
Shinobi Vs Witcher (Revised)

When Júlia thought it was the end of the family.

The boy saved them, everything happened so fast that she couldn't understand it.

When she realized, he was already approaching her family.

Glimpsing the color of the boy's hair, Júlia's body trembled.

She remembered the man who destroyed her village.

As he killed all her neighbors and friends, those memories filled her with instinctive fear.

Júlia felt her body tremble involuntarily.

Looking at him, it crossed her mind all the suffering she had to suffer.

Having a panic attack, Júlia was petrified.

Her vision started to get blurry and her body shook uncontrollably.

He was talking to them, but Julia couldn't hear the sound of his voice.

She could only hear the sound of his heartbeat accelerating.

Everything around lost sound and seemed to slow down, Júlia had never felt this before, she couldn't think straight.

With a loud ringing in her ear, she didn't notice him walking past her and tending to her uncle's wound.

Júlia only came to her senses when a hand pulled her hard.

Her body moved on its own, she followed him involuntarily.

Oblivious to what was happening around her, Júlia didn't notice the lightning approaching her.

Lightning was heading towards her face, she could only close her eyes as she waited for the impact that never came.

Then she slowly opened her eyes and saw the boy holding the screw between his fingers.

Julia looked in the direction where the lightning was fired.

Then she saw her biggest nightmare, the man she slowly saw with that cruel look.

Her body no longer obeyed her, her mind screamed at her to run, but her feet wouldn't move.

Just when she thought death had arrived, Julia saw the boy standing in front of his family.

She couldn't understand why, though, as she looked at the back of him who was in front of her.

Looking like a wall that would protect them from any harm, Júlia felt her body heat up and the fear move away.

Júlia felt an indescribable sense of protection, she couldn't take her eyes off his back.


Looking at the spot where the bolt was fired from.

The clone noticed, yellowish feline eyes, glowing in the dark, that was slowly approaching them.

Coming out of the darkness the man showed himself to them.

He was a man with skin as pale as a corpse.

With several scars and deformities spread across his face.

Flashing a cruel smile at the group, the Witcher approached them in a confident manner.

His smile was like that of a predator that found its prey.

He looked at the group as if they were a good source of entertainment.

Looking around, the clone saw that everyone in the family had faces as rigid as stones.

They were petrified, their bodies no longer obeyed them, the family was overcome by fear.

The clone faced the Witcher calmly, his hand firmly holding the handle of his kunai.

He was prepared for any move the man made against them.

Looking at the Witcher's expression, it was clear that he was having fun with this situation.

It was as if hunting and killing humans was his favorite sport.

Analyzing the man's stance and weaponry, Kakashi wanted to discover the Witcher's fighting style.

This way he could better deal with any attack the man threw at him.

Wearing dark armor, he had two swords on his back and carried a crossbow in his right hand.

Kakashi couldn't figure out which country that armor came from, he'd never seen armor like that.

While on a branch watching everything, Kakashi can't believe how crazy this day was.

He wakes up in his younger body, in a totally unknown location and finds three strange creatures.

'Nothing about this day is making sense, and it seems like things are getting worse, this guy is just another anomaly in this crazy day'.

Without taking his eyes off the Witcher, the clone gave an order.

"Pakkun when the battle begins, wait for an opening and evacuate them."

A dog approached the family silently, even though he didn't say anything he was waiting for the right moment to act.

Facing the man coming towards him, the clone calmly analyzed his movements.

Thinking about how he could create an opening for the family to escape.

Waiting for an opportunity to make his move, Kakashi watched them from a small distance.

Lacking information about the fighting style and what skills the man possessed.

He would use his clone to check the Witcher's threat level.

Knowing that he could not remain in this impasse for long, the clone decides to take the initiative.

Throwing the javelin skillfully with his right hand, aiming for the Witcher's left eye.

The clone armed himself with his Kunai and advanced towards the man.

Wanting to test Brehen's skills and reflexes.

His goal was to find out if he needed to worry about the Witcher's abilities.

With a movement of his head, the Witcher easily dodges the bolt thrown his way

Breheh wouldn't let him take the initiative in this fight.

Firing his crossbow at the clone, Brehen forced him to stop his advance.

The clone was in an unfavorable position to carry out any defensive movement.

Observing this opening, the Witcher quickly advances towards you.

Brehen swings his sword diagonally, aiming to end this battle with this attack.

