
chapter 15

Chapter 15

Augustus was about to argue again but Cassius stopped him immediately.

"Your brother has decided to enrol in the academy. That's all, you both are dismissed. Augustus will tell you more about what to expect." Cassius said to Kael.

Kael gave him a nod and exited the room with Augustus hot on his heels.


Kael pretended not to hear Augustus. He did not want to be in the same place as him especially after the debacle of him strangling Augustus. It was funny how Cassius seemed to have moved on from that. Even Augustus pretended to have moved on. Yes, Kael felt Augustus was pretending to have moved on from the fact that he almost killed him, especially since August was not the forgiving type.

"Kael," Augustus called out again.

He moved forward and tried to hold Kael's hand but Kael immediately retrieved his hand. He was disgusted with Augustus. He wanted nothing to do with him but he knew it was not time yet. He had to remain calm. He had to reign in his emotions. He could not do things so openly like that. And besides, no one knew yet what Augustus was like.

"What is it?" Kael asked his brother.

Augustus looked taken aback. Kael couldn't blame him. He had never used this tone on Augustus before but he was fed up at the moment. He thought maybe after two days he would be able to control his emotions or feelings when it came to Augustus but he was finding out that was not the case.

"I just want to talk," Augustus said to him.

"What is it you want to talk about?" Kael asked him.

"Firstly, I want you to know I'm not annoyed with you for what happened in the garden. You explained that it was a dream or something and you were feeling disoriented."

Kael tried once again to refrain from rolling his eyes. How was it that he had not seen how trashy his brother was a human? Had he been that blind or did he need companionship and acceptance so much that he turned a blind eye to numerous things? Why did Augustus have to bring up the incident at the garden if he claimed he was no longer annoyed or rather, he was never annoyed with Kael? Why did he bring it up?

"Yes, I'm sorry for that," Kael said, trying to keep up with his brother.

In his past life, they had never had this conversation because Kael had been adamant on not going to the academy and also, he had not attempted to kill Augustus by strangling him.

"I know," Augustus told him with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. "I hope you know what you are doing regarding this academy. It's not too late to back off, you know."

Kael chuckled. He knew that Augustus would try to convince him not to attend the academy but the first part of growing up takes place in the academy.

"I know but I've made up my mind. I really want to know more about my core and why it's like that. I wish to know why it's different from other people's own." Kael told his brother.

"I can help you.."

"I know that bit I need to do this by myself. Now, if that's all, I'll excuse myself because I need to prepare for the academy." Kael said to Augustus.

"I can't convince you to stop this madness?" Augustus asked him.

"It's not madness, brother. This is my decision and I am okay. It's a conscious decision." Kael told him.

Kael watched as Augustus gave him a nod. He pondered on it for some minutes and after finding out there was nothing he could do to convince Kael to give up, he decided to go with the flow.

"Alright. I'll send you the information required to prepare for the enrollment." Augustus told him.

"I'll appreciate that." Kael said with a smile.

Augustus gave him a pat on the back and went the other way while Kael moved to his room. He had just closed the door when George popped out of nowhere.

"I could act better than you." George said to him.

Kael frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That going you did with your brother where you pretended to actually like him or take his suggestions, yeah, I could see through you. You almost bashed his head into the wall when he gave you a pat on your shoulders." George told him.

Kael chuckled. "where were you when I was at the training grounds?"

George had first been around when Kael had met with Hebron but when he started his laps around the training grounds, George disappeared. Kael had also not seen him when he was talking with Augustus and Cassius but it seemed George had been nearby.

"You really think I was going to watch you run around the training grounds like a lost kid?" George asked him.

"I was training. I had to improve my stamina."

"What magician even cares about stamina?"

"For someone who claims to be knowledgeable you are doing a really bad job at convincing me. Magicians need stamina and you know it." Kael said to him.

Sometimes a magician could still have more magic left in him or her but the body may not be suitable to use that magic because it's weak. It's one thing to have great magic, it's another thing for your body to be compatible with it or rather making your body compatible with it.

"The greatest magicians could care less about stamina." George said to him.

"And I am not a great magician, yet. I don't even know any spells yet." Kael said to George.

Kael was lying. He knew spells already but he had not tried them out. Especially since his body was too weak to even use some of the spells he knew.

"What if I taught you some spells? At least spells for a beginner. It will help you more than the classes you are to attend for the first two months before you are sent off to die or survive and continue with the academy." George said to him.