
A New Dawn I

After saving the world, you'd expect to be received like a hero, with champagne splashing everywhere and cheers of clamour; that was not my case. I was confined to a gigantic royal room. Sitting in front of me was a blonde woman wearing a beautiful hakama and periodically taking notes.

Many slugs slithered along my body in several places, checking me up. 

"Tsunade… how many times? I am okay!"


The woman said nothing, ignored me throughly or she thought that's what she conveyed but I could feel her annoyed gaze settle on me a couple of times as if urging me to silence, still… she didn't dare hush. Tsunade kept taking notes, looking at me every so often. It has been like this for two days now. She'd allow people in and let the girls bring breakfast lunch and dinner… but this room clad in a barrier had become my prison, I wasn't even allowed to partake in my usual 'activities'. 

"Tsunade..." I frowned. This mere gesture made her flinch and focus on me. I wanted to go out; I could do so forcefully, but I didn't want to anger her.

"How many times? You have stolen my words, Ray. I already told you: you're staying like this until she wakes up..." She pointed at me with her pen and then switched her target towards Ophis, who was still sleeping beside me.

Ah yes, her... this dragoness wouldn't wake up no matter how often I rubbed her nose or slept on top of her due to my bad sleeping habits, she was out. It seems our transformation drained her more than me. 

"It has been a week since you and Ophis 'fused' and you're still releasing abnormal signs of sun energy unconsciously, even just now with a mere frown I felt the atmosphere flaring up. You have an unimaginable amount of strength within you right now that you can't control properly. That wouldn't be a problem on its own, it means you became stronger... the problem is that you're also absorbing the energy around you, including mine. That's not a normal phenomenon and I won't allow you out until I get to the bottom of it". 

She wasn't going to budge but neither was I.

"The girls are returning to Japan tonight, before that there is also an imperial banquet... you can't expect me to miss that".

"..." Tsunade huffed as if considering it, given our position and goals that was certainly not something I could miss.

"By the way, we haven't talked about something imperious..." I touched on another topic that was way more important to me no matter how much she tried to slide the topic off. 

"Talk about what?"

"The child... you said you're pregnant, our kid" My voice softened unconsciously, for moments I felt above the sky... I defeated a humongous enemy that gave me a lot of chaos points and on top of that, the girl I love is pregnant with my child. 

However, Tsunade's attitude peeved me. 

"And?" She said that so casually. Now she's just trying to be mean deliberately.

"... That means we're going to be Mom and Dad" I insisted.

"Ray, where are you trying to get?" She tilted her head and I lost it. 

"That we're going to be a mom and dad dammit, that's where I'm trying to get! why are you so casual about it, aren't you happy?" Her indifference decayed me, was I the only one thrilled to be a father?

Tsunade put aside her note and stared at me with her arms crossed as if contemplating my distress with a tint of amusement.

"I am already an old woman, Ray... I told you when I got together with you, that I expected to have kids, didn't I?"

"But still..."

"Well, we have been separated for months, I already processed it. Isn't it you who is too exalted? You told me you were very fertile, we also are a very sexually active couple. Before leaving on our trip you used to do it with Azrael and me at least five times a day. Didn't you expect us to be pregnant?"


"So why are you so surprised, even Azrael is–"

"A-Azrael too?"

"Of course".

"... then why do you look so nonchalant, are you not happy?" I said, a bit dejected.

Tsunade pouted and looked back down on her notebook. 

"I would be so excited and exhilarated if in nine months I would be giving birth to a cute daughter or son, if that was the case, I wouldn't contain my feelings and I would jump you and ravage you right now".

"Okay..." I flinched inadvertently, she's done that before, pretty wild. 

"But that's not the case, Ray. So even though I am feeling happy, I feel more distressed that this matter is not within regular parameters of medicine, in other words," this time she pointed her finger at me, "This is all your fault, fucking brat... because you're a god, a humanoid star or whatever".


"I will put it in simple words... sit tight because I still can't completely understand it myself"


Tsunade explained to me that what she called the 'incubation process' was different from what it should be for humans. The 'child' growing within her was an actual sun that needed to be nurtured by both me and her, more me than her... for it to grow and eventually 'hatch' or at least, that was her hypothesis. 

"This is complex..." I said.

"There is a chance... although small, that this 'child' won't be a sentient being, this worries me" Finally she showcased an emotion as she rubbed her belly. 