Wanting to divide whoever tried to challenge him in half, he could already feel his sword passing through the body of the boy in front of him.

Rejoicing in his victory, the Witcher already imagined how much fun he would have with the rest of the group.

But his pleasurable thoughts were interrupted, instead of feeling his sword cutting into the boy's flesh.

The Witcher felt metal colliding with metal, to his surprise he managed to defend himself from his attack.

In that unfavorable situation, the Witcher was sure it would be impossible for the clone to defend itself.

Even he would have difficulty defending himself from that attack, being in that unfavorable position.

Feeling the numbness in his hand, Brehen could see the power of his attack, he used all his strength.

With the aim of separating the boy's body in two, he wanted to make the family desperate.

Brehen realized that there was something strange about the boy, his attack only pushed him back, it didn't make sense for a child with such strength.

'This boy is abnormal, even my right hand went numb from that attack, and he looks like he didn't suffer any damage.'

Demonstrating his experience in combat, the clone defended the attack perfectly, reflecting the weight of the attack to Brehen.

'This boy, his eyes don't have a trace of fear or hesitation, if he gets the chance he will kill me.'

Facing the clone, the Witcher felt enormous pressure.

It had been a long time since Brehen felt he was in danger.

​​"Kid, I recognize you as an equal, why don't you join me? Together we can make a lot of money."

Pointing to the family behind the clone, Brehen continued.

'These people don't mean anything to you, there's no point risking your life for them."

His words would be tempting if they were heard by others.

But Kakashi would never agree to be a partner with a man like him, money couldn't move his heart.

For everything he's been through in his life, Kakashi wouldn't abandon an innocent family, especially when he knew he had the chance to save them.

Looking at the Witcher, the clone responded to his proposal disinterestedly.

"I'm not interested in forming a pair of degenerates with you."

Mocking him didn't affect Brehen.

"Don't try to play the innocent boy, you can't fool me, not with that murderous look on your face."

Without taking his gaze off the clone, Brehen continued.

"I'm only offering you this chance because I'm interested in your talents, but if you won't accept my good will, I'll have to kill you."

Calmly watching the man waiting for any movement from him.

The clone was in a comfortable position to defend itself.

He wasn't interested in talking to Brehen.

At this blatant display of disrespect, Brehen was furious.

Even though he showed an apathetic face, his fury was visible in his feline eyes.

He couldn't remember the last time he was provoked like this, everyone who saw him was scared and submitted to him.

Brehen felt great seeing the fear and despair on people's faces.

He loved it when those who despised him knelt on the ground begging for their lives.

It was the first time in decades that a person was unaffected by his face and attitude.

Since he became a Witcher, this was the first time he had no desire to play with a human opponent.

Aiming to kill this boy in front of him as quickly as possible, Brehen was ready to attack.

His good mood was ruined by the boy's intrusion.

But before the Witcher could attack, the clone threw five shurikens.

Then he multiplied them using, Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.

Five Shurikens became thirty, this attack caught Brehen off guard.

Observing that situation, Kakashi saw the Witcher making a strange hand position.

Then releasing an intense blast of air, using the palm of your hand.

Brehen repelled the clone's attack, in a manner completely foreign to Kakashi.

Even using his Sharingan, Kakashi was unable to understand how that technique worked.

He saw no trace of chakra being used by Brehen.

But he noticed a strange energy that moved through his body.

Something similar to the natural chakra that Naruto used.

This discovery left Kakashi on the defensive.

He knew that people who used natural chakra were very powerful.

From what Kakashi knew, Brehen's cat eyes were a sign of Senjutsu.

Naruto told him that people who used Sage mode could feel everything around them in a surprising way.

Moving away a little, Kakashi decided to observe more before attacking.

Realizing that the long-range fight would lead to nothing, the clone decided to bring this battle closer.

As he moved towards the Witcher, the clone gathered some chakra, in the muscles of his legs.

Arriving a small distance away from the Witcher, he released the accumulated chakra to quickly advance.

In an instant the clone was already at Brehen's side.

He positioned himself, close to the side of Brehen's armor.

Place where he would have the greatest chance of hurting him.

With extreme speed, the clone imbued his Kunai with chakra, and attacked with all his strength at the seam of the armor.

Showing great agility and observation skills, Brehen managed to react.

He defended himself from the clone's blow using his sword, which had its edge damaged in the process.

