
Chapter 43: Horcrux gone

( Chamber of Secrets)

Its gone. It's finally GONE! The Horcrux is gone! So is the thing that's Voldemort inside him is gone as well.

The boy would look up at those who were concerned and worried for him.

"It's gone guys. The Horcrux is GONE!"Harry Potter says no longer feeling that connection to Voldemort.

"Oh Arry you had us worried!" Fleur says now hugging the boy with Ginny and Luna joining in on the Hug while Neville looked relieved happy that his friend made it through this.

He couldn't imagine what would life be like without Harry Potter. Who holds the glue to many friendships.

( In Harry's mindscape)

Toxine opened her Amber-colored eyes looking around for Blaze.

"Blaze, where are you?" she asked only to hear a muffled sound looking down she noticed her breasts were smothering his face she blushed and instantly got up off him.

"Oh Merlin! I'm sorry Blaze!" she apologized

"It's fine... Very fine even though for a second I thought I couldn't breathe." Blaze says with a blush of his own looking away.

"So it's over? It's gone?" She asked looking at the entrance of the chamber of secrets and opened it with blaze following her.

As they opened the entrance. There was nothing left... The dursely's hallway and cupboard was gone as well which confirmed that Voldemort is gone within Harry.

"We did it!" says Toxine now hugging Blaze who's face was in her breasts again suffocating him again as he too hugged her back despite being smothered by her chest. Toxine stopped when she realized she's suffocating him again and put him down blushing and looking away

( In Reality)

"Don't scare us like that again!" Hermione says towards Harry after hugging him herself and gave a kiss on the cheek since Fleur, Ginny and Luna pecked him on the cheeks too.

"I feel better now we should celebrate tomorrow." Harry suggested with the others nodding.

"Of course!" Says Ginny.

"Yeah lets head to bed." Neville says as they all nodded in agreement.

"See you guys in the morning." Harry would say as Fleur gave him one last peck on the cheek.

( Gryffindor Common Room)

Hermione, Ginny and Neville entered in their common room and would return their bedrooms.

As they went into the bedrooms coming out of the Shadows was Ron Weasley. Who glared at them as they went up to their dorm rooms. And knows they went and saw scarhead. He can't even tell his head of the house because professor McGonagall, knowing she won't punish them for leaving their common room for going to see Scarhead. And wont even take points for them coming in so late.

Soon... Very soon he'll approach both Hermione and his sister and tell them that Harry is a monster and that they need to stay away from him. The boy would retreat to his own bed while he would wait later on in the day to get those two alone and tell them about Harry.

( The Next Day)

It was morning as Harry was on his way to the great hall to have breakfast. Now in a good mood with the Horcrux no longer inside him. He felt Voldemort-free.

As he walked to the Ravenclaw table he would spot Fleur and Gabrielle there eating breakfast along with Luna who was eating cereal. From the Hufflepuff table he would see Susan Bones talk with Hannah Abbot.

On the Slytherin table.

Daphne Greengrass noticed potter entered the great hall seeing him sit with the delacours and Lovegood. Suddenly her Sister Astoria noticed her sister's line of look.

"What do you see in him Daphne?" her little sister asked as Daphne turned with a stoic expression.

"What I see in him. Is that he is a noble gentleman. What he did in saving Fleur's sister has earned my upmost respect for him." Daphne answers as she heard a Scoff coming from Malfoy.

"You must really love him huh? Why are you with him and his little band of harlots Daphne? To think you would sink lower by being friends with a mud blood and blood traitor along with a puff and looney Ravenclaw. You are supposed to be of pure blood status!" Malfoy says with Daphne giving him a icy glare.

"Maybe because I have finally gotten to know them unlike you Draco. All you would do is belittle them and insult them and get away with it while others would look the other way." Daphne countered with Malfoy scowling.

"You shouldn't sully yourself with them. You are only ruining your pure blood status. I'm sure your father and mother would be very ashamed of you." Malfoy says with a sneer while her ice cold look remained.

"They wouldn't be ashamed of me of making new friends. Whether they are pure blood or not." Daphne shot back drinking some tea.

"So. Going to be potter's Whor-" Before he could finish that sentence her wand was right in his face.

"Finish that sentence Draco and you'll get a nasty hex on your face." Daphne says with half the Slytherin table watching with the ferret looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"You wouldn't dare. My father will-" He says until her wand was pointing at his cheek

"Your father will do what? Is that all you do? Run to daddy for help? Because you can never fight your own fights?" Daphne hissed. With others widening their eyes at this with Draco sweating lightly and seeing half the slytherin table look at him.

"If I were you. I'd back down." Daphne says with Draco giving her a sneer.

"Okay. You win this round. Next time you won't be lucky." Thought Malfoy now looking away going back to eat his breakfast knowing he couldn't win that argument

"Serves the Git right." Thought Harry with a smile having watched that discussion between Daphne and Malfoy.

"Looking at Ferret boy?" Fleur asks with Harry nodding as she giggled.

"Yeah. Seems like Daphne beat him in an argument." Harry says eating his eggs off his plate as Luna also smiled.

Not far away from the great hall Tonks was watching Harry potter sit over at the Ravenclaw table along with the French veela champion. Guess her and Harry will have their time to talk soon.

The last to enter the great hall was Hermione and Ginny as they saw Harry sitting over at the Ravenclaw table as they waved hello to him and would be on their way to see him in a bit.

On the staff table sat Dumbledore as he too watched Harry. He couldn't help but notice Harry's scar looks faded. Did something happen to it? Has his tenants figured out a way to get rid of IT.

He would have to ask the boy when the time is right.

After all. The third task is almost here. He'll have Tonks get him ready for what's to come.

He wonders what is Tom's move now without crouch Jr. As the old headmaster would have to wait.

( Meanwhile with Voldemort)

"Wormtail... Better not fail me... Nagini... I feel weak for some reason... Yet would could it be?" Rasped Voldemort with his Familiar leaning up against her master. This is the second time he feels his power weakened. He must regain his strength back. Once wormtail completes his mission and goes bring Harry Potter here when the third task of the tri-wizard tournament is underway.

Once he has Potter's blood he will grow strong again and kill the boy.

What Voldemort doesn't know is that Harry Potter is a literal Demigod and the dark lord would be powerless to beat the boy.

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