
Episode Twenty-Three: A Face in the Crowd

 Fiona, Tully, and Sunny strolled through the food stands. They selected several meats, breads, and other dishes and found a table to settle and eat. Tully made a pass by Cassie and Piper's booth and picked up cups and a pitcher of dark frothy ale. They ate, and several members of the clans visited with Tully and well-wished Fiona and Sunny. 

 Several of the girls came through to collect the maiden wreaths. They placed the wreaths on their arms with the ribbons streaming behind them as they moved along. They stopped at the table and asked for Sunny's wreath. She reluctantly handed it over and they left her a ticket with a number printed on it. She looked at the ticket and then tucked it into the small purse that dangled from her chatelaine. 

 Already the large field was being prepared for the contest. Just who would snare the maiden wreath was dependent on the rider, the horse, and how many riders were vying for the maiden's favor. Hugh came by and looked like he and Fury had come to an agreement and had consumed more than just ale. 

 Hugh sat down on the bench facing out and looking toward the field. "Looks like they're just about ready for the run."

 "Can you ride?" Fiona asked. "You're a bit wobbly on your feet Hugh."

 Hugh chuckled. "Oh, aye! I can ride!"

 "I wonder who else will be riding for Sunny's wreath?" Tully murmured.

 Hugh swiveled around and grinned at Tully, "They'll have to beat my Domino!"

 Tully laughed good-naturedly at Hugh and winked at him. "Sounds like a wager in the making to me!"

 Hugh got to his feet, "Well, I'll see you at the finish line!" He bowed and with a lop-sided smile, he sauntered off toward the field.

 "I hope he'll be okay," Sunny said.

 "He'll be sober when the race starts," Tully replied. "All the lads are serious about this race."

 "It's more about showing off their riding skills and horses than winning the wreath of the young lady," Fiona responded.

 "Maybe to some," Tully responded. "But not to all!"

 Fiona laughed. "Oh, silly man, come on let's go find a good spot to watch!" 

 Sunny rose with them and together they walked toward the area next to the field and found a nice spot to sit. There were several races scheduled, one for young teenage girls, one race for unmarried women, and the last race, for unattached older women. There were quite a few young boys with their horses lining up at the end of the field. Down at the other end, the women were hanging the maiden wreaths from hooks attached to the posts in the ground. After about ten minutes of assembling the wreaths, the all-clear sign was called and the teenage boys with restless ponies gathered in a loose line. There was a man designated as the official starter and he held up a white handkerchief and then let it fall. The ponies and riders thundered across the field. They flew past and then it was over. The boys that had snagged their wreath trotted back to the official and the numbers were called. The young girls got their wreath back and a dancing and festival partner for the duration.

 The next race was assembling. Sunny sat up, scanning the men and horses. She spotted Hugh and his Domino among the other horses. He looked determined, as did the other men mounted beside him. The official once again raised his white handkerchief high in the air and then let it fall. The men and horses flew past toward the new set of maiden's wreaths. It was a tense and exciting moment. Then it was over and the men who snagged a wreath held them aloft proudly. They slapped their mount's necks affectionately and laughed happily as they trotted back toward the official.

 Two of the teenage girls from the Badger clan came over and pulled Sunny to her feet. "Your wreath was snagged! You have to come to see who your festival partner will be!" 

 Sunny allowed herself to be led to the stage area where the official was calling the numbers from the wreath each man handed up to him. Sunny pulled her ticket out and looked down at it, "Number 74," she said and looked up expectantly as Hugh handed over his wreath. The official squinted at the ticket pinned to the wreath and read, "Number twenty-two!"

 A pretty young woman from the Wolfe clan stepped up and Hugh was taken aback but he recovered quickly and reached down to her to return her wreath. She smiled happily as he kissed her hand gallantly and waved to the cheering audience.

 "Number seventy-four!" the official called. Sunny looked up. There mounted on the big black stallion she knew as Kai, was Nicodemus Fury holding the wreath and scanning the sea of women. "That's you!" a woman squealed. Sunny looked down at her ticket and then held it up in the air as the women around her cheered in delight. Fury nudged his mount over and handed her wreath down to her. His dark gaze met hers for a long moment and she felt her cheeks begin to burn. 

 He smiled at the reaction, he was accustomed to women having a variety of reactions to his attention, still, it was charming to see such a pure and innocent young woman being so affected by his presence. The last race was run and then it was time for the maiden's parade. 

