
Chapter 516 The Secret of the Origin 25_1

Feng Jinghan squeezed her hand gently, nodding, "I'm just going to verify something with this person. I'll be back soon. You didn't rest well today. Stay home, take a nap, and I'll be back by the time you wake up."

Ouyang Hui felt an inexplicable flutter in her heart. If Feng Jinghan found Lin Xiaozhu, perhaps their marital bond would end forever.

She held him tightly, taking a deep breath, "Be careful."


Feng Jinghan did not rest, he had no desire to sleep right now. All he wanted was to quickly find Lin Xiaozhu.

He grabbed the address that Tianyou had found, got in the car, and followed the direct navigation to his destination.

Tianyou had found a pawnshop broker named Uncle Zhang, who had worked in the pawnshop industry all his life.

Now seventy years old, he had handled many items throughout his career.

Feng Jinghan believed that if he showed him the jade pendant, he'd surely remember it.

After retiring, Uncle Zhang had been living in the suburbs.

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