
Chapter 25 : Thunder Remains Atop

"You still haven't told me everything, have you Karoi?" asked Elara, sitting opposite of him on the chair of the table inside an inn, going to drink what was poured into her cup 

"No, I haven't. Out of the sole reason that whatever I say regarding specific subjects will be reported to Zeus undoubtedly."

"You're correct, though there are things that I won't say, for a price of course."

"Well then..." Karoi was silent for a moment "I shan't say anything but I will tell you that the situation is interesting..."

"Do you really intend to keep me in the dark this much?"

"Well as you know, humans age at the pace of 1x and eventually die, demi-gods age 2x faster than humans and can live up for thousands of years whereas gods age and accelerate 3x faster than humans and can live forever." he said "So do you suspect that Zeus will ever leave the throne room and kill himself?"

She was slightly confused on why the sudden question with what he said about their aging process but ignored it and went on to focus on the question.

 "If you had nearly 20k powerful soldiers at your disposal, would you?" she answered in a question.

"I see."


Satoru arrived with the bifrost to the Dune nation and it's center village, which seemed to have the sandstone floor repaired but some buildings missing.

He walked into the village and looked around, seeing just how clueless the civilians there were as they were going on with their everyday lives.

Moments later, he found an abandoned building which didn't have much windows and entered inside. There, he used his axe and threw it at the floor, creating a hole through which he could go to so that he holds the element of surprise.

Satoru dropped down into the hole and looked around, seeing the sand scattered, destroyed and cracked walls as well as pools of dried blood on the ground.

Observing the walls more carefully, a barely visual seal was placed there, one that contains everything inside similar like a box.

"This is what Karoi mentioned about detaching Anubis from Zeus."

Activating Storm Cloak, the flickers of thunder surrounded him and formed as his aura again as he swiftly coursed through the lair of Anubis, seeing nothing but piles of sand and walls, purposefully leaving his 'throne' room as last.

"Damn pest! Have you come back to die!" yelled out the echo of Anubis, undeterminable from which direction it's coming from "Trying to isolate me from getting healed... It doesn't matter! I'll still kill you!"

Satoru looked around, still not seeing him and spoke up : "So then out and fight bitch."

Not a moment passing, spikes of sand were fired at the white haired boy who reacted by pulling out his tanto blade and slicing them down.

"Afraid to come out?" Satoru asked, still having him nowhere in sight and cutting down the spikes

Quickly, from a sand pile, began arising a figure, Anubis to be specific.

Continuously slicing the projectiles coming towards him, he began dodging them whilst making his way from where the one he's ought to eliminate was.

From all over the room, during his rush to the god, the white haired boy was faced with not only sand spikes but sand waves and arising sandstorms. 

It seemed almost as if Anubis had planned this out, like he suspected.. Like he knew that Satoru would return to face him once again.

"Got you!" he yelled out to him, slowly forming a grin on his jackal headed face

Satoru performed 2 signs with both of his hands and the sand that was coming at him dropped onto the floor, like how a sandcastle is met with water on a beach...


The moment he appeared from behind Anubis, Satoru impaled him through the back with his tanto blade, which pierced all the way through him hitting a small part of his heart, and kicked the back of his knee, causing him to collapse

While falling down, his palm met with Satoru's face as he conjured and fired a sand spike out of it.

Appearing to be easily, Satoru moved his head back out of instinct and sliced his hand off with his tanto and stabbing it in fallen Anubis' shoulder as his eyes slowly began to close themselves.

"Y-You think that Z...Zeus is gonna let this go easily? He'll k..know. The mental god HQ will a-all kn-know..."

"So then let them. I don't give a shit." 

"Ghhh.. A-All o-off y...you are same... All of you Volt-"

Before he could finish the word, Anubis had died.

"Luckily he wasn't at full power, he'd definitely put up a much longer and closer fight..."

"No point in thinking about it now. What's done is done. Now time to gather the blood and energy of the hollow beast inside him."

