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It has come to my attention that I made a mistake with the Levitation Charm, as it does not reduce the gravity on an object but levitates them, as its name suggests. Therefore, the reverse variation should not make things heavier. I will fix that mistake in this chapter, and the reverse will plunge objects downward instead of creating a gravitational force. I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and I may not say this enough, but I appreciate the support. Love you guys.


Harry took a deep breath and focused on the troll's large, bulbous nose. "Stupefy!" he shouted, directing the spell at the troll. The stunning spell hit its mark, but the troll merely stumbled, shaking its head in confusion.

"Not quite the knockout I was hoping for," Harry muttered, dodging a swipe from the troll's club. He glanced at Hermione, who was peeking out from her hiding spot, her face etched with fear.

"Why not try a stunning spell? And do aim for the nose. It's rather hard to miss, but be warned, spells are useless against trolls since their hides are protective." Nigel's snickers chimed in Harry's mind.

"You could have started with that," Harry said, as he tried to draw the troll away from Hermione.

"Where is the fun in that, Master Harry?" Nigel responded.

"Harry, be careful!" Hermione yelled, her voice laced with concern.

Harry grinned despite the danger. "Don't worry, Ms. Granger. I've got it under control," he said, though his confidence was more for her benefit than his own.

Harry then thought of something. As the troll's club was raised overhead, poised to strike, Harry focused intently and cast the Levitation spell. The heavy wooden club lifted gracefully from the troll's grasp, hovering in mid-air. The troll, confused, swung its empty hand through the air, not realizing its weapon was no longer in its grip.

With the club now under his control, he maneuvered it directly above the troll's head, holding it in place for a moment. With a flick of his wand, he released the charm. Harry then applied his reverse variation of the Levitation Spell. The club, previously floating, suddenly became a downward force, its dropping power increasing exponentially. And the club plunged down with a thunderous force onto the troll's head.

The impact was immediate and effective. The troll swayed, dazed by the unexpected blow, then collapsed to the ground with a ground-shaking thud, unconscious.

Hermione emerged from her hiding spot, her eyes wide with astonishment. "Harry, that was incredible!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of relief and admiration.

Harry, breathing heavily from the exertion, managed a grin. "Thanks, Hermione. Just a bit of quick thinking."

As they stood there, catching their breath, Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind. "Bravo, Master Harry! A stunning display of ingenuity and, if I may say, a rather smashing performance!"

Harry then turned to see Neville running towards their direction. Panting and looking quite disheveled, Neville exclaimed, "Harry, I thought Hermione was in danger. She didn't know about the troll, and it took me ages to find the right bathroom. I'm relieved you're here too."

Harry patted Neville's shoulder reassuringly. "Neville, what you did was incredibly brave. You didn't know I would be here, and yet you came alone to help Hermione. That's true courage."

Neville, his cheeks slightly reddening with pride, smiled, while Hermione looked at both of them with gratitude shining in her eyes. They were about to engage in further conversation when they were interrupted by the arrival of Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell.

Professor Quirrell, upon seeing the unconscious troll, let out a faint whimper and promptly sat down on the ground, clutching his heart. Harry observed Professor McGonagall, who was visibly fuming with anger.

As Snape bent down to inspect the troll, McGonagall turned her fiery gaze upon the trio. "What were you thinking?" she demanded, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and concern. "Why aren't you in your dormitories?"

Before Harry or Neville could respond, Hermione stepped forward, her voice steady despite the chaos. "Please, Professor," she implored, "they were looking for me. I had read about mountain trolls and thought I could handle it on my own. If Harry and Neville hadn't found me when they did, I... I might not have made it."

Professor McGonagall's stern expression softened slightly, although the worry in her eyes remained. "Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own?"

Harry was about to interject, to tell the truth about why Hermione was there, but he hesitated. Revealing Hermione's lie would only complicate things further. With a sigh, he remained silent, letting the situation play out.

McGonagall continued, her voice firm but tinged with relief. "Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this reckless act. I'm very disappointed in you."

Turning to Harry and Neville, she added, "You two were lucky, but I must admit, not many first-years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll."

Neville, visibly torn between honesty and the situation's complexity, clenched his fist, accepting the praise with a troubled expression. The internal conflict was evident in his eyes, struggling with the idea of taking credit for something he didn't do, but understanding the need to preserve Hermione's hastily crafted story.

Professor McGonagall, seemingly satisfied with the resolution, concluded, "Ten points to each of you for your bravery. Now, get to your respective dormitories. The feast will continue in the common rooms." Her voice carried the weight of authority, leaving no room for further discussion.

Harry bid goodnight to the professors, Neville, and Hermione, his mind already racing with the night's events. As he turned towards the Slytherin common room, he could feel the adrenaline slowly subsiding, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and relief. 'The plan was successful, for now at least.'

Upon entering the Slytherin common room, Harry was immediately greeted by Daphne and Tracey's curious and concerned faces. "Where were you?" Tracey asked, her eyes searching his for answers.

Harry, maintaining his composure, replied with a half-truth, "Had to use the bathroom. You know, the excitement of the feast and all."

Daphne raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing. "That's quite the timing, considering the troll incident."

Harry nodded, playing along with the cover story. "Yeah, it is quite a surprise. It was a commotion, wasn't it?"

Tracey, not entirely convinced, but deciding not to press further, changed the subject. "Well, you did excellent in the grand finale of your pumpkin head prank. It was hilarious!"

Harry chuckled, "You know what they say, don't play with fire unless you want to get burned. I'm sure Fred and George won't forget this Halloween anytime soon."

In the middle of the night, Harry quietly left the Slytherin common room and made his way to one of Hogwarts' empty classrooms. Locking the door, he perched himself on the professor's desk, his mind beginning to unravel the evening's peculiar events. "Quirrell said the troll was in the dungeon," Harry mused aloud, his voice barely above a whisper in the stillness of the room. "When I went to find Hermione, I didn't expect to encounter a troll at all, especially not one so far from the dungeons."

Nigel's voice emerged, laced with a mimicry of Quirrell's stutter, "Are you suspecting the go-go-good old Professor Qu-Qu-Quirrell was tricking the staff?" Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes at Nigel's imitation.

"It seems improbable that a troll could just wander from the dungeons to another part of the castle," Harry reasoned, his thoughts clear despite the late hour. "The staircases are constantly shifting, and I highly doubt Hogwarts is equipped with a Troll-friendly navigation system."

Nigel hummed in agreement, his tone suggesting a mix of intrigue and skepticism. "That does sound suspicious, indeed."

Harry nodded, his mind working overtime. "Also, why did Professor Dumbledore send Slytherins back to their dormitory if the troll was supposedly in the dungeons? We could have easily run into it. Either he knew the troll wasn't there, or he's being recklessly indifferent."

Nigel chimed in, "The prudent response would have been to keep all students in the Great Hall under protection. Your observation is astute, Master Harry."


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