 The older women did not engage in this part of the ceremony, but the teenage girls and young women eagerly mounted behind their partners and clung tightly as they took a turn around the field. Sunny was not sure what to do in this case but as Nicodemus moved his horse around a small knot of girls who were anxious to catch a glimpse of the young available men who were not yet claimed. He slipped a booted foot from the stirrup and leaned down extending a hand to her, "Up you come,"

 Sunny paused and looked up at him, trying to read him, but she could not see anything in his eyes other than he was waiting for her. She reached up, caught his forearm, and was pulled up to sit just behind the rise of the saddle. Once she was positioned comfortably, she had no choice but to wrap her arm around his waist and hold on as the horse moved out to join the other riders. 

 Sunny had lost sight of Hugh and his partner in the precession, and it appeared no one, including Fury, was in any hurry to finish the circuit. As Kai sauntered past the gathered men and women, they were showered with flower petals. It was very pretty and romantic, but Sunny was feeling very self-conscious. She spotted Fiona and Tully where they stood in the crowd. As they passed, his mount tossed his head and began to sidestep. Sunny felt herself slip and she had to cling closer to him. He felt both her arms tighten around him and the quickening of her heart against his back. He looked down at her hands; her fingers were twisted hard into the material of his shirt. He laid a hand over hers and patted it gently, "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." 

 Sunny felt his voice rumble through his back at the same moment she heard him and for a split second, she wanted to rest her cheek against his back. 

 Sunny was certain that he could feel her heart hammering against his back as she clung to him. She turned her attention to the sea of faces watching from the sidelines to try and slow her pulse and her racing heart when she gasped in sudden horror! 

 Fury pulled his mount up and turned sharply in the saddle to look at her. "What is it?" He studied her face closely seeing the panicked look in the depths of her green eyes. Sunny continued to scan the crowd for a moment. "Siobhan, what is it!" 

 Sunny tore her eyes from the people and met his concerned gaze. "I-I thought I saw someone I recognized," she said softly. Fury relaxed his hold on the reins and his horse started to move along with the others in the parade. "A trick of the light I guess," she murmured. He continued to study her and watched as her cheeks blushed a deep rose and her eyes sparkled in such a way that made his heart flutter. 

 Sunny was captivated by his dark eyes and for a wild moment, she wanted to press her mouth to his. At that thought she tore her eyes away and focused on the passing scenery. If she could have sprouted wings and flown away, she was not sure she could or would want to escape the feelings that were flooding her senses.

 Nicodemus turned back, struggling to calm his clamoring nerves. He waded through the sensations that spilled over him and he realized that something more was happening between them and that he was not as immune to her magic as he thought! Could he continue to resist her? Would he want to keep his distance? They came around to the trail that led back to the council tent. There were already men and women making their way down the trail and they stepped off the track as they passed. Many smiled and waved to them and the other riders. 

 Sunny was still stunned by what she thought she had seen – or thought she had seen! Jason! His face had been distorted in anger or something akin to rage, his eyes were narrowed and fierce. She had never seen him look that way before. She wondered idly if she was experiencing a premonition. She was considering the possibility when she felt Fury shift in the saddle slightly to look around at her again. 

 She looked apologetically at him then spotted Tully and Fiona coming up the path. "Best let me down here before they get any closer." 

 Fury helped her to the ground. She stepped back and looked up at him. "I'll see you later?"

 His dark gaze was quicksilver as he gathered his reins in his right hand and leaned down extending his left hand to her. Without thinking she reached up with both hands and clung to his dusky bronzed fingers. "Of course," he murmured his eyes sliding up to her maiden's wreath, "You have been rightfully claimed."

 Sunny felt her cheeks flame and she sighed lightly. Fury lifted the reins and the stallion disappeared into the forest. Sunny stared after the rider and horse.

 When Tully reached her he tugged at Sunny's elbow, "Shake it off, lass. That is Fury magic working on you!"

 "Really?" Sunny breathed, "It's potent stuff!" 

 Tully chortled and redirected Sunny's attention to the transformation that had occurred. The council tent had been broken down and it was now decorated as a large dance square with tables and chairs dotting the area all around. 

