
Morning after

Waking up early, Denki slowly rose from his bed, still tired from yesterdays events. He had overdone it in the end, pushing his body past its natural limitations.

Denki managed to gain psuedo superhuman strength and speed normally through the subtle enhancements he has made running an elctrical charge through his body since an early age.

It stimulated muscle growth beyond normal levels when combined with the harsh training the old man gives him.

But he can temporarily boost that by using his quirk to turn off the limiters our brains naturally put on us, gaining a momentary add on to his capabilities. the more he turns them off, the greater the boost.

The trade off though is that if he over does it, he can end up tearing his muscles and even breaking his bones as the stress on his body becomes too much.

In his excitement at facing off against the 0 pointer, Denki had dimmed the limiter further, which was what allowed him to perform such ridiculous feats of speed when combined with his subtle use of electromagnetism on his steel lined trainers.

Sighing heavily to himself, Denki shuffled his way out of his bed, lethargically going through the steps of his morning routine before donning a black loose fitting top and and a pair of training shorts.

He knew that if he missed his morning 10k the old man would kill him, 'no excuses, I don't care if your dead you still finish it.' He could already hear him say, while making him run double that as punishment.

Ever since he was six, he'd been living with his Grandpa. His parents weren't around any more so it was down to the old fart to look after him.

The problem was, his grandpa wasn't the nurturing type, having lived his life as a hero during a darker time, he had grown hard and sharp.

Denki hadn't minded though, he had changed too. Gone was the goofy, carefree kid who would laze around all day and run from any conflict he faced.

Instead there was a burning resolve, to become strong, to become the hero he had needed.

The old man must have seen it too, as without a single word he had started training Denki. Strict and brutal he may have been but the results spoke for themselves.

A successful hero career had left his grandpa wealthy, combined with his business acumin, meaning Denki had everything he needed to train.

State of the art equipment and teachers were provided which he ran to with open arms. His grandpa maintained a belief that hero is only as strong as his weakest attribute, so Denki was trained in hand-to-hand, weaponry ranging from medieval to modern day, and more.

He had also been enrolled in the best schools, with the best tutors pushing his young mind to the limit. He met it all on like a sponge absorbing as much as he could, refusing to back down from the challenge.

Haunted by his memories at night, spurning on his wild and insane training regimen. No normal adult could accomplish what he had been forced let alone a kid.

Yet that didn't matter to him, every setback only further fanned the spark in his heart, creating a raging fire that burned away any doubts forcing him past any limits others may have had.

For a long time he had been alone, only his grandpa and various tutors to speak of in terms of people he truly spoke to.

Till one day he met another person who actually bothered to train their quirk, something that he now cared deeply for.

Seeing so many waste their gifts, as he had when he was young, made him sick with anger. They had the potential to be someone who could protect themselves and those they cared about.

Instead they boasted about their abilities and flashed them around without ever even bothering to practice or train them.

From then on his disgust for anyone who lacked control or practice grew. But now someone else saw the benefits it brought. She was the same age as him, brunette with long hair and expressive brown eyes.

Her quirk was unique to say the least, being able to creat any inanimate object she knew the molecular structure for.

Maybe that was what had spurned her into training, the difficulty of her quirk to even make use of.

Most didn't even have to consciously think about how to use their quirk, superstrength being the perfect example, simply able to use it straight away.

But she had to know how that thing was made to even begin to make it, makes you wonder how she had managed to first worked that out? Do you instantly gain knowledge on how your quirk works?

Smiling Denki reminisced that old memory, he had gone straight up and asked her just that. She had been stunned before finding no malicious intent behind the question.

Soon she actually thought about and found it interesting, trying to recall about it herself.

Needless to say it had been the start of their friendship. They had found a real person amidst the vapid, brain dead kids they hat to call peers.

Taking a shower after his morning run denki changed again and made his way down to eat.

The complex was relatively large, being made to house everything the two of them could ever need, Denki and his grandpa that was.

There was a library, training room, courtyard, backgarden with a large open space for training too destructive for inside and many more rooms including the old mans study.

Arriving at the dining room Denki took a seat across from his grandpa as breakfast was served. "What time did you get on your run?" His grandpa's deep baritone voice echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls. he had spoke at a normal level, yet still it commanded attention and respect.

"20 minutes..." Denki answered, cringing inwardly as he waited for the old mans reaction. Though he didn't show it outwardly as stared his grandpa in the eyes. "Slower than normal eh." Was all his grandfather said in response.

"Sigh.. Yeah I overdid it a little yesterday." Denki said, he too was unhappy with his time. "Huff, yeah so I heard. That old mouse wouldn't shut up about it, you really made a fan there kid." His grandpa grinned as he looked at Denki.

He may be a hard man, but he was a good one all the same. He loved his family more than anything and, though he would never admit it aloud, he was immensely proud of Denki.

"Now eat up, I don't want no excuses when I beat you across the training room floor.. again." He declared to Denki. His smile gaining an almost meliciously mischievious nature, though that could just be Denki's mind playing tricks on him.

"Stupid old fart." Denki muttered under his breath

"What was that, you little snot nosed brat?"

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