
Going Through The Archives

"I see. So that's what happened…"

Noah's voice echoed in the vast hall as Rey nodded his head. The latter had just finished telling the former all about his relationship with Esme—well, the important bits anyway—and how he was currently searching for her,

At first, Noah was relieved to find out Esme was in no way related to Rey, though that should have already been clear.

However, the more Rey spoke about her, the more Noah began to see some problematic signs.

Signs from both Rey and the Esme of his stories.

'Do these two like each other?' He thought to himself, still contemplating if he should ask the question or keep it to himself.

From the way Rey spoke, it seemed as though everything he talked about was normal. The guy probably didn't think anything of their relationship.

'If that's the case, then I better not give him any ideas by bringing it up.'

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