 Fiona slid her hand into the crook of Tully's elbow and smiled wryly at his comment. She knew well the charms the Fury men exuded when they wanted to be persuasive. Sunny linked arms with Tully on the other side and together they strolled into the field. From the central pole of the council tent, thick cables were radiating out in all directions with small lanterns suspended in the air. The musicians were assembling at one end of the square, they were coming from all the clans and there were even a few outsiders who had been invited to play. It was a happy and carefree atmosphere around the large area. Sunny marveled at how beautiful it was as the sun continued to slowly disappear in the west behind the trees. 

 "I thought the dancing would be in town," she said looking around.

 Tully nodded, "Aye, usually it is, but this year brought more folks to the festival than any I have seen in a long time!"

 Fiona glanced over her shoulder back toward town, "I believe after sundown, the concessions will close, and the outside vendors will close down and enjoy the dancing. Anyone coming in after sundown will be directed down here."

 "You are still expecting your young fella from the train to be looking for you?" Tully asked with a wicked grin on his face, "I would say he will not only have to get in line behind Michael Fury, but a whole passel of others to get a dance from you!"

 Sunny ducked her head, her face heating up in embarrassment. "He might have forgotten all about the festival."

 "Well, now that you have been claimed," Tully responded, "Anyone wanting a dance from ye will have to get the nod from Michael Fury!"

 "Is that how it works?" Fiona asked, her eyebrows arching over her green eyes.

 Tully only chuckled. "Never remember having a lass complain about it 'afore! And certainly, never over a Fury!"

 "No," Fiona remarked. She pointed to a spot near the back and toward the middle. "Let's get a table there, far enough away from the loud music but close enough to see everything." 

 Once Tully had seen them to a table he went off in search of refreshments. Fiona looked appraisingly at Sunny. "You know, I never thought Gabriel's son would come to a festival."

 "Why is that?" Sunny wondered.

 "With him being so close to the Ard Ri," Fiona replied. "He's always on some sort of mission. Still, I'm glad, he'll look out after you."

 "Aunt Fiona I don't need looking after!" Sunny protested.

 "But you do," Fiona told her. "Now no one will approach unless Michael Fury gives his approval. It is just the kind of protection you need until this festival is over with."

 Sunny was still concerned with her vision and leaned toward Fiona, "You know when I was looking into the crowd, I thought I saw Jason!"

 Fiona looked startled, "Are you sure it was him?"

 Sunny shook her head, "No, I'm not sure at all what I saw. It was just a second that I thought I saw him standing out there scowling like a crazy person at me."

 Fiona sighed heavily. "We wondered what was happening, you looked happy one second and then scared the next. Not the usual emotions a young woman feels riding behind a Fury!"

 "They do pack a wallop, don't they?" Sunny replied with a grin, "Kind of like Rainbow's elixir!"

 She spotted Tully with a large tray laden with food. Behind him was Cassie with a tray of beer. "Here's Tully with the refreshments!"

 Cassie heaved a great sigh as she set her tray down and sat down in a chair next to Fiona. "Piper's coming down with the beer wagon."

 "And other libations?" Tully inquired hopefully.

 "Aye, of course!" Cassie cheered. "It's been an excellent day. So many customers coming through -- I'm amazed really. Out-of-towners and more of the clans have come too – truly amazing!"

 More and more people began to fill the area around the large dance square. The twinkling lights began to illuminate the area below in a magical glow. There were small, tinted lanterns on the tables, and they blossomed pale glowing bubbles of color. Sunny thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. 

 The musicians began tuning up their instruments and drew applause from the gathering crowds. Sunny wished she had her sketchbook and pencils and almost as she thought of it, Bracken was tugging her skirts. He had her rucksack and one of her sketching pencils tucked behind his ear. "How did you guess I'd want my sack?"

 "I watched and saw your eyes grow sharp and fingers twitchin'!" Bracken replied smugly.

 She took her sack and opened it. Bracken had also put the bag of chocolates in. She pulled her sketchbook out and took the pencil behind Bracken's ear and a spare she tucked behind her ear. She got up and waded through the people at the tables to sit closer to the musicians. 

 Sunny perched on one of the low benches that were placed to the side of the raised deck where the musicians were arranged. There was a group of drummers with large kettles, frame drums of various sizes, tabors, and tall sticks with rows of jingling bells and tiny cymbals. There were recorders and flutes, guitars and lutes, violas and violins, a handful of trumpets, and an odd-sounding woodwind. 

