
Puppet Army Versus Fire Dragon Army

A massive red meteor plummeted toward the earth, on a collision course with a rising red star that appeared to have been fired from the most powerful of artillery.

The Fire Dragon Emperor and the Stygian Manticore unleashed deafening roars as they charged at each other, pushing Nookie into the background, though the little necrollin much preferred the situation.

It could risk the destruction of its corpse puppets for a chance to add an overlord-level one to its collection.

However, why should it do so if not necessary?

Nookie was all too happy to watch on as the two overlords attempted to rip each other's throats apart.

The ascending manticore sank its jaws into the Fire Dragon Emperor's left arm, sending shattered scales flying and causing the emperor's fiery blood to rain down onto the ground. 

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