"..." I pulled her to sit with me on my lap. She pouted and looked away, still rubbing her belly. 

"Why are you upset with hubby?"

"Don't treat me like a child..."

"Why are you upset with hubby, Tsuna".


"I wanted to say, once you accomplish your objective and Elysir and Reina-san are back... I want you to ask her about this, Ray" The gorgeous blonde evaded my gaze but didn't escape my grasp, she was really upset about something and she wouldn't say. 

I know what she's upset about. It is unfounded but I can't blame her for having those feelings.

"I finished your regular check-up. You're in better shape now so I will allow you to leave this room and thread the castle but bear in mind... your power is irradiating so much that armatista is starting to grow in people's houses across the city, this is serious. It may have been a blessing but we still don't know what influence your power has on mortal bodies in the long run, it may be akin to the phenomenon of your world called 'radiation', it could be mortal. Until your energy levels settle down, you must remain in this barrier"

"I will do whatever you say, sweetheart, please don't go..." I held her in place before she thought about escaping my grasp.

"I have missed you so much, I love you..." I sugarcoated my words in search of forgiveness... even when I know I didn't do anything wrong, I have played this game too long to not know what to do. 

"You love me?" She glared at me. 

"O-Of course darling–" I flinched not by doubt but by her glare. 

"If you love me then stop trying to get killed, you idiot!" Tsunade exploded, the core of the issue like a crack that spread until the glass was unsolvable. 


She stood up with her finger pointing at me, the finger of blame.

"You told me you wouldn't die. I saw that pillar from ACROSS THE CONTINENT. I rushed here and you had disappeared and you didn't come back for weeks, not even Katsuyu could contact you… HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT!?" She screamed and ranted at me, all while holding that collar with quivering hands.

"I'm sorry–"

"Why are you apologising!?"


"You did nothing wrong so why are you apologising?!"

I was out of words. Woman, what do you even want me to say? is there a good outcome for me in this argument? I raised my hands in surrender and her body started floating towards me.

"I don't know what you want to hear, I tried my best and killed the bastard" I laughed wrily, there is no good outcome so might as well go all in. 

"Idiot, you're a big powerful fool! I don't want to hear anything, I was just worried!" She jumped on me and kissed me so hard and so relieved. I hugged back feeling the warmth, comfort and care.

I did promise her I wouldn't be in danger, and that's exactly what I first did. No one is at fault, but I love her so I'll just obediently take the scolding. 

After we were done, I took the collar out of her neck and put it on me, shocking her.

"Now, this is your treasure… I know I gave it back before but since you care so much about me, I will wear it. It is so important to you, so if I don't want to lose it, I have to take care of myself, right?".

Tsunade held her heart, smiling and nodding.

"That reassures me," She rubbed her forehead against mine so cutely, you can be as angry as you want, but this is what happens when you touch me.

"I hate you… I'm so old already, why does a brat like you make me feel like this".

"What do you mean old?" I cupped her right boob through the hakama and bra.

"Hmm~" Tsunade struggled free, but she was already too much in my embrace to escape, where do you think you're going, little lamb?

"This doesn't feel old to me, more like ripe fruit".

"S-Stop it Hmn~ the maids will bring breakfast–".

I waved my hand and locked the door.

"You said I can return to my normal activities? Just perfect!~" With swift movements I lowered her bra and popped up one of her delicious breasts, with the other I twisted her head and devoured her lips.

All is according to plan. Do you even know how backed up I am?

"No!" A flustered Tsunade broke free from my grasp and lips, I was shocked; she could escape from me?!

Seeing my surprise she smirked, "What is it, surprised?"

"Actually..." I didn't think it was possible, so far no one has been able to escape me once they experienced me. 

"I already know how to deal with you, don't think you can do to me what you do with those innocent little girls" She huffed, fixing up her dress. All that talk but I could see her nipples were as hard as a rock. 

"Wanna put those words to the test?"


"No, I don't. As you said Rias, Akeno and Anna-chan are returning to Japan tonight, you should spend some time with them before the banquet. There are enough people in this castle that want to have a word with you. Now is not the time... so go and play with your little girls or something, while Azrael and I deal with some matters, we will see each other in the banquet".

Before she could cross that door, she heard my eerie words.

"You're being so cold to hubby... you know hubby will get back at you, right?"

"Do your worst, brat~"

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