Taking a smaller jar from the ground after looking around down in Anubis' lair, he flipped his body over and from his back gathered all the energy into the jar.

Going to leave, he remembered what happens when a God's place isn't taken but Satoru decided to leave, expecting Zeus to find him and take his energy or something but....

A sandstorm began to already form outside and tore the ceiling back up so that everything was visible and for some reason....

"Satoru what did you do?!" yelled Nova at him, seeing Anubis lying there.

The sandstorm began to completely destroy the village above and headed towards Satoru and Nova

It seems that it instantly launched after it was declined and because it was a hollow beast meatsuit...

He jumped up and began running away from the sandstorm, with Nova running as well. Satoru was quick to use the bifrost and teleport back to Ember where he quickly found Karoi and went to speak to him.

"It's done." he said, handing him the jar containing the energy of the 1 tail hollow beast's energy and the beast itself, somehow...

"Good. Want to move onto the next one right now, seeing as how quickly you handled Anubis?"

"Yes." Satoru replied instantaneously "Nova was there.. He saw Anubis' body and he saw me... But I'm ready so who is next?"

Karoi was hesitant, really hesitant when it came to answering that question... Not because of the mention of Nova but because of who is next on the list.

"Varuna, she the Goddess of Insects of the Greek pantheon and holder of the 6 tail hollow beast. She resides in the outskirts of Nimbu nation's Sighzen Village. Or should be at least" 

"I see... But what of the Nova situation?" Satoru asked the sensei

He gave it a thought before answering "After this one, I'll give you a piece of information and you'll 'vanish' for a while. Any other targets you'll have will be all yours and if anything is destroyed, it'll most likely fall into the category of war-destroyed unless the conflict with the demon eyed clan is stopped."

"Alright. Any particular information I need to know about Varuna?"

"She can telepathically manipulate insects so beware of that and if you do find her, she'll most likely be in a large hive of sorts, acting as the queen. Apart from that, if she's learnt how to, she'll be able to control her hollow's abilities like Anubis with sand. On the off chance that she did learn it, it'll mostly be water type of attacks." Karoi informed him

"Okay, I understand."

The sensei gave him a nod as they greeted each other once more and parted ways. What Satoru didn't realize was that Karoi was observing him as he was leaving, with something more in his thoughts, undoubtedly.

Before fully leaving, Satoru quickly scoured the village and located the one who he was quickly searching for.

"Aza, just wanted to let you know that I'll be away for a while."

"Oh... I was hoping we'd train more together now that you're fully recovered..." she said with a glimmer of disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, sorry.. Train with someone else while I'm gone?"

"Mhm.. I'll try but I really got to get going, there's reported demon eye wielders around Laran Village so I'll see you?"

"Of course." Satoru said, with Aza turning around and leaving towards Ignatius' building where the rest of her team and multiple others were.

Deciding to go quickly before Nova returns, Satoru was hesitant because he'd be fighting someone 'allegedly' more powerful than Anubis so he went to search for Elara quickly but was unable to find her, having to resort to the local Brewery shop.

"Excuse me sir, how much are empowerment potions?" the white haired boy asked the clerk and owner of the store

"Well... 500 gold is a 15% boost potion with the lasting effects of 10 minutes" responded the balding store clerk cheerfully

"So fucking expensive... I've got like 347..." Satoru thought to himself.

"Oh look over there behind you!" said the boy to the clerk, who turned around saying : "Huh? What!?"

Taking this opportunity, Satoru swiped the potion from the counter and vanished from the shop before he could turn around.

"Son of a bitch... He played me..." said the now very disappointed in himself clerk as he looked down.

He put the potion vial in his pants pocket and thought that he should've swiped something stronger like a 30% but doubtful that the clerk would even bring it out... 

Quickly heading outside of the village, he initiated the bifrost and left.

With that being said... Satoru has officially left to battle the Goddess of Insects, Varuna.

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