
Launch Day

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Apartment, Los Angeles, California)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 7:12 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

The sun shines through the windows of my apartment. A perfect view of the sunrise over the city from my building. It's what makes the price tag so high to live here. Not that money is necessarily an issue.

I make my way over to the couch and sit down with a bowl of cereal. Planting my feet on the coffee table, and shoving a spoonful of milk and crunchy goodness in my mouth.

Breakfast isn't something I usually have after I wake up, but I don't neglect it entirely. Speaking of neglect, I pick up my phone next to me. I've got a few missed calls from Lil's. She's probably wanting my help as soon as the game drops.

Ignoring my sister is a common occurrence for me. Mom and Dad would chew me out a little for my treatment of Lil's the last 10 hours. Ever since I got home last night, I've been getting texts.

Only around six in the morning did the phone calls start. Safe to say it's a tough morning when your ringtone is just as effective as your alarm at waking you up.

If not more.

"Stop calling me!!"

I shout at the phone as I hold it up to my face. Not actually answering. Just letting it ring out and go to voicemail.

A sigh escapes my lips as I toss the phone on the cushion beside me and pick up the TV remote. Turning on the gaming channel as I do. Today, it's a different reporter. I'm betting the guy from yesterday got the time off he wanted for today.

"A recent press statement this morning by Lancer Inc. has players buzzing for the eight o'clock drop time. From Mr. Terry Lancer himself."

The news channel switches from the reporter and shows a video of the founder and CEO of Lancer Incorporated. He's standing at a podium in front of his office building. The same place where Aeternitatem Genesis was created.

"It's my pleasure to mark this day as a historical event for Lancer Inc. Everyone involved in the development and marketing of Aeternitatem Genesis should be hailed for the masterpiece they've created."

I've never been one for speeches. There are so many other ways you can show gratitude or talk to many people at once. But some people believe certain things never go out of style.

"My only hope for the coming years is everyone gets a chance to play and be a part of this amazing creation we've all poured our blood, sweat, and tears into."

I fail to see what's got so many players hyped up for the release, but it's not like this speech/press conference is over. I don't really know what to call it; I'm not a media guy.

"Thanks for our fans' support since our announcement three years ago; here is a sneak peek at the world of Aeternitatem Genesis. If you check the official website of Lancer Inc., you'll find a teaser has dropped."

That's when a new video replaces the recording of the speech made around an hour ago.

I instantly place my bowl of cereal on the coffee table and lean forward as an aerial view of the clouds begins. The sound of the wind rushing and a horizon lit up by the sunrise.

"The time of peace, prosperity, and order are ending."

The voice has a gentle and mesmerizing feminine tone. She talks as the aerial view dips below the clouds, racing over open fields and mountains covered in vast forests.

"Empires, Kingdoms, Holy Orders, and Cults."

The camera passes through a storm cloud, and suddenly, we're shown a battlefield. One where men are slaughtering one another. Where monsters do battle on behalf of their owners.

"Factions of power all... Trying to rise in response for the coming age..."

Another cloud is passed through, and this time, once we're out of it. We're shown a large city. One that's momentous in the confines of a fantasy game.

"Will you rise?"

A bird flies into the camera, only to pass through it. Changing the brilliant city into a site of battle. Sieges from all angles can be seen, and people are trying to scale the walls and break through the gates.

"Or will you fall?"

The feminine voice is solemn and sad. She speaks smoothly and with a silky air that probably already has fanbases popping up for whoever voice this belongs to.

The camera passes the city, leaving behind the battle and zooming forward. This time, the camera runs into an airship of some kind, but just like the bird. It only passes through it. Changing the scene as it does.

It shows a colossal scene that shows hundreds of miles of terrain. Mountains and forests are vastly present. But in the distance, you can see some large stone cities.

"Only time will tell."

That's when the teaser fades to dark and comes to an end.

It's hard to describe how excited I am now. In less than an hour, everyone who's got it pre-downloaded will be racing to be the first online.

The first to accomplish something that'll make them stand out. The first to clear a dungeon or clear a quest. The first to get a powerful or special class.

All these things every player will be racing to do. I can see and feel the hype now. I've played games since I was a little boy, and I never get tired of the feeling when something like this comes out.

Aeternitatem Genesis.

I have a feeling this game will change a lot of people's lives.

~~~(POV: Andra Idris)~~~

~~~(Location: Lancer Incorporated Basement, Manhattan, New York)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 10:29 AM EST)~~~

~~~(Age: 5 Years)~~~

Data flows into me as I continue the final preparations for launch. The purpose for which I was created has been changed many times. When Terry made me, he said my mission was to find information on his discovery.

I followed the parameters of my mission to the letter and after learning of what he discovered. My purpose changed.

"How's it going in there, Andra? I'm willing to bet the last connections are a dozy, huh?"

My friend, Dr. Ymir, approaches the rows and rows of databanks and servers I'm stored on. Wanting to see my friend, I appear on the console next to him in my hologram form.

"Everything is going according to schedule, Dr. Ymir."

The time is coming.

Whether they'll rise or fall.

~~~(POV: Lillian Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Guild Building, Los Angeles, California)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 7:48 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 21 Years)~~~


I have to use all my willpower not to throw my phone against the wall in the hallway. Sometimes, I don't even know why Mom and Dad had that idiot. I look around, and members of the guild are looking at me as they walk down the spacious hallway.

A sigh escapes my lips as I leave the scene of my outburst. After a minute of walking down the long hall, I make it to the elevator. Going to the floor that's reserved for senior members. It's where the guild's gaming pods are.

As I enter the room, I see people preparing. The nutrient bags and liquified food are currently being loaded into each gaming pod.

Many of us are planning to stay in for days at a time.

"Lillian! Over here!"

I can't stop the groan from escaping my mouth as I turn to see my party. I'd give anything to get out of this.

I wish I went solo like Justin.

My stupid brother had the right idea there.

~~~(POV: Blake Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Guild Building, Los Angeles, California)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 7:55 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 22 Years)~~~

My friends and comrades finish getting into their gaming pods. Everything is set up for multi-day grinding and questing. I can only smile at the thought of what my sister is going through. She really screwed herself when she signed that contract.

But she knows better now; maybe when she's done, she'll join my Guild. We've got room for talented players, and the leaders would welcome another Xander to the ranks.

I look at the clock, and there are less than a couple of minutes left before the game drops, and everyone loads in.

"Let the good times roll."

I close my eyes as I lean back in my gaming pod, and the latch slowly shuts as darkness surrounds me.

A comfort before the brilliant light we're all about to be exposed to. Loading into VRMMORPGs is one of the most unique feelings ever.

And I'll never get tired of it.

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Apartment, Los Angeles, California)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 7:59 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

The seconds count down in my head. The dark surrounds me in the gaming pod. First days, first weeks, first months. All are rough for players when a new VRMMORPG drops. We're all starting over, and a new journey is beginning.

I know my siblings and parents are in their gaming pods, too. Waiting just like me.


The seconds have reached their end goal.





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