

{Valencia's POV}

[Pinnacle Academy, Stadium 1 - Arena A: Allen's Cafe]

[6:50 PM]

Milio Idris's voice boomed through the dispersing crowd.

"...that concludes the ceremony! Wishing you all a wonderful evening!"


[Message from Group chat: VCL <3 - Sender: Camila]< em>

I clutched my plaque, checking the message from Camila.

[Camilia: <6:52 PM> Valenciaaaaa, we're gonna be at the food court towards the main lobby, Be there so we can celebrate! (Bring Jan as well pls...)]

[You: <6:53 PM> Okay.]

They were planning a celebration dinner in the stadium's food court... but why bring Jan?

Oh right...

Smiling, I typed a quick "Okay." 

Just as I stepped off the stage, I caught sight of Jan.

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