
Rat Man II

Other Rat Man looked towards the screaming one and seeing the half eaten body they started screaming too.

"Trance" Sam used a spell and everyone fell silent.

"Now tell me what happened from the start" Sam said and then outermost rat man begin speaking.

"I was doing my work when I got a message of promotion and then when I reached there, they knocked me out and then we were taken to a laboratory where there were lots of human like animals and then last thing I remember someone binding me to what seemed like a operation table" Rat man stopped after saying and then one by one others spoke too.

"Those messages were different for each of them, a scholarship opportunity for an orphan student, free medical check up for a cancer patient and same with each message aiming at their needs" Sam said as everyone was watching the projection.

Dare Devil nodded and kept watching the projection ,he wants to know how those rat man died.

In the projection it was now seen Sam removing the trance spell.

Those rat man then begin vomiting while some started crying.

Sam looked at them and said " I can remove your memories, but can;t do anything about this transformation" 

The rat mans looked at Sama dn then one of them said " Kill us" 

"huh?" Sam tilted his head almost thinking he heard wrong.

"We know we have eaten that Human, we once saw it inside those labs while we were caged, the transformed people being fed the humans who didn't survive this mutation" 

"We promised each other that day, if such act were to be done by use, we will kill ourselves" 

"we aren't humans anymore, A Human don't eat other Human" They cried as they said those wors.

"I can remove those memories you know" Sam said after some time.

"it won't change the crime we have committed" An elderly looking one said and everyone added.

Sam sighed and said " I will make it painless" 

"Thank you" they thanked him and closed their eyes.

Divine embrace, gentle and pure,

Guide lost souls, forever secure.

To realms beyond, where spirits soar,

In her grace, dwell evermore.

"Divine Embrace," he chanted. It was a spell meant to kill poor undead painlessly, as if the goddess were forgiving their crimes, embracing them, and guiding them to the next life.

As Sam chanted, all the rat men closed their eyes. They felt as if they were returning to their mother's embrace, slowly falling into eternal slumber.

Dare Devil bowed as he watched the peaceful death of those poor humans. "I am sorry for doubting you," he said.

"It's okay," Sam replied. "That's why I always keep a camera with me. You never know when someone will use an excuse to punish you, especially those government jerks."

Dare Devil nodded and asked, "Can I have one too?" referring to the hidden camera.

Sam nodded, and then a light scanned Dare Devil's body.

"I will have my organization create a better suit for you," Sam said, and then they checked the rest of the containers.

They met with disappointment; each container was filled with transformed animals. One container, in particular, stood out: the transformed humans had killed each other, leaving only a single Dog man who was gnawing on the others' meat.

Dare Devil felt uncomfortable. He looked at the calm Sam and Elisa and asked, "It seems it's not the first time you guys have witnessed this monstrosity?"

Elisa nodded. "We have seen far worse."

Dare Devil smiled wryly. "I wonder now, even if I can save them on my own."

"Why do you think so?" Sam asked.

"I was helpless against that Dog man earlier, and it was clear he was just a failure. If I lost to such a failure, what are the chances of me winning against a perfectly transformed one?" Dare Devil said with a depressed tone.

"Our organization can give you strength," Elisa said, seeing the perfect moment.

Dare Devil nodded and said, "If your organization accepts a normal human like me, then allow me to join you."

Elisa smiled, and then a card materialized in front of her. It was the result of Dare Devil joining them, and the system awarding Max for choosing a good talent. he swiftly transferred the template card to Elisa and told her to pass it to him, along with the new Nanite Focus.

"Here," Elisa said, handing Dare Devil the card. It was metallic with the portrait of a man who seemed blind.

"What is this?" Dare Devil asked.

"Inheritance of past members of the organization. After their death, they leave their powers for future generations, and you have been chosen by him," Elisa explained, repeating what Max had said to her.

Dare Devil nodded and asked, "How do I use it?"

"Just crush it," Sam said, and Dare Devil nodded, crushing the card.

Dare Devil closed his eyes as a massive influx of information reached his brain. He felt his range of hearing increase, and he understood how to control gravity too.

"Admiral Fujitora," Dare Devil muttered, the name of the man whose inheritance he received.

Admiral Fujitora of One Piece world with powers of Master Swordsmanship, Gravity Devil Fruit and top line Observation haki, he once slashed his own eyes to prevent himself from seeing the suffering of World.

"So, what's my rank?" Dare Devil asked.

"Rank?" Elisa tilted her head.

"Rank, as in the Admiral rank of the person whose inheritance I just received," Dare Devil clarified.

"It was an old custom, long forgotten. We are all equal now, with each of us having a responsibility that suits our powers," Sam said. Dare Devil nodded.

"So, my responsibility is?" Dare Devil asked.

"This Hell's Kitchen Area. We were short on manpower for this place, and then we learned of you. One of my tasks was to recruit you, and another was to dismantle the Hand organization," Sam explained. Dare Devil nodded and said, "You can leave this place to me. As for the Hand, these are the locations I know," and he transferred the data on the Hand headquarters using the Focus.

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