
The Etiquettes

As Adrian woke up the next morning, Monday, a sense of awe washed over him. The towering walls, adorned with intricate carvings, and the vast, echoing halls spoke of a rich history and tradition.


Lily is already awake in her room too. She quickly got up to go greet her man, Adrian, the real man in the guest room.


Knock…knock… "Yes, you can come in," Adrian said as he heard a knock on the door.


Lily: "Good morning, my love."

"Good morning, sweetie," replied Adrian.

Lily moved slowly onto the bed and curled up with Adrian.


Lily: "I hope your night was good."

"Splendid, sleeping on Jupiter is as pleasant as sleeping in heaven," said Adrian. The look on his face shows that he's not done with his speech.


" What? You want to say something else?" Lily asked him.


Adrian: "I just want to say I love you so much." These words mean so much to Lily. Her day is lit up already.


With smiles on her face... "I love you too, dear," Lily said.

"This palace is so beautiful; I love it," said Adrian.

"Wow, that's nice from you," said Lily.

Adrian: "But I hope I will be loved here."

"Yeah, you will," replied Lily. But there are a few etiquette rules that I will put you through. Once you adhere to them, I promise you, you will be loved by all. Lily, being the princess of Latua, was well-versed in the etiquette of Lutua Palace and was more than happy to guide Adrian through its customs.


"Okay, dear, I will obey your customs. Please teach me," said Adrian.

Lily: "Alright, let's begin.

Number 1: Greetings and Respect


In Lutua, greetings are a way of showing deference to one's elders and superiors. A bow with hands clasped together is a common greeting, and it is always accompanied by a warm smile. I know you are good at smiling.


Adrian: "Hahaha…you know it already. I'm going to do that... No worries."


Number 2: Dress and attire


The attire in Lutua Palace is formal and elegant. Men typically wear long, flowing robes, while women wear elaborate gowns with intricate embroidery. Bright colors and bold patterns are encouraged, and jewelry is often worn to add a touch of sparkle. I know you do not have these clothes with you, but I will get some for you. There are some reserved for visitors here in the palace. One of the maids will bring them before you step out.


Adrian: "Oh! Thanks a lot. I'm going to look like a  prince.


Number 3: Conduct and Manners

In Lutua, manners are highly valued. It is considered polite to speak softly and avoid interrupting others. It is also important to be mindful of one's body language, as slouching or fidgeting can be seen as disrespectful. Again, I know that it won't be a challenge for you. You're a well-behaved guy.


Adrian: "Yeah, I will behave myself. A monkey in Asia will still remain the same monkey in Europe."

Number 4: Dining Etiquette


Dining in Lutua Palace is a formal affair. Meals are typically served in the grand dining hall, and guests are seated at long tables. It is customary to wait for the host to begin eating before taking one's first bite. Table manners are not your problem, but just for you to note.


Adrain: "Noted my love."

Number 5: Gifts and Hospitality


Gifts are often exchanged in Lutua Palace as a way of showing appreciation or friendship. It is considered polite to accept a gift with gratitude, even if it is something small. On your part, you are so appreciative; I know that "


Adrian: "I will be better here."

Number 6: Visiting Protocol


When visiting someone in Lutua Palace, it is important to arrive on time and to dress appropriately. It is also customary to bring a small gift for the host. Don't bother so much; whenever we are going on a visit, I will select a presentable gift for you.


Adrian: "Oh, thanks."

Number 7: Respect for Traditions


Lutua has a rich culture and tradition, and it is important to respect the local customs. Lily explained to Adrian that it is important to be mindful of religious beliefs and practices and to avoid making any disrespectful remarks about the culture. Please, this is very important, she stressed.


Adrian: "Well noted, dear."

Number 8: Adapting to the Culture


Lily encouraged Adrian to embrace the culture of Luta and to be open to new experiences. She reminded him that the best way to learn about a culture is to immerse oneself in it and to be willing to step outside of one's comfort zone.


Adrian: "I'm very ready to be particular in your culture.


Lily: "Now for etiquette, for Jupiter at large, you ought to have


*Cultural Sensitivity*


Lily emphasized the importance of being culturally sensitive when interacting with people from Jupiter. She reminded Adrian to be respectful of all cultures and to avoid making any generalizations about people based on their race, ethnicity, or religion.


Adrian: "I have fully noted it, dear."



Lily encouraged Adrian to be open-minded and to try to understand different perspectives. She explained that the best way to learn about a culture is to listen to the people who live there and to try to see the world from their point of view.


Adrian: "No qualms."

*Respect for the Environment*


Jupiter is a planet with a delicate environment, and it is important to be respectful of nature. Lily explained to Adrian that it is important to conserve water and energy and to avoid littering or polluting.


Adrian: "Noted again."

*Appreciation for Diversity*


Jupiter is a planet with a rich diversity of cultures and traditions. Lily encouraged Adrian to appreciate this diversity and to see it as a source of strength and beauty.


Adrian: "Thanks so much."


Adrian was grateful for Lily's guidance, and he was eager to learn more about the cultures of Lutua and Jupiter. He knew that by being respectful, open-minded, and appreciative, he would have a positive and enriching experience.

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