
Alex's System Bound Involuntary Hunter School Slice Of Life Is Tolerable, As Expected? Part 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt and Zenin Days) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Once again, stillness enveloped the aftermath of the legendary match between the 1st years.

Alex's and Pyrrha's little exchange echoed loudly amid the worried, shocked, and bewildered crowd.

And some had mirrored Pyrrha's bewilderment as they processed Alex's apologetic words.

"He... tried too hard?" Some of the students mumbled with a sweating expression.

The ground beneath Alex was covered in cracks.

Pyrrha's shield was sliced cleanly.

And so was her Aura.

All it took...

Was a single swing of Alex's blade.

And all that was...

Trying too hard?


Slowly, excitement for the battle turned to concern for Pyrrha's well-being.

And that emotion was swiftly exchanged with...


Each second that passed, the crowd, even the more dimwitted of the bunch could recognize what they had just seen.

Realization crossed their features.

This was no longer a simple display to declare the Strongest 1st Year In Beacon.

What Alex had just displayed wasn't even something that could be argued for the Strongest Student in Beacon...

Nay, it called to question...

Whether he is the [Strongest Hunter In The World] - Licensed Hunters included.


Glynda's expression hardened as she could only gaze at the cringing Alex with a slack jaw.

She, like many of those more keenly aware of how strong hunters can be...

How strong Hunters have ever been or gotten...

They know that what Alex just displayed called to question whether he even was...

Human or Faunus.

'It's... on the level of Fairy Tales and Legends, like the Maidens.' Glynda couldn't help but admit internally with a great degree of exasperation.

Although feeling the fearful gazes on his person and the sudden tenseness of the crowd, Alex kept his gaze firm on the still distraught Pyrrha, "Are you good?" He asked simply.

With a resonating impact that echoed amid the trepid silence, Pyrrha fell to the ground suddenly, her legs having no more strength in them.

But before Alex could respond, her voice cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter.

Or more aptly put... her laughter, "Pfft... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

She roared with laughter, a burst of dumb, joyous laughter that expressed true and pure relief.

...Much to Alex's utter perplexion.

'W-What is wrong with my teammates?' He couldn't help but exclaim in his mind.

[Are you really asking that right now?]

'Yeah, I thought Pyrrha was the normal one.' He admitted with a great degree of worry for his ever-degrading mental state.

[Then you don't know her that well. Focus on what's in front of you, dum dum~!] The System chastised.

And, for once, he listened to the System's advice as he noticed that he wasn't the only one dumbfounded by Pyrrha's maniacal laughter.

The redhaired spartan girl slowly calmed down as she wiped the tears of joy from her eyes, her expression tinged in relief.

Sighing audibly, she slowly rose up and regarded the uneasy Alex who wasn't as stoic as he usually was with a brilliant smile, "You've cleared my skies, Alex."

He blurted out aloud, "I feel like I've heard that one before-"

Shaking her head, Pyrrha confessed heartfully, completely ignoring the dull sting of the cut on her chest and the dripping of blood, "But I truly mean it."

Clenching her fist, she looked up at the ceiling, "I'm... I'm not as strong as I thought I was... not as lonely."

Blinking, Alex replied, "You're welcome for the reality check, I guess?"

Pyrrha snorted as she approached to extend her hand for a handshake, "Reality check? Hah! I can't even fathom the difference - I couldn't even see your moveme-" She excitedly mumbled, letting a little of her inner battle maniac and little girl loose.

He took her hand in for a handshake, interrupting her excitement with a quick nod, "I'm never doing that again." He firmly stated.

Frowning, Pyrrha was about to retort but shook her head, deciding on another angle here, "You owe me a new shield."

He processed her demands for a second and shrugged.

Pointing a thumb at the dumbfounded crowd, particularly in the direction of his weapon-obsessed teammate, "Fine, I'll pay for the materials but the lunatic builds it for you, I ain't bothering with browsing shops."

"I can work with that." Pyrrha warmly replied, the atmosphere having turned amiable in nearly an instant, though an undertone of fear and apprehension towards Alex remained in the hushed whispering crowd.

"You should get that treated, sorry again." Alex reminded nonchalantly, pointing at Pyrrha's injured chest.

"It was well worth the hassle." She grinned in response.

It was with her last statement, that a resonating yet familiar ping rang in Alex's mind.


[Sub Quest - "Invincible... No Longer" Complete!]

[Issuing Rewards...]

[1,000 Untraceable Lien sent to Alex Andrite's Bank.]

[Calculating Performance...]

[Rough estimate... 8.5/10]


[Pyrrha Nikos Relationship Progress += 15]

[Notice - Due to outstanding performance, a shift in [Reputation] has occurred!]


[Reputation is an invisible variable intertwined with the Savior System's [Relationship] function! It works best prior to first impressions... as they say, your reputation precedes you!]



Even with the frightening prospect of Alex possibly being the Strongest Hunter In History coming up in everyone's mind...

'He's harmless... for now.' Glynda's thoughts echoed the thoughts of all those paranoid or otherwise.

But there is no arguing the simple fact that... this was the beginning of Alex's International Notoriority.

Shaking her head, Glynda cut into the warm moment of the two teammates, her tone carried the most composure she could muster in the current moment, "The winner is Alex Andrite. Miss Nikos, head into the infirmary to patch those injuries."

Exchanging a look with Alex, Pyrrha nodded at Glynda, grabbing her remaining weapons and heading out of the arena.

Ruby's voice resonated once more, "We'll come visit!"

Pyrrha shook her head, waving at the weapon enthusiast in a friendly manner, "I'll be back in no time, there's no need to visit, Ruby!"

Ruby could only pout with slumped shoulders as she nodded reluctantly at the rejection.

Coughing, Glynda caught Alex trying to quietly walk back to the crowd with naught a sound.

"Mr. Andrite."

He turned to look at her over his shoulder, "Yeah?"

With a stern, yet uneasy look settling on him, Glynda requested something she never imagined she'd ever have to, "From this point forward, in my class, you must exercise... restraint."

Her unsettling request was something incredibly outlandish to request from a Hunter in Training, yet none could argue against it.

Tilting his head, Alex counter-offered, "In that case, wouldn't it be better that you just allow me to pass with flying colors and I forgo the need to even fight any-"

Glynda's firm glare shut him up, "Yes, ma'am." He quickly relented and agreed as per norm and went on his merry way back to his seat and two other teammates.

...With eyes following his every step much more than what he was used to.

Some, with clear and unbridled envy and dismay.

[They realized Excalibur's greatness!]



[I feel a little outdone by that shady Headmaster...] The System complained.

'That's because you were outdone. He's not cheap like you, nor shady.' Alex retorted as he took his filled cup from his newly acquired Vale Ultra Coffee Machine MK 4000 that was so generously gifted to him by Ozpin.

Taking a generous sip, he couldn't help but form a tiny blissful smile on his face, "That hits the spot..."

Did he mention the fantastic Mistral Coffee Beans Ozpin also provided him?!

Quite scrumptious!

A usual nagging voice called out to him, ruining his pleasurable moment, "I've done my best to find a word to properly describe what you are, Alex. But a 'Freak' is the most fitting I've managed to think of." Weiss called out to him as she lazily leaned on her bottom bunk bed.

'Not speaking a word to me the entire fifteen-minute walk back to our dorm, and this is her first sentence?' Alex noted with a degree of indifference and perplexion.

Today, was a most confusing day indeed for the slow-minded Alex.

Turning his head to regard her with a raised eyebrow, Alex shrugged, "Thanks." He took a sip of his coffee.

Weiss huffed, "That wasn't a compliment."

"Umm, I think it is!" Ruby retorted as she lay in her own bunk bed.

Sighing a sigh of agony, Weiss shook her head, "Of course you do..."

"Hey! I mean it!" She hopped off her bed to approach Alex.

Looking up at him as he sipped his coffee, his eyes staring into the cold abyss of the wall.

His thoughts were most profound - empty.

"I'm pretty sure you're even stronger than Uncle Qrow! I knew you were crazy strong but... wow! I did actually get the best partner, mhm!" She nodded giddily to herself.

Weiss protested, "Circumstantial strength."

Detaching his empty gaze full of empty thoughts from the empty wall, Alex retorted, "You jealous I can laze around while you have to train?"

"As a matter of fact... I am, hmph." Weiss freely admitted with a huff.

"Sulk on it, I guess?" Alex shrugged indifferently and took another sip of his coffee.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me!" Ruby pouted as she poked Alex's face with his finger.

He continued doing just that until Ruby's voice turned serious.

A hint of melancholy crossed her features, "You know now that I'm thinking about it, with how strong you are... Do you even need to be here? You can just... go help others now, I'm sure you can save a lot of people with how awesome you are!"

His amber eyes met with her silver eyes, as the warm jovial atmosphere dissipated and he sighed audibly, "I still need to get an education, follow the right path, or whatever."

Ruby lowered her head as she contemplated Alex's words.

Weiss rolled her eyes, "In other words, you need someone to hold your hand."

"Yes." He replied without a single moment of hesitation.

His free left hand suddenly felt a small warmth grab it, to which he lowered his head to see Ruby holding his hand.

"That wasn't meant literally." He deadpanned.

"I know, but you look lonely." She flashed a friendly smile.

"Okay." He took another calm sip of his coffee.

Weiss rose up and approached the two partners with a look of worry, "Ruby, don't hold that thing's hand, you'll catch deadbeat."

"My dad used to be one for a little while, I can tolerate it." She replied with complete determination and a nod of grit.

Only for hesitation to cross her features as she slowly loosened her grip on Alex's hand, "Though getting 'Alex Disease' would reallyyyy hurt my quality time." She patted her dear sheathed Crescent Rose.

Weiss eyed Ruby with suspicion, she lectured with folded arms, "Weapons are to be returned to the lockers after Combat Class or leaving Beacon's premises."

"Crescent Rose needs proper maintenance every 12 hours! I'll take it to our Weapon Forging Class later anyway!"


Alex muttered aloud, one of the rare epiphanies or desires crossing his mind, "I want a TV."

"Where'd that come from?" Weiss turned to the stoic coffee enthusiast teammate of theirs.

[Yeah, where'd that come from?] The System inquired.

"Doesn't matter. I'm going down to Vale this weekend." He announced.

Ruby pointed at herself, "Can I join? I want to go shopping as well!"

"It's a simple operation. Buy TV, return to dorm. I'm not doing anything else." He warned.

"Sure!" Ruby readily agreed with a sly grin.

A sly grin that Alex foolishly failed to notice.

Weiss admitted with a lowered head, "We should avoid any dust shops. Those... animals from the White Fang have been pillaging them in Vale and my family's company as of late."

Ruby blinked, "White Fang? I thought that was Torchwick's doing! I tried to stop him from stealing from a Dust Shop before getting scouted here." She mentioned.

Shaking her head, Weiss lectured with a greater degree of patience, "Ruby, as our Leader you should exercise effort in staying in touch with the news and events surrounding us."

She turned to look at Alex, "As a matter of fact, a TV isn't a bad idea. We'll consult with Pyrrha when she's back, I offer we all fund the purchase of a proper TV for our entire dorm."

Alex quickly replied at the potential discou-support, "Works for me."

Ruby nodded in support, "Leader Ruby Rose approves!" She quickly checked her scroll, "Next class is in session, we should head out!" She suggested.

A loud sip resonated in the dorm room, "One more sip."

"Hurry up!"

"I said one more sip."


The sun was setting on a grateful and productive day in Beacon.

Though, truth be told - it was a day to be written down in the annals of history.

A day that held a simple duel that changed... everything.

Rumors began to spread quite swiftly, and even late-night calls with parents and friends outside of Beacon began spreading the name of - Alex Andrite.

The boy who effortlessly defeated The Invincible Girl Pyrrha with a Single blow.

The Hunter In Training, who is, in all likelihood - [The Strongest].


"What's with the sorry expression, Glynda?" Ozpin's calm voice resonated in his office.

She brought her cane down on the table he sat at, "For the love of everything Ozpin... What is he?"

Taking a leisurely sip of his warm coffee, he replied simply, "As far as I can tell, he's human."

She shook her head, worry and dismay lacing her features, "Don't give me that! Did you see what he did? Some of the students are still distraught by the force he unleashed by and I quote 'Trying too hard'. If I am not mistaken here, he has still more to show-"

He replied slowly, cutting her off from her tangent, "I have reviewed the footage, yes."

"And your verdict?" She cut to the chase.

He gave her a knowing look, "I know what you're asking. There's no Magic. It's only him, his Semblance, and his Aura."

Chuckling, his features aged in centuries as he looked at the distant horizon through the tower's window, "If I were to describe what he is... would be most simply termed as a Miracle."

"A human born with such tremendous talent, semblance, and Aura. A one in a billion chance, likely more. A human born with power beyond the traditional and presumed limit."

"Speaking of limit, did you know that there is no limit to how strong anyone could potentially be by having his Aura unlocked?"

"Though infinitesimally unlikely, someone unreasonably powerful could be born... someone like Alex Andrite."

As he lectured, Glynda took in his words with a contemplative expression, concern still not washing away with his words.

Ozpin continued, "He's not a bad young man. Troubled? Yes. Reluctant? Most definitely, but he's got fine values from what I've gathered from our short conversations."

"I don't need reassurances, I believe he's an infuriating yet tolerable young man. What I need to know is if we can stop him if need be." Glynda shook her head.

"Have you been corresponding a lot with James as of late? I can't recall you ever being this paranoid." He stated good-naturedly.

A small smile formed on Glynda's face as she mentioned, "It'd be best he never met Alex, he's exactly the type of person James loathes."

Ozpin chuckled, "On that, we agree." He nodded.

His face, then hardened as he replied to her prior worry, "As for stopping him? I'll humor you, given what we know and have seen from him thus far. It'll take multiple teams of Professional Hunters to take him down. Though the entirety of Beacon's Staff should be more than enough."

She dryly replied, "Very reassuring."

Shaking her head, she presented the next topic after having covered the main issue, "Now, as for your outrageous act of personally training Mister Arc, I still fail to see any meaningful progre-"

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Well well well.

Finally, slowly but surely.

PLOT is about to happen.

Those aware of the actual RWBY plotline should be able to sniff the things that are about to come.

Tho there is like 2 road trips before that shi happens so calm yo horses.


Anyway, hope you've enjoyed it and it was up to snuff in quality.

Love ya and thanks for your patience.

Bu bye!

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P. A .T R 3 0 N to show some nice and kind support - This is purely support no benefits except early chapters (That I do not do yet properly lmao) which will eventually be available for everyone... like a twitch donation typa thing.

Here's the link:


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