 A couple came out and began a song that Sunny had never heard before but had a familiar sound to it. She quickly sketched the musicians and was tapping her feet to the beat as were many of the others gathered close to listen to them. 

 Sunny was careful not to let herself be pulled into the music or the musicians for fear of traveling and she glanced down and spotted Bracken tucked under the bench at her side. She was glad to know he was there and seemed to know when she was about to drift off. 

 After the couple sang their duet, there was a group of guitarists that came and played several songs. Many couples came to sit closer to the stage. Sunny sketched several of them and was feeling very content to draw for the rest of the evening when the song stopped and there was a pause, and everyone was expectant then from somewhere in the darkness beyond the reach of the lights a single horn sounded and then the drums began a throbbing staccato with the gathered clans beginning to clap an intricate rhythm. The band began to play their first dance set. Couples drifted onto the dance square with Sunny being drawn to the movement and the magic of the music and dancers.

 Bracken watched Sunny closely, trying to detect any changes but only saw how entranced she had become in her drawing. She was not aware of Fury coming up to sit on the bench next to her. He looked down at Bracken and raised a questioning eyebrow and the Watcher sighed heavily and fished into the pack for another chocolate. 

 Fury watched Sunny's pencil as it flowed over the page. She captured the scene as it was happening; the flow of the women's skirts as they twirled in their partner's arms. The way the lights threw pale flickering light over faces and glittered against earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. The shadows danced with the light swirling in and out among the dancers. 

 The musicians took a break and the couples drifted back to their tables or over to the Cassie and Piper's beer wagon. Sunny flipped the page and realized she was not alone on the bench. She turned and looked over at Nicodemus. "Tully said you had turned on the Fury charms earlier."

 He scowled over in the direction of where Tully and Fiona sat. "I did nothing of the sort, I have never had to charm any woman before."

 Sunny edged around and began sketching the dark mysterious man. She very quickly had the fierce eyes that were black and lit with silvery fire, the high cheekbones and smooth planes of his brow and jaw. "How did you come by the scar?" she asked as she glanced up from her drawing.

 Fury felt her eyes on his face, moving to the scar that creased his cheek. He resisted reaching up to touch it and instead leaned back to stretch his legs out in front of him. "Not a glamorous tale," he told her. "I was very young and in a fight with another young and foolish boy. He bested me."

 "You learned what? Never to let your guard down?" Sunny murmured as she continued to sketch.

 He scoffed lightly and nodded his head. "Something like that."

 Sunny paused and looked up at him. She was amazed by how perfect he was and how she felt all quivery in the pit of her stomach as she sat there less than three feet away from him. She could feel her face burning but was thankful for the low lighting. He studied her as closely as she examined him as she drew. She was very young and while she seemingly held an unknown power that was as profound as it was arcane. 

 He looked out over the area and spotted Hugh McDonnell with his maiden. They were working their way toward Sunny. He idly wondered if this captain would want to spar with him, but he also could sense this man was also wounded deeply beyond his obvious injury. He glanced down at the Watcher who spotted Hugh and he grumbled under his breath and melted into the shadows. 

 "I wondered where you'd gotten off to!" Hugh called as he and his festival partner arrived. Sunny smiled up at them and tucked her pencil behind her ear with the one that was already there. "After the parade, I came here and got lost in drawing the musicians and the dancers."

 Hugh turned to the young woman, "Sunny, this is Acacia Proudfoot of the Badger Clan."

 Acacia dipped a curtsy and smiled tentatively at Sunny and looked warily at Fury as he slowly got to his feet. Hugh inclined his head toward Fury and Sunny felt suddenly aware of the tension between the two men. "Hugh, I don't believe you've officially met Michael Fury."

 Hugh stuck out his hand and Fury took it briefly. They said nothing to one another, and it felt a bit strange to be all standing looking at each other. Sunny turned to smile at Acacia and stepped over to her, "Have you had anything to eat or drink?"

 "Not yet," Acacia replied and looked up at Hugh. "We should eat before we dance."

 Hugh nodded and smiled over at Acacia who beamed back happy with the attention. "Let's see what we can find shall we?" He looked back at Sunny, "Save a dance, right?" They moved off into the crowds and were lost. Sunny watched them for a moment then turned back to Fury.

