiting.

"So, the plan is to modify you. Don't worry; I'll get you moving again soon."

Talking to a brick wall...

Sadao felt somewhat helpless and was too lazy to deal with the system. It was time to go to sleep; after all, he still had to buy a new computer tomorrow!

A night of silence passed.

Due to going to bed early, Sadao woke up early the next morning. After freshening up, he started preparing breakfast.

As a Chinese who had once lived in Guangdong, Sadao's breakfast naturally had something to do with the Cantonese cuisine.

Being a big fan of rice noodle rolls, he even prepared a drawer-style steamer in the kitchen.

Although making rice noodle rolls involved a time-consuming process to prepare the rice batter, as a gourmet enthusiast, he didn't mind "wasting" some time on it.

Of course, the above details were not the main focus. The key point was that this quiet life was incredibly comfortable.

Thinking about this, Sadao couldn't help but feel teary-eyed. Finally, that noisy kitchen in the dormitory had left him!

"Is this level of life enough to satisfy you, host?"

Unfortunately, this tranquility didn't last long. The system's slightly annoying persuasion once again reached him.

Sadao's relaxed and happy expression instantly collapsed. At this moment, he suddenly felt somewhat fortunate. He was glad that the system, damaged to the point of losing even the power residing in him, could only helplessly stay inside this monitor. Otherwise, he might have been driven crazy by now.

"Satisfied!" Sadao's answer was without any hesitation. He genuinely felt content with everything.

"Can't you expand your ambitions a bit? For example, after conquering the world, you can have a harem! It consists of 2D girls; don't you want that? Even if not everyone is willing to be a member of your harem, there are certainly many girls who would agree."

As soon as the system mentioned the harem, Sadao's body suddenly stiffened. A harem... Upon careful consideration, the temptation was indeed quite strong. If successful, he could probably lead a very comfortable life in the latter half of his life.

However, he was ultimately a rational member of society. After a brief moment, his rationality returned. Even with a system of such incredible existence suffering heavy damage, what about him? He was just an ordinary person.

If he failed, not to mention the harem, even his current peaceful life would vanish without a trace. Forcibly involving himself would be like gambling on his own luck!

Sadao hated gambling. Unless the chance of winning was 100%, he would never accept any gambling.

"Even so, I refuse... However, you have done me a favor, so until you find a new host, I can lend you a helping hand within my capabilities." In the face of rational judgment, personal desires quickly faded away. Nevertheless, Sadao, being someone who knew how to repay kindness, was well aware that without the system's help, he would not have been able to enjoy such an easy and comfortable life. Therefore, within the scope of his ability, he didn't mind offering some assistance to the system.

"You really lack ambition!!!" Faced with Sadao's response, the system couldn't help but wail, "Are you really a young person!?"

"Let's assume so... I've only been in this world for a few short years. Considering my age from my previous life, my current real age is only around twenty-six or twenty-seven. In that sense, I am indeed still a young person."

"Since you're a young person, show me some motivation..." The system was quite helpless. Although Sadao's gratitude was something that pleased her, she couldn't understand why he couldn't show some motivation. After all, he was a young person!!!

"Show motivation..." Sadao couldn't help but chuckle. "For someone who has suffered from society's blows, lying down is true happiness. Not being able to lie down means the conditions for lying down are not there. But I'm different; I already have the conditions to lie down. In this situation, do you think I would give up such a comfortable life and embark on an adventure with an uncertain outcome?"

Perhaps recalling the experiences of his previous life, even though Sadao had been through a lot, the emotion called resentment unconsciously surfaced in his heart. "I've had enough of that nauseating and annoying life. Now, I want to live easily relying on my own will!"

"This..." As someone who arrived in this world together with him, the system naturally understood what kind of life he had lived before. In that sense, it seemed quite normal for him to develop such a mindset.

For someone starving, filling the stomach is happiness, and for those struggling in the vortex of competition, escaping the torment of competition to lead an easy and comfortable life is a kind of happiness. For Sadao now, as long as he could live a relaxed and comfortable life, it was a great happiness.

However, human desires are hard to satisfy...

The system understood human nature well. Since he couldn't be persuaded for now, let him experience the present life fully. After all, there would come a day when he would tire of this life. When that time comes, it would be an opportunity.

"I understand. Let's go according to your suggestion..." Sadao was stunned. Wait, didn't you swear to seek revenge before? How did you so quickly accept my proposal?

Almost instinctively, he felt that there was some conspiracy behind this.


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