In the boundless Land of Chaotic Imperishable, a circle of pure white light shone, like a firefly appearing in an endless, dim wasteland.
The imprint of the Jade Person seemed to purify everything, even the Imperishable Qi dispersed under its influence, as if it were being assimilated into the imprint itself.
Facing this strike, Xu Yan was not at all panicked; he continued at the same speed and slashed with his sword at the healing gap in the circle of light, enlarging the breach with a rip.
At the same time, with a wave of his hand, the Golden Dragon roared, and in an instant, eighteen Golden Giant Dragons burst forth. Three Golden Dragons met the imprint head-on, while the rest attacked the eight Jade Persons.
The intense collision reverberated across the Imperishable Land, and the violent Spiritual Energy swept out like a storm in all directions. Xu Yan's figure had already escaped from the encircling light.