 He sat down and picked up Sunny's sketchbook to examine his portrait. He was impressed with her skill; she had quite literally captured him on the page. No wonder Moon Bear was convinced she was a witch. 

 The musicians were drifting back to the stage and people were beginning to take to the dance square. It was a type of folk dance that Sunny was unfamiliar with, but she was intrigued by the dance steps. She watched them for a moment then looked over at Fury wondering if and when he was going to ask her to dance.

 He looked up at her and then glanced over at the dancers. "The reel coming up next should be more fun for you." 

 "How so?" Sunny asked.

 "The woman takes the lead," he replied.

 Sunny laughed and nodded. "Well, yes that does sound like more fun!"

 Nicodemus got to his feet and came to stand to her left and as the music came to an end the musicians played an introduction of music that brought a cheer from the women in the audience. Many women and girls grabbed their male partners and led them to the dance square. Sunny crooked her arm and Fury placed his hand on her forearm and was led to the dance floor. The moment Sunny stood on the floor she felt the music and knew the steps. 

 He was right – Sunny thoroughly enjoyed the dance! As the music came to an end there was a sudden change in the music and rather than moving off the floor, Fury took her hand and placed it on his shoulder. He stepped in close with his arm encircling her waist. Sunny had no idea what to do, she looked up at him and their eyes locked for the span of a few heartbeats, and they began to move. The other dancers swayed and moved around them, but Sunny did not even see them. 

 The tempo increased and so did the couples as they began to spin and turn in the embrace of their partners. Sunny seemed to be floating on air and spinning in the golden glow of the lanterns. As she danced, she caught a glimpse of a face in the crowds. Jason! The dance ended and she breathlessly ended up clinging to Fury to keep from losing her balance. He held her close for a moment until she got her bearings then stepped back his hands falling to his sides. That was when Hugh appeared at her elbow. 

 Fury nodded and stepped off the dance floor and she was off on another dance. This time it was a kind of dance reel and she and the other women moved to dance with each man on the dance floor. She never reached Hugh for a second time but ended up standing in front of a familiar face. She grinned as she recognized Sean! 

 He stepped closer and took her hands and they moved off into another dance. "When did you get here?" Sunny called to him as they switched partners and came back together. 

 "I've been here long enough to see you dancing!" Sean told her. "You've come home Siobhan, and it agrees with you!"

 They switched off dance partners and Sean was faced with Acacia Proudfoot and Sunny ended up being partnered with a young man from Rainbow Wells' clan. She lost sight of Sean for a few moments then suddenly he was in front of her again. He caught her hand in his and she felt a pinch in her finger. She jerked her hand back and hissed in pain.

 "What's wrong?" He asked.

 "I've cut my finger," she replied seeing a tiny droplet of blood on her finger.

 Sean frowned. "I'm sorry! It must have been my ring," he told her. He pulled the offending ring off, stuck it in his shirt pocket, and then held out his hands, "Shall we take another turn?"

 She laughed and nodded, falling into the rhythm of the dance. As she and Sean danced, she noticed Fury had taken up a position in the shadows. Tully and Fiona sat at a table directly across from the dancing area. 

 The musicians took a short break and Sean pulled Sunny off to the side. "You look fantastic Sunny! I just about didn't recognize you!"


 "Don't get me wrong, lass – you were stunning when I met ye, but when I spotted you dancing -- you were a goddess!" Sean declared.

 "I seem to have found my true self here," Sunny told him. "I don't think I've ever been so at home."

 He nodded understandingly then frowned when he saw several young men from the Dannan tribe approaching. "Looks like the locals have gotten enough liquid courage to ask you to dance."

 Sunny glanced over and recognized the two young men from the Dannan encampment. "They're from my clan," she replied then smiled when she realized what she had said, 'my clan'.

 Sean continued to scowl but when she patted his arm gently his temper seemed to vanish. "Guess it's to be expected since you're so popular."

 "I think the way it works," Sunny told him, "they have to get permission from my festival beau."

 "And who is that?" Sean asked and thrust his chin out in the general direction where Fury stood. "that brooding gypsy king over there?"

 Sunny heard the savage hatred in Sean's voice, and she frowned at him. "What's wrong Sean?"

 He folded his arms across his chest and smiled tightly. "It's complicated."

 "I'm listening," She replied.

 "I-I look Sunny – it's …" Sean broke off and shrugged. "I promise I won't make trouble. I'm here to see you and have a little fun tonight."

