

(Disturbing content ahead, discretion is advised)

Long throngs of the wintery months and Doran's incapability to handle his business turned him even colder. Even a loan from the bank couldn't keep his company afloat and the only prospect left was a merger deal as Zyair had offered him.

So after struggling for ten more months he finally signed the deal with him. Now he was sitting in a private room of a bar. Drinking away the loss of his freedom to make open choices related to his company.

Zyair will have a say in his company affairs since the deal ended with Kincaid International buying 60 per cent of their shares.

Unwantedly and unfortunately for Doran, Zyair Kincaid was his boss now. Fortunately enough Zyair was letting him keep the company name and its individuality.

Doran slowly sipped his martini. The pretty redhead in his lap had the same hair as his wife. She was slowly loosening his tie and opening his shirt buttons when he caught her hand and gave her a hard look.

"Stop. Go stand over there," he ordered, pushing her off his lap. She was quick to obey, there was no defiance for she had been paid to do exactly as he said.

Once she was standing in front of him, Doran tilted his head back and emptied his glass. Sliding it along the glass table he shifted his hollow eyes on the girl.

She was standing, biting her lower lip and waiting for his next command.

"Strip," only one word, dominating and clear. The girl smiled and began to take off her flashy knee-length dress. He blankly watched her as she devoid herself of the last of her clothes and stood bare before him just in heels.

He jerked his loosened tie open and threw it towards her. She fumbled but was able to catch it.

"Wear it around your neck," he tilted his head at her, watching her do what he had asked.

"Yes! Sir,"

She tied it around her neck and made a knot, adjusting it. The long red tie rested in the valley between her mounds as she lifted her head to stare at him for further instructions.

"Tighten the knot and choke yourself," he spoke so calmly. There was no shard of empathy on his stony face. His eyes were dead as they scanned her.

"Sir?" the girl halted, her voice shook slightly. She knew customers had choking fetishes but that was always handled with paperwork and no one had ever asked her to choke herself. She didn't know that Doran had already paid for her silence. It was the thrill of keeping her oblivious that he wanted to revel in.

"Are you deaf?" his voice sharp but controlled.

"No…but," the hesitation in her voice was evident.

Doran left his seat and pranced towards her like a panther. Reaching her, he mercilessly grabbed her hair and jerked her backwards.

A small scream left the girl as her scalp panged with pain from the force he had used. Her hands moved to release some of the pressure from her hair. But his iron-clad grip was too strong for the poor girl.

"Listen here you bitch and listen carefully. When I say you choke yourself, you choke yourself."

Before she could recover from his atrocious action. He pulled the tie's tail, tightening the knot. Her hands flew from her head to her throat. Her eyes popped out as she struggled for breath. Panic taking over all of her senses.

Doran slowly brushed away a stray lock of her hair and whispered, tightening the tie even more.

"You know there is this moment when the eyes roll at the back of the head and every cell in your body craves oxygen. That's the point I call sublime," he kissed her hair as her eyes rolled back.

"Good girl."

He instantly loosened the noose a bit. The girl bent over and gasped for breath. Her body convulsed, hungering for oxygen and he pushed her down on her hands and knees.

"Sir, please!" the terrified girl begged, tears streaking down her face. She didn't know that she was begging the wrong person.

"Shhh! We are just getting started here. Asphyxiation will be your best friend tonight and I will show you how to enjoy it. Relax now," the girl tried to wriggle out of his hold but the knot around her throat was tightened yet again.

This indeed was going to be a long night for her.


Skyla had groomed her skills in the past eight years. Taking the advice of her best friend she had turned her passion and love into useful craft.

She had begun to create her characters and was working on her very first comic. Skyla had applied for a contract with WebNovel as her comic was about half finished. She had been working on it for more than a year now.

Her work had halted for about two months when Doran took away her phone and injured her. It took her quite a while to find the motivation to start working on her comic again. But now she was more than determined to get it published and share the beautiful story she had created with the world.

Her phone pinged and she picked it up to check the notification. It was from WebNovel.

She quickly opened the mail. Her application for the contract had been approved and the WebNovel team wanted to collaborate with her. They liked the sample chapters she had sent and were ready to give her a chance to use their platform to fulfil her dreams.

Skyla jumped up from her seat in excitement and started doing a happy dance. She hadn't been this happy in a long time.

"Yes!" she pumped the air as her fiery hair bounced up and down as she shouted.

"Finally! My characters are ready to face the world."

Skyla decided to work even harder as she opened the Discord app to share the news with many other authors she had become fast friends with.

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