Not wanting to lose ground, the clone used all its agility to attack Brehen from different angles.

Each new attack faster than the previous one.

Kakashi, on top of a branch, saw the Witcher's movements.

Realizing that even though Brehen, he had great power of observation and strength.

He lacked agility, his clone's attacks were leaving him cornered.

Observing Brehen's sword, Kakashi realized that his was about to break.

He wasn't using chakra to defend himself from the clone's attacks.

'Could it be that he doesn't know how to imbue chakra into his sword? But that doesn't make sense, he masters a much more difficult chakra style.'

Kakashi was confused by Brehen's actions, he seemed to have the physical abilities of an Elite Chunin.

But he wasn't using chakra, so he was being cornered by the clone.

Kakashi was suspicious, with this situation making no sense.

Knowing this could be a trap, he decided to observe further.

Brehen could be waiting for him to move, to show his true abilities.

The clone, taking advantage of his size, was able to easily dodge Brehen's counterattacks.

Taking advantage of his attacks to tire him, Brehen was expending much more energy.

To continue to defend yourself from his attacks.

If you looked from the outside, everything looked more like a dance than a deadly battle.

A sight to behold, the Witcher's agile movements, which looked more like dance steps with pirouettes.

Combined with the boy's precise movements, who seemed to anticipate everything.

While he dodged with the smallest movement possible, with small, beautiful and agile movements.

Contorting its flexible body to dodge attacks at the last moment.

Small cuts and wounds were spreading across the Witcher's body.

It was increasingly difficult to defend itself from Brehen's attacks.

If a layman saw this battle, they would think that the two were evenly matched in this duel.

But the clone wasn't expending much energy, while the man was already showing small signs of fatigue.

And the longer the battle lasted, the worse it would get for Brehen.

Knowing that the situation was not good for him, as he was wasting a lot of energy trying to hit him.

Brehen was waiting for the clone to make just one small mistake, so he could deliver a fatal blow.

But to his despair, all of the clone's movements were being calculated, he gave no openings.

The clone has already learned his escrima, so no attack he makes, with his current speed, would have any positive result.

While the battle was going on, Brehen noticed the family leaving the scene, but he had no way to stop them.

Brehen was being pressured in such a way that he couldn't afford to take his attention away from the fight.

He was barely able to defend himself from the clone's attacks.

Hiding in a branch while watching everything carefully, Kakashi deciphered the witcher's abilities.

The Witcher has a fighting style that Kakashi has never seen before.

Using spinning attacks to give more momentum and strength to his cuts, while observing everything around him.

It was a style developed to fight against several opponents simultaneously and avoid ambushes.

Kakashi realized that this fighting style was not viable for everyone, as it required a lot of strength, flexibility, and a wide field of vision.

Even though the Witcher's speed didn't seem to pose a risk at first, Kakashi didn't want to risk getting caught in an unfamiliar technique.

Brehen demonstrated many skills unknown today, Kakashi wasn't the type to take stupid risks.

His plan was still to wait for an opening and kill the Witcher with a single attack.

Understanding that a short-range battle was risky and long-range attacks seemed inefficient.

Kakashi realized that the best way to end this fight was with a surprise attack.

Thinking about the right technique he would have to use, Kakashi would use the 'silent assassination technique'.

Even with his current size, this was still his best technique for assassination.

He would put himself in an unfavorable position while attacking.

it wasn't the ideal situation, but he would have to be content with it.

Another problem is that he doesn't know how durable the armor the Witcher wore is.

His attack would have to be in an unprotected place, like the neck.

Kakashi knows he had numerous disadvantages, so he would have to wait for the perfect chance to be as effective as possible.

Even if an ideal situation arose, it would still be a blind attack.

Just having a few small snippets of information about Brehen's abilities.

Kakashi hoped he didn't have any surprises in store for him, but this was a very risky bet.

He would use a weaker variant of Raikiri, but one that would attract less attention and be faster to channel.

Focusing the jutsu on a Kunai, its penetrating power would be reduced.

However, it was quieter and quicker to materialize.

With the action plan defined, all that was needed was to wait for an opening to attack.

The tireless pursuit leaned more and more towards the clone's side, the Witcher's attacks became slower and slower.

Showing openings that could be taken advantage of, attacking ferociously.

The clone managed to create the chance he was hoping for.

He could finally inflict an injury on Brehen.

Confident that he would win this battle, the clone advanced.