 She nodded. She was surprised by his personality change. She had not picked up on his prejudice of Gypsy men. He had no such aversion to Gypsy women, for he had danced with a number of them so far. "You'll dance with me and stay away from the fellows?"

 "Upon my honor!" He said and placed his right hand over his heart. She nodded feeling confident he would keep his word. The young man sauntered up, throwing a salute to Sean. He bowed gallantly to Sunny and extended his hand to her. "May I have this dance, Roma?"

 Sunny placed her hand in his and got to her feet. She threw a look at Sean who winked good-naturedly and turned to one of the young girls who were sitting together in a group of unattached ladies. He bowed and she accepted his request to a dance. 

 Once out on the dance floor Sunny and the young man set off on a dance reel that left her breathless and when he started to claim her for another dance, it was Hugh who stepped in and claimed her. It was a slow waltz and Sunny was happy to slow down and catch her breath.

 "Funny how things turned out," Hugh told her, "I thought I was taking a run at your wreath and ended up with Acacia."

 She's a lovely young woman," Sunny said.

 Hugh chuckled, "Aye, but you are gorgeous tonight!"

 "Thank you," Sunny returned, "I feel so good tonight!"

 Then as the waltz ended, Sean tapped Hugh on the shoulder, and he turned Sunny over to Sean. They swung into the other dancers and ended up on the other side of the dance floor. 

 "Let's sit down my feet are tired!" Sunny exclaimed. 

 Sean nodded and they found a free table. He snatched two mugs of ale from the tray that a server was taking around and nodded to the general area. "The evening is getting on, it's nearly midnight!"

 "Is it? I had no idea it was that late." Sunny replied. She looked over at him, "Are you staying in town tonight?"

 He pulled a face, "I sure wish I could stay, but I'm pulling a shift at the Roscommon clinic for the next few days. I switched with another intern for tonight, so I could come and see you and wish you a happy spring!"

 "I'm very glad you came Sean," Sunny replied. "Is your car up in the village?"

 "Aye, parked somewhere just outside the town. There's a ton of cars parked out in the field. It looks like some kind of festival going on here!"

 She laughed. "I heard that there's been a lot more people coming to this festival than in previous years."

 "It's beginning to thin out," Sean said looking around. "The outsiders are packing up for the night."

 The musicians were beginning to pack up, but there was still a good-sized group still playing music. The guests from outside the clans were beginning to drift back to the town. He gave an explosive sigh and got to his feet. He held out his hands to her and pulled her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close, "I hope to see you again Siobhan O'Neil."

 She hugged him back and stepped away. "I'll walk you to your car."

 Sean shook his head. "Nae, you stay here. I think your Gypsy king would have objections. He's been glaring at me since I arrived."

 Sunny glanced over her shoulder. Several observers were watching discretely, but she did not see Fury anywhere. "Probably so," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

 Sean chuckled, "Well, I can understand, so; I'll see ya soon, eh?"

 "Bye Sean," She watched him stride off up the torch-lighted trail along with a string of other outsiders heading to their cars or their caravans. As he disappeared and was lost in the darkness she turned around and went over to join Fiona and Tully at their table. The men who had been lounging around the tables nearby had drifted off to talk to the young women who were still interested in dancing. 

 "I saw that your young man did manage to get here," Fiona replied. 

 Sunny nodded and sighed heavily. "It was good to see him."

 "You found him not as shiny as before?" Tully asked.

 Sunny laughed lightly. "Well, as bad as it sounds, I guess you've hit it on the head."

 "He staying on?" Fiona asked.

 Sunny shook her head. "No, he's going back to Roscommon tonight. He's taking a shift at the clinic."

 "Well, I'm glad he was able to make it," Fiona replied. "Have you enjoyed the festival so far?"

 Sunny grinned as the musicians began another set of dance music. "I sure have, but it's not over with yet!"

 Tully nodded got to his feet and bowed over Fiona's hand, "Aye, come Skye let's show them how it's done!"

 Fiona laughed and took hold of his hand and they headed to the dance floor. As Sunny watched Fiona and Tully dancing she looked on the ground next to her chair. Bracken had brought her rucksack to her. She pulled the sketchbook and her pencils out. She flipped to a fresh page and started drawing. Fury joined her at the table. "Have you enjoyed the evening?"

 Sunny paused in her drawing and looked over at him. "I have! I've had a wonderful time!" 

 He sipped from his glass and studied the couples on the dance floor, and those who sat together at the tables. He also watched Sunny, and then something changed. 

 Nicodemus focused on Sunny, then dropped his gaze to the sketchbook. 

 "Oi Nico!"

 Sunny looked over her shoulder and saw three young men sauntering toward them. They sat in the chairs by Sunny and waved for the jug. "Pass it over!"

  Nicodemus reached over and handed the jug to the nearest Fury brother. "Thaddeus."

 The other two men jostled with Thaddeus for the jug, "Come on Thad! Don't drink it all!"

  The others were Samuel, and Rafael, and the youngest was Gabriel. He was not even old enough to drink, but he was trying to grab the jug from his older and more mature brothers. 

 Nicodemus smiled sadly and turned his chair toward the Fury brothers. She continued to sketch them all. 

 "Have you had fun tonight boys?" Nicodemus asked conversationally.

 They all laughed happily, "Oh you know we have!" Samuel cheered and passed the jug to Gabriel. As Sunny drew them she could see the strong familial resemblance. 

 She paused in her sketching, "Is this a memory of yours?"

 Nicodemus shook his head. "It's not a memory of mine." 

 The men continued to talk and joke among themselves and slowly the scene melted away until the echoes of their laughter were caught up by the laughter of the other celebrants who were unaware of anything out of the ordinary.

 Sunny had captured the scene and was smiling down at it. "It was a good memory."

 "Aye," Nicodemus murmured leaning forward to study Sunny closely. "Whose memory was it?"

 Sunny looked up and shrugged lightly. "I don't know, but it was very clear."

 Nicodemus nodded. "It was a good memory. The Fury clan have not had many good memories as a family, but when we were all together, we were invincible!"

 Sunny smiled, closed her sketchbook, and carefully put her pencils into the tin. She shoved everything in the rucksack and patted it. "It's been a long day and tomorrow will be even more exhausting – there will be the decision on Lightfoot and then whatever else is planned."

 Fury nodded and got to his feet. He looked down at Sunny. "Rainbow's delivered the bareback saddle and tack for your pookah," He said wryly, "I would imagine that Orion will want to assume his duties as your guard."

 Sunny rose and followed Fury through the torch-lit trail to the back pasture. They passed small clusters of men and officers seemingly waiting to be told what to do. Fury looked around and waved to one of the clusters of men sitting around a small campfire. One of the young men joined him. "You want me to fetch Kai, Rom?"

 "Aye, thank you, Will," Fury said clasping the man's shoulder. "Bring him down to the back pasture where the white stallion is grazing."

 Will's eyes widened but he didn't offer any further comment and trotted off. Sunny walked alongside Fury in silence, "Did you capture my wreath so you could 'keep an eye on me' during the festival?"

 He glanced over at her, "That was one reason."

 "So, you beat out Hugh on my wreath, to make it easier to watch over me," Sunny replied stiffly.

 "No, I beat out your captain because Kai was faster than his mount," Nicodemus replied. "And I usually get what I set out to capture."

 Sunny felt a little shiver spill down her spine and kept silent until they reached the far pasture. Orion was standing in the center with the moonlight spilling over his almost iridescent hide. "Isn't he magnificent!"

 "He is magnificent at causing trouble," Fury grumbled. He spotted the bareback saddle and tack draped over the top rail of the fence and went over to gather it up in his arms. He walked over to the gate, lifted the latch, and looked over his shoulder. "Call him over, Siobhan."

 As soon as the gate opened Orion was storming toward them, ears laid flat and snorting viciously. Fury stood his ground and Orion slid to a halt just a few feet away from him. When he spotted Sunny, he lowered his head and walked over to lay his head against her chest. She stroked his cheek gently, "I'm very tired and I want to go home to Laurel Cottage, Orion."

 Fury handed the bridle and set of reins to Sunny, "This is the least offensive bridle Rainbow could provide. The nose goes in and slips over the head."

 "Can't get any simpler than that," Sunny remarked and turned to Orion who dipped his head down and allowed Sunny to slip the bridle in place and gently push his ears under the padded leather strap that rested just behind his head. She readjusted the throat latch. "There, that's not so terrible is it?" 

 Orion sighed and as Nicodemus stepped up with the bareback saddle he growled under his breath. He laid the padded saddle in place and turned to Sunny. "The cinch needs to be snug so when you mount it won't shift. The cinch is wide and padded so it will not chafe. It buckles like a belt but there is no metal on this saddle or the bridle."

 "Why not?" Sunny asked as she watched Fury place the soft padded saddle on Orion's back and the wide cinch was buckled in place. He adjusted the leather straps of the stirrups which were polished wood. "Metal causes harm to a Pookah. That's why no Fury animal is shod because most have Pookah blood."

 "But if Orion --- you know -- Hugh's horses will carry pookah blood!" Sunny declared in alarm.

 "The foals Orion produces with McConnell's mares will mostly likely be female. If there should be a male foaled, he will return to Nu'Ada to be weaned by a pookah female." Nicodemus replied. "McConnell will keep all his horses barefoot as is custom." 

 Will appeared with Fury's mount. The big black stallion pranced beside the young man and was huffing and snorting in response to being near another potential rival stallion. As the two animals sized up one another, Will handed the reins to Fury. "Will you need an escort?"

 "Nae," Fury replied clapping the young man on the shoulder. "I will not need anyone until the morning."

 Will nodded and turned and trotted off to rejoin his friends. Nicodemus turned to Sunny and nodded to Orion, "Shall we be off?"

 Sunny turned to Orion and realized how tall an animal he was. As she was considering how she was going to get up into the saddle Orion bowed down as low as he could without going down on his front knees. Sunny was able to swing up into the saddle and gather up the reins loosely. Orion grumbled and then swung his head toward Fury, who mounted, and they moved out on the road toward Laurel Cottage.

 Orion had no trouble at all seeing the trail and Sunny looked over at the sleek courser trotting next to her. "Pookahs can see in the dark?"

 "Aye," Fury replied and slapped Kai's well-muscled shoulder affectionately. "Though Kai's vision is not as acute as Orion's. A pookah's vision is not unlike that of a Sith."

 "A Sith?" Sunny repeated.

 "Moon-Bear," Fury supplied. "He can see even on a moonless night."

 Sunny glanced up through the woods and saw the full moon tracking overhead. At any other time, it might have been a rather romantic ride but by the speed set, it was more of a contest between the animals. They broke out onto the road that took them over the Trickle Bridge. Once on the other side, Orion moved from a trot into a canter, easily pulling away from the black and Fury. 

 They came to a halt at the arbor of Laurel Cottage and Sunny dropped to the ground. Both she and Orion waited for Fury and Kai to trot up. Nicodemus dismounted and silently tied Kai to the fence just outside the arbor. "I will check the grounds and the house." He said, "Stay here with Orion."

 Sunny frowned and looked over at Orion who ducked his head to peer at Fury between the fence rails. "Guess we didn't think about that did we?" she murmured.

 Nicodemus returned after a few minutes, "Everything is secure."

 "Thank you for checking," Sunny said then sighed heavily. "Is there a danger even here?"

 "Ordinarily there would be no need for extra precaution," Fury told her. "But there are those who are curious, and we do not want that right now."

 "No, I guess not." She said and turned to Orion, she unbuckled the cinch, pulled the saddle off, and set it on the ground. Orion dipped his head down and she gently pulled the bridle off. She patted his well-muscled shoulder. "Mind Aunt Fiona's flowers."

 Orion snorted and plodded into the yard his hooves hollowly sounding on the cobblestones. He disappeared around the back where the cleared area gave way to the Ballencoo Forest. Sunny gathered up the bridle and reins in her left hand and bent down to pick up the saddle. "I'll see you at the council meeting in the morning."

 "I expect so," he murmured. "According to custom, we will spend the rest of the festival together."

 "So, you can keep an eye on me?" Sunny asked her eyes flashing irritably up at him.

 He smiled and stepped toward her so that she had to tilt her head back to meet his dark gaze. "If this evening was any indication," he said softly. "I will indeed plan to keep both eyes on you."

 She was frozen to the ground as he bent closer. She stood her ground as long as she could then lost her nerve! She stepped past him and hurried to the front door of the cottage. She turned back to him and smiled, "Good night Rom!"

 "Good night, Siobhan." He turned away, a broad grin on his face. He had enjoyed his evening. He mounted and gathered up the reins in one hand and urged Kai off into the deep velvety darkness of the Ballencoo woods.

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