
Spending Some Time in the Hot Tub

Lila reluctantly got out with her, and they dried off with the towels given to them by Alexis before going back to Luna's room for Zari's clothing. Everyone except Zari knew they weren't there though; Elaria had cleaned and moved them into the extra room.

Elaria came into Luna's room a few seconds after them, "I washed Miss Zari's clothing and put them in the extra room. Let me take you to them."

Elaria led them into the extra room, where there was just a bed, some dressers, an adjustable height desk, empty bookshelves, and a laundry basket next to the door. Of course, there was also a luxurious bathroom and a large walking closet that was currently empty. Folded neatly on the foot of the bed were Zari's clothes she'd worn over here. She saw them and took them into the bathroom to change.

Elaria left, coming back to the pool area while Lila stayed until Zari came out. Zari wasn't sure where to put the bikini she'd been wearing, but Lila took it from her and tossed it in the laundry basket.

Lila took Zari's arm, and they walked out of the room towards the door. I got out of the hot tub and leaned against the railing inside where I could see her off.

When they were in front of the door, Lila hugged her, looking up into her face with the cutest expression ever, "Please come over again. Any time you want, and let's play in the pool again tomorrow. You don't need to buy a swimsuit or anything; Luna's fits you perfectly, and she won't even notice you have it."

I looked into Zari's eyes and smiled while nodding, "Come over anytime, even if you just want to swim or whatever when we aren't here, and I think it sounds fun to swim after class every day."

Her face turned pink, and she seemed to be fighting with her heart on what she wanted to do. Her brain lost, and her voice sounded shy, "Ok."

Lila let her go and waved goodbye as she left. Lila was ready for some other fun and immediately dragged me out to the beach area.

My old house was within the range of my divine sense, although barely, and I wanted to see what mom and Zari did when she got back so I was happy about that.

I lay on the sand and started playing with Lila. With my current brain power, multitasking was easy, and neither task affected the other.

Zari went in the front door, then towards the kitchen. Mom was in the living room when she passed by; Zari went and got something from the kitchen and walked back by mom again while thinking about something.

Mom called out to her, "Zari."

Zari came back to reality, "huh? What is it?"

"Sooo how did it go?"

Zari looked like she was a little embarrassed about something, and mom scrutinized her expression.

"Did something happen?"

"Huh? No. They're... just... they're just all so perfect looking!"


Zari covered her face now completely embarrassed, "Not like that, I mean even the servants look like model. It feels so strange looking at them, and Lila and Luna. And, it just..."

"And what? You think you aren't? You are also beautiful too. Say you actually aren't as beautiful as them though, you really can't be that far off if they invited you right? You also said they always sit by you in class and don't hang out with others. And you also said the eared girl told you you're the only other good-looking person right?"

"Well... yes. I suppose."

"So if the girl you just said looked perfect called you the only other good-looking person, wouldn't that make you not inferior to her?"

I could tell she disagreed but wasn't going to say it, and while mom is correct in the case of her not being inferior to Lila, her logic isn't correct in all cases, "Yes."

"So how did it go? Are they nice? They seemed nice."

"Yes, they're very nice." Her face turned pink again as she recalled a scene, "Luna gave me something to wear while swimming, then we sat in the hot tub for a bit, then swam in the pool."

She started getting excited, "the pool is so big! It's like the size of the one run by the city, but deeper. Lila pushed me in and it was cold, then I swam some laps to warm up. Then I dumped her off the floaty as revenge. At the deep end, it's 30 feet, and Luna taught me how to touch the bottom."

Then she remembered her embarrassment again and the pink returned to her cheeks, "then we sat in the hot tub more and then I had to come home for homework."

Her cheeks reddened a little more, "then I had to find my clothes Elaria had washed and moved into a spare room." Her eyes lit up a little bit, she didn't seem to notice, "then they saw me off, and I promised to swim again after class."

Mom smiled, Zari's face and expressions did not go unnoticed, "Sounds like you had fun. Tell me more."

"Uh, that was all that happened. Lila told me about each of them, and I promised to be her friend." Zari seemed to realize something, "Except Alexander, she didn't say anything about him."

Mom was definitely digging for information on who her daughter was hanging out with; she had a good impression already and seemed to want to confirm it, "What did she say?"

Zari repeated what Lila told her about each of the girls, not leaving out a single detail even with the rephrasing.

Mom looked sad, "It sounds like the bad childhood club. Although I suppose if all these girls who've had bad experiences previously are happy being around him, he probably isn't bad."

Zari looked slightly offended but didn't realize it, "Of course, he's not bad, he's quite nice."

Awww is that the praise a single smile will get me? I'll have to give some more.

Mom sighed, "ok ok I know. Now go get your homework done so you can have fun tomorrow." Then she gave her a look, "and if you don't get your homework done in the future because you're having fun in the pool for too long each day…"

"I know, I'll make sure to get it done. I was the one who wanted to go to university anyway."

Zari skipped off to her room, and mom said a comment to herself after she was gone, seemingly happy but sad at the same time, "she's finally showing some happiness again."


About two weeks had passed since the first day Zari came over for a swim. Lila always sat her down in the same place; she was still not relaxed about it, but at least she seemed to actually like it now. At first, Lila had to almost make her sit there. Now, even if Lila moved, she didn't. She has definitely begun to very much enjoy my close company.

Lila was becoming a little bit adventurous. I think she was trying to see how Zari would react. At first, when we were in the hot tub, she just reached across Zari, picked my arm up, and put it behind the two on the cement, like I was putting my arm over their shoulders, but not touching.

She also began having Elaria give me a shoulder massage while I soaked. Alexis would switch between her and Zari. At first, this made her more tense, but eventually, she began to relax to it, even closing her eyes. It also served the added benefit of keeping her from escaping when Lila became more adventurous.

Then she gradually moved up to my hand around the back of them, but touching the backs of their necks and my hand just over her shoulder enough so Zari could see it, then she looked at Lila.

Then she moved up to my hand against her breast, but outside of her bikini. Zari was quite uncomfortable when she saw it but relaxed about it after a couple days.

Then it worked its way inside. Then she left her spot and sat on Luna's lap while leaning against me; then it was my lap with my arms around her. I think she actually enjoyed the job of adjusting Zari to our contact.

Apparently today, Lila had decided to take a big step. While sitting on my lap, she began wiggling her little butt. My little brother was already solid, now it was just throbbing.

Her hand reached behind her and pulled the front of my trucks down, hooking it under my balls while she held my shaft in her little hand.

She turned around and sank under the water, she was kneeling on the bottom of the hot tub, still gripping my shaft. You couldn't see under the water due to all the bubbles from the jets, but everyone except Zari knew what she was doing.

Her tongue swirled around the top of my cock and her mouth started kissing up and down. She opened her mouth wide and pulled me in, I felt the tip press against that back of her throat before she forced it in further. Her tongue stuck out and licked my balls with every downward motion. I placed my hand on the back of her head while she worked.

She blew some bubbles then created a suction force. The alternating bubbles and suction I could feel were heavenly, I leaned my head back against the cement where Elaria was sitting.

This was the life, a massage from the most beautiful servant ever while getting sucked off by one of your wives in a hot tub, sitting with the other.

Zari had no idea what was going on until she saw Lila's ears breaking through