But that changed when a rounded object was thrown towards him.

Sensing the danger, the clone quickly retreated.

A large explosion of flames occurred, blocking the clone's vision, he lost sight of Brehen.

Leaving no room for the clone to escape, the Witcher quickly advanced towards him.

Appearing next to the clone, he used a swing of his sword with all his strength.

The clone tried to stop the sword using his Kunai, but this only caused his Kunai to be thrown away upon impact.

Making the clone poorly positioned to defend itself from Brehen's attack.

That did not miss this opportunity and continued with its attack.

He quickly turned around with his sword, and hit the clone in the chest with his sword.

Which caused an explosion of white smoke, Kakashi saw it and noticed its opening.

Making the tiger seal with his right hand, he used the silent assassination technique.

While in his left hand he held a kunai, which was already beginning to gather lightning-type chakra.

Kakashi appeared behind Brehen, at his neck level, he was suspended in the air.

Using all his strength, Kakashi aimed for Brehen's neck.

When Kakashi's Kunai was about to hit him, something strange happened.

His attack collided with a golden barrier.

Even with his offensive power, his Raikiri was unable to pass through the barrier.

His attack was deflected, instead hitting Brehen's neck.

Kakashi hits him in the back, sticking the Kunai into his shoulder.

Most of the breakthrough power of his attack was lost upon first contact with the Witcher's shield.

Brehen wasted no time, when he was hit, he counterattacked Kakashi, using his elbow.

With great strength and speed, the Witcher's attack approached Kakashi.

Even though he could see the attack with his Sharingan, he wasn't in a good position to dodge it.

Still in the air, Kakashi had to use his arms to defend himself from the attack.

Kakashi was thrown away from the impact of the attack.

Feeling his arms go numb, Kakashi realized that the bone in his right arm was broken.

Placing himself in a defensive position, Kakashi concentrated chakra into his right arm.

He used chakra, to control the muscles in his forearm, to make his bone sit the right way.

His arm was still broken, but this way he could use it in combat.

Realizing that once again he did not obtain the expected result in this battle, Brehen became frustrated.

Brehen removed Kakashi's Kunai from his shoulder, and then threw it to the ground.

He didn't look away from Kakashi, Brehen was afraid he might suffer another surprise attack.

Checking his wound Brehen sees blood staining his fingers.

A shiver ran down his spine, Brehen realized that the boy had managed to penetrate his Quen.

Looking at the boy, who was already standing and in a defensive position, as his eyes analyzed him.

Brehen noticed that the boy had a strange red eye, with a different shape drawn on it.

He thought the boy was blind since during the fight, he never removed the cloth that covered his eye.

Totally confused by that, Brehen starts to analyze Kakashi.

He was just a boy who looked no older than five.

He had almost white gray hair, which was unusual for a pureblood human.

A large scar that crossed his left eye, a cut made by a blade.

Wearing a mask that covered his nose, and completely black clothing, the boy gave off a mysterious air.

With metal plates on their forearms, and wearing strange-looking shoes.

Kakashi wore, an outfit Brehen had never seen before.

He had techniques that Brehen had never seen or heard of before.

His movements and abilities were something completely new, the Witcher was sure he had hit him.

Feeling the contact of the sword with Kakashi's body, Brehen thought he had won.

But then Kakashi just disappeared like smoke, and then appeared on his back.

Brehen was wondering what kind of sorcery Kakashi used.

This was the first time in years, since the last time he had been caught off guard and injured by another human.

Cautious of Kakashi, who destroyed his Quen and still managed to pierce his armor.

He was sorry for playing with his family, he was supposed to end their lives earlier.

Brehen didn't expect to have to face someone so dangerous.

Observing Kakashi, the Witcher came to a conclusion, he would have to use everything within his reach.

The best case scenario would be for them to not have to fight anymore, but if that didn't work

Brehen would no longer try to save materials, he would have to use everything he had.

"Hey kid, I'm going to make you one more proposal, how about we forget about it."

Putting his hands up, showing that he wanted to end this fight.

"I'm going to turn around and walk away and you and the group you're protecting will never see me again."

Truthfully speaking, Brehen wanted to end this conflict.

He stared coldly at Brehen, Kakashi not relaxing even one of his muscles, he was prepared for battle.

He didn't believe any of the words that came out of the Witcher's mouth, but even if he did, Kakashi wouldn't give any openings.

