
The First Hunt Part1

By the way, this fic will have spoilers for My Hero Academia, but most likely since ya'll did choose to read this thing you probably knew that already.

However, I think I should still say this here since the chapters where there will be more spoilers for the anime will be coming up once the main quest is finished.

But enough talking from me, let's get onto the chaos.


The sun has now fully set and it's time for me to head out, while walking out of the apartment I bring out an oversized black hoodie that almost reaches below my knees that I put in Inventory, which was one of the many things I took from that house before I left. Though after what I felt with the rank up earlier I can't help but wonder while heading to a dark alley to start the process of my hunt, have my quirks already been improving my body's capabilities without me realizing it?

I mean seriously Lightning Body improved my control over my body when it went up to B rank, and the system didn't even mention it beforehand. This means that there is an actual possibility that my other quirks are doing similar things without my knowledge. Or I could even be overthinking this and what happened was just the system making it seem like I had trained it enough to give me more control over my movements?

But hey you can't blame me for thinking this cause other quirks do have their benefits and drawbacks that you would only get to know if you used it enough or analyzed it like a certain broccoli-haired nerd.

Speaking of him, I wonder how he would react to someone with this many quirks, wouldn't this be a major gift for him since that would be a lot of various quirks to analyze for him? Though if I do manage to meet him I doubt I'd go out of my way to tell him about the fact that I have so many quirks, after all the less people that know the more likely I'll be able to live this life the way I want to.

But, I also won't completely avoid him or the rest of the main cast, mainly because it would be impossible with what I have planned, and since it's not just Toga's parents that I want to punish in this world. There are plenty of people in this world that I either want to kill, make suffer, or teach a lesson.

Obviously, one of the people on that list is Bakugo, even though he did get redeemed at one point to me it only pissed me off more. Let me explain, the way he got redeemed was what pissed me off not the fact that Horikoshi wanted to redeem the explosive pomeranian. The way he redeemed Bakugo reminded me too much of how those scientists manipulated me and the other 'guinea pigs' because he had the gall to say he was sorry and that he's been regretting how he treated Izuku for the majority of their lives. 

But before the Vigilante Deku event, he was still insulting and messing with Izuku he still bullied him even though he said he 'regretted it' and that shows that he only said that in that moment without any true sincerity even if he bowed his head to him. And that may have been a slightly sloppy event organization on Horikoshi's part which is understandable, no work can be truly perfect.

However, this didn't change the fact that that entire scene pushed all the pressure of fully making amends with each other onto Izuku the victim of Bakugo's bullying and torment. There weren't even any proper repercussions to Bakugo's past actions or proper acknowledgment that Izuku was indeed a victim of verbal and physical beatings. Oh and how can we possibly forget Bakugo literally suicide-baiting him by saying, 'Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof of the building, and pray for a quirk in your next life!' yeah that definitely sounds like the words of someone that would genuinely apologize to someone.

Hell, I haven't even mentioned the attempt of second-degree murder ON HIS SECOND OF UA, All Might even confirmed in that scene that if that explosion hit Izuku it would have killed him. And those are only pieces of what was shown in the anime and manga, but now this world has become my reality so I fully intend on finding out what all that bastard did.

Wait, fuck I went on another goddamn rant!! No matter how much I try I just can't seem to get over this damn habit that I got from my time being a lab rat. Damn, I hope when I eventually meet Izuku I don't pick up on his mumbling habit or I will be so fucked.

While I had been mentally ranting to myself I managed to get a few blocks away from the abandoned apartment complex by going through the alleys to remain unseen. Now it's just a matter of getting to the rooftops, finding a bar or club that's open, and then I'll have my full pick of prey to hunt tonight which will help me in satisfying my curiosity on Toga's quirk.

Since I don't want to use Lightning Body too much I bring out half of the blood I currently have stored away to pull myself up onto the roof of a nearby building. With the blood, I create a construct similar to a rope and attach one end of it to the wrist of my right hand and use said hand to hold on to part of it to better secure myself. Due to the construct being made from blood, I can still control it even in this solid state so I don't need to swing it to throw it up to the roof, I don't even need to throw it.

The other end of the blood construct suddenly shoots up the wall of the building I intend to get to the roof of and pierces itself into the top of the wall. Now that it's firmly planted in the wall I make the distance between me and the wall shrink by quickly making my construct itself shorten, the extra blood from the construct being stored in a ball form right behind me.

With the construct being suddenly shortened it was made to become whole again, so the end I was holding onto was pulled to the other end that pierced into the wall. This actually pulled me up faster than I thought it would and I was sling-shotted up into the air, luckily I didn't hit the wall on my way up.

To make sure I didn't miss the roof or land face-first onto said roof I quickly brought all the blood I was using back to me and made a platform for me to land on when I started to lose altitude. It's a good thing that Lightning Body gave me more control of my body after it ranked up or I probably would have landed face-first on my platform. Once I fully settled onto the platform I made it descend to the roof, when it got low enough I hopped off onto the roof and made the rest of the blood become an orb floating behind me.

You may be asking why I didn't just make a platform before to get onto the roof, and to that I say, would you have given up on that opportunity to feel a bit like a certain webhead? Hell, given enough time and if I get the right quirks I may actually become a proper version of him. Though if I did become something like a variant of him, would that mean I would have to eventually meet Miguel, or would they not even consider me a proper variant to pay any mind to me? 

Wait, no I almost went on another rant that would've made me question more about the multiverse, let's just get back to the hunt of some drunkard.

I start going from rooftop to rooftop using the blood to form small platforms between each one to make it easier for me to get across them. Using this method helps me to be less likely to be noticed, but it's also some good training for my quirk so I can manipulate the blood quicker. After what seemed like hours of searching for a bar, with each minute making me realize I didn't plan where I would even find one, I think I managed to find a place that looks like a bar in the pleasure district.

Honestly, I have no idea how I managed to find my way to the pleasure district, but hey it works for me, Oh, and the reason why I can tell it's the pleasure district is because of the number of women and men that are wearing skimpy outfits and trying to get passing by people to make use of their 'services'. Some of these hoes have mutation-type quirks too, which is most likely due to their pimps knowing how many customers are into their types of mutations.

Hell, I think I even saw a dude whose head looked like an octopus, tentacles and all, and he seems to be decently popular judging by the number of people around him wanting his 'services'. But ignoring all of that, and some of the obvious moaning in the alley behind the building I'm on, I focus back on the bar across the street from my current position.

The place looks slightly run down and old, but even from here I can feel a kind of homey vibe from the place, whoever owns that place definitely likes to have their customers feel welcome. Though now I'll have to stay and wait for someone who looks drunk enough to leave that place and either go into an alley or someplace where there aren't any cameras or people to see what I'll do. After all, from what I could tell from some videos in my past life, patience is the key to a successful hunt.

(Three boring hours later)

Oh my fucking god when is someone who looks more drunk going to walk out of there?! I can even tell there are still plenty of people in there who are drinking because I moved to the roof of the bar.

I've literally been so bored that I managed to now get over two gallons of my blood stored in Inventory and have been experimenting with that blood for the last couple of hours. Turns out that with my current size and that amount of blood, I could probably make a clone or two of myself with said blood. But with my quirks rank at this time, it would be too difficult to properly use them in anything other than slightly tricking someone.

But now I'm getting so close to saying fuck it and just going to one of those alleys where some people have been fucking for the last hour and using them like my personal blood banks... Wait that's actually a good idea since the prostitute may have more cash on them than anyone in this bar.

Looks like whoever's in that alley is in for a bad time.

The_Fae_Childcreators' thoughts
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