Even though he wanted to end this battle, at that moment, his conscience wouldn't allow it.

Kakashi never wanted to meet Brehen, so he wouldn't have to have this battle.

But now that he found him Kakashi couldn't let him go, not after seeing Brehen's cruelty.

Upon finding the corpse that the Witcher had left in the forest, the torture that person was subjected to.

Kakashi wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing he left trash like Brehen alive.

Every person the Witcher makes a victim from today onwards would also be his fault, Kakashi didn't want to have any more innocent blood on his hands.

"I don't care what you offer me, you won't escape this place with your life"

Watching Brehen waiting for his next move, Kakashi was ready to go all out.

Opening the first gate silently, Kakashi reduced his strength disadvantage.

Thus increasing his chance of victory, he waited for any opening to attack Brehen.

Watching the boy who denied his request for a truce.

Brehen saw the coldness in his eyes, and realized that the boy was just waiting for an opening to attack him.

The boy would go all out, Brehen decided to deal with his opponent as what he really was, a monster.

To Brehen, Kakashi only looks like a human boy, but he must be some kind of demon in disguise.

Brehen decided to remove three vials of potion from his bag

A Blizzard, which increases reflexes and speed, 'Reaction similar to adrenaline, but more powerful'.

Swallow that increases regeneration, making the body recover from injuries quickly.

Wolf that increases an individual's precision and strength, 'Reaction similar to hormones, but with instant effect'.

Kakashia became cautious when he saw those three bottles with strange liquids, he strengthened his base ready to act.

Brehen noticed from Kakashi's attitude that the moment he let his guard down, he would drink the potions.

He would attack him and his life would be at risk, Brehen realized that he could only drink if he created an opening for it.

Thinking about the possibilities, few things come to his mind.

His best possibility was to use the Dragon's Dream bomb combined with Igni to cause a large explosion of flames.

Forcing him to retreat, giving him time to drink and assimilate the effects of the potions.

With the plan in place, he quickly picked up the bomb and threw it towards Kakashi.

When it exploded and spread its flammable gas into the air, he used his Igni to set it on fire.

Creating a large curtain of fire.

Kakashi was alert when the Witcher threw the bomb towards him, he immediately backed away, so he was not affected by the explosion area.

But his entire vision of what was happening was affected, he couldn't see what Brehen was doing.

Alert to what was coming, Kakashi waited for Brehen to continue his attack.

However nothing happened leaving Kakashi confused.

Brehen took this opportunity to drink the portions.

 When he drank the first bottle, black circles appeared around his eyes.

After the second, his face became paler and his eyes became dark as night.

In the third, black veins spread across his face and neck.

His features became even more animalistic, Brehen looked nothing like a human.

He had a monstrous appearance, Kakashi seeing that change in Brehen, became even more alert and vigilant.

Noticing that the Witcher's stance had completely changed, Kakashi felt that the difficulty of this fight increased.

Brehen felt much more confident when he felt that burst of power.

"I gave you a chance to survive, and you spat in my face."

With a cruel smile on his face Brehen continued his monologue.

"Now the mercy is over, I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to go after the others, their suffering will be your fault."

Quickly advancing towards Kakashi, he showed much greater speed than he had previously shown.

With the Kunai in his hand, Kakashi was waiting for the right moment to act.

Even though Brehen's sudden increase in speed surprised him, he was not shaken by it.

Quickly arriving close to Kakashi, Brehen brandished his sword with a powerful side blow.

Kakashi ducked, dodging the attack, but Brehen's attacks didn't stop there.

With a continuous string of attacks, he made Kakashi continually move away.

While deftly dodging the Witcher's attacks, Kakashi waited for a small opening to counterattack.

But the continuous rain of blows didn't stop, Brehen wasn't giving Kakashi any openings.

Over time, after getting used to Brehen's blows, Kakashi began to create openings to counterattack.

Slowly Kakashi began to lead the battle, he was dominating Brehen.

Even with his great advantage in physical strength, Brehen was unable to win this battle.

Taking advantage of one of the Witcher's spinning strikes, Kakashi gathered chakra in his left arm.

Using his Kunai to strike his sword at the right time, Kakashi managed to knock Brehen off balance.

Giving him the opening he was looking for, trying to advance towards the Witcher.

But unfortunately his plans were thwarted, due to the Witcher's skills.

Just as he was about to attack, Kakashi felt his entire body become heavy, as if gravity had suddenly increased.

Preventing you from moving properly.

Moving chakra through his body, Kakashi began to regain his movements, but before he could recover.

Brehen grabbed him by the neck and held him in the air, with his hand squeezing his neck tightly, not letting Kakashi breathe.

"Now, this is over," the Witcher's other hand that held the sword moved towards Kakashi's body, intending to break him in half.

But before the sword could hit Kakashi, he used his Kunai to stop the attack, while his left hand made hand seals.

The grip on Kakashi's neck tightened, making him have trouble concentrating, using his knee he kicked the Witcher's arm.

Causing him to loosen his grip a little, giving Kakashi the opening to attack.

With his lungs full, Kakashi blew with everything he had, using the Great Fireball Technique.

The Witcher realized the blow Kakashi was about to make with his spear, and used the Quen sign to protect himself.

Kakashi used that distraction to move away and hide.

On a nearby branch while observing everything, he touched his neck which had marks from the Witcher's fingers, he was trying to catch his breath.

His right arm wasn't in the best of shape either, Kakashi used the mystic palm to connect his bone again.

Observing the Witcher, Kakashi realized that Brehen's technique could not defend him from everything, it had a limit.

Small burns appeared on Brehen's face, Kakashi also noticed a screw, embedded in the Witcher's neck and was confused.

Not knowing where that bolt came from, Kakashi looked around and saw who fired it.

'I recognize this person, it was one of the ones I saved earlier, it seems he had come to help.'

Antoni, holding the crossbow, trembled with fear, but still managed to load another bolt, and fired again.

This time Brehen is not hit, he easily deflects the arrow with his sword.

Brehen, removed the screw from his neck, which soon healed, the burns were softened and were no longer so visible.

Facing Antoni, Brehen goes towards him wanting to end his life.

Slowly approaching the man who fired the bolt, the Witcher using his senses to sense his surroundings.

He didn't want to be caught off guard again.

That little time that Kakashi managed was enough for him to recover a little.

Unable to let the Witcher attack the man, Kakashi takes a deep breath again and prepares to continue the battle.

He wanted to use a clone, but his chakra reception was dangerously low, Kakashi could only use two more jutsus.

If he armed himself with two kunais, Kakashi gathered chakra in his arms and legs.

Then he advanced towards the Witcher.

Kakashi took the initiative in the attack and intercepted the Brehen before he could Antoni.

Brehen heard something approaching, and turned to defend himself.

Sparks and heavy blows were seen in the battle.

With each blow they exchanged, the two realized that they were exhausted.

The Wizard felt that his potions were losing their effect and tiredness was already affecting him.

Kakashi, realizing that his body was already giving in, his body couldn't take much more with the first gate open.

But he knew he couldn't show weakness, Kakashi pushed his body to the maximum to corner the already weakened Witcher.

Every attack from Kakashi made Brehen flinch, the aggression Kakashi was showing.

It left Brehen cornered, he was barely able to defend himself.

Seeing that if he did nothing he would die, Brehen made a difficult decision, he let himself be hit.

Using his left arm, he stopped Kakashi's Kunais, and made his move.

Brehen didn't care about this injury, he took this chance to attack.

Using a diagonal sword strike towards Kakashi's neck, Brehen used all of his strength.

With great difficulty Kakashi managed to remove his Kunais from Brehen's arm, and used them to defend himself.

Being thrown by the impact of the attack, Kakashi tried to reposition himself, but before he could recover.

An object was thrown towards him, Kakashi realized it was another bomb, and ran away.

A large explosion of fire resounded from the place where Kakashi was just a moment ago.

Rolling to the side to escape the blast, Kakashi tried to move away from the affected area and gain some distance.

But Brehen had other plans, he continued advancing and delivering quick, deadly blows with his sword.

Kakashi was defending himself with his Kunai, with each attack from Brehen, Kakashi lost the advantage.

His arms and legs were already numb from defending the blows, it felt like someone was hitting him with a giant sledgehammer.

The impacts traveled throughout his small body, which was already showing signs of fatigue.

Unable to move away, unable to attack, Kakashi was in a dangerous situation, Brehen left no gap that he could take advantage of to get out of this situation.

Kakashi's current body was not in ideal condition for this battle, he was trying to distance himself from the Witcher, however exhaustion was making this task difficult.

Not knowing how long his small body could withstand so much stress, Kakashi was stuck in that situation waiting for his chance.

Struggling to defend himself, and unable to move away Kakashi knew he couldn't stay on the defensive forever.

He would have to go on the attack, but as much as he wanted to attack he couldn't find any opening.

Observing the Witcher's movements, Kakashi noticed a small flaw in Brehen's posture, every time he attacked horizontally, he stretched his right shoulder, leaving a small opening.

Sensing the chance he had been waiting for, Kakashi directed the fight so that he would use this attack again.

When Brehen used it, Kakashi took advantage, he had already gathered chakra in his legs and hands, Kakashi advanced on Brehen attacking the back of his knee with the Kunai.

Decreasing the Witcher's ability to move, and before Brehen could counterattack, Kakashi moved away.

Taking this opportunity to gather chakra in his legs, Kakashi retreated with a powerful leap.

With a sequence of quick hand seals, while retreating Kakashi used the 'Great Fireball Technique'.

Creating a gigantic ball of fire, he headed towards Brehen, who only had time to activate his Quen to defend himself.

When the Jutsu collided with Quen, the techniques canceled each other out, Brehen's shield defended Kakashi's attack, but was broken at the same time.

Kakashi was already counting on this situation, he threw kunai with explosive tag towards Brehen a little after using his jutsu.

Brehen, with his movement capacity weakened, and without being able to use his defensive technique, only had one way out.

He used his sword to deflect Kakashi's Kunais, but the tag attached to the kunai started to catch fire and exploded near his face.

His already weakened sword could not withstand the power of the explosion, fragments of it hit Brehen's face and neck, leaving him on the verge of death.

Brehen, knowing he couldn't survive with those injuries, decided to take Kakashi to hell with him.

Taking all the vials he had he drank them all at once, he felt that his body would give in soon, but he would have enough time to take revenge.

Rising from the smoke caused by the flames and explosion, Brehen showed himself to Kakashi.

Who was taken by surprise by his appearance, half of Brehen's face was destroyed, much of the flesh on the left side of his face was missing, the other part was burned and with fragments of his sword.

His facial bones were visible, his left eye was missing, bulging black veins were appearing on his neck and dark blood ran from his mouth, nose and ear.

Kakashi didn't understand how Brehen was still alive with his body in that state, any human would have died or become unconscious with so much damage.

But Wircher showed absurd willpower and resistance, this was not something a normal human could do.

Without speaking a single word or taking any action that would show he was coming, Brehen quickly advanced towards Kakashi holding his other sword.

This time Brehen was much faster, it didn't seem like Kakashi had just disabled one of his legs.

His blows had great speed and strength, but were disorganized and random, his movements became more predictable and easier to dodge.

Kakashi realized that these attacks were the Witcher's last breath, his body was giving in, his speed was decreasing more and more and his strength was disappearing.

Brehen gave everything to kill Kakashi, but his physical situation prevented him from continuing this fight, he had failed and died suffering.

A deserved death for him, who caused so much pain and suffering while he was alive.

Deciding to end this fight, which had already lasted longer than it should, Kakashi made quick combinations of seals on his hands and performed his original jutsu.

"Raikiri", then a hiss resonates throughout the place, dense and aggressive chakra manifested in Kakashi's hand.

His body moved quickly, so his arm easily crossed the body of the already dying Brehen.

Brehen's body fell to his knees, his signs of life were quickly disappearing, even in this situation he still tried to attack once again.

However, his body no longer obeyed him, Brehen could not believe that he would lose his life in this way, at the hands of a child.

If he had known that there would be a monster of that level in this forest, Brehen would not have played with his prey, he would have eliminated them quickly and gone after the others.

But his arrogance was his downfall, making him die in such a pathetic situation, in an unknown place and without any purpose.

Brehen only felt pain comparable to what he was feeling now, which was when he went through the Trial of the Grass, to become a Witcher.

Even though he tried to move, his body no longer listened to him, his vision was going dark, Brehen could no longer breathe properly and his body was getting cold.

He left this world, alone with his heart pierced by Kakashi, no one would miss him or cry for him, his name would be infamous.

Seeing the light fading from Brehen's eyes, Kakashi could finally relax, this battle had worn him out a lot.

Kakashi was feeling the exhaustion of his body, he was weak even removing his arm from the wizard's chest was difficult.

His body was exhausted and he had trouble getting up, so he gave in and sat down for a bit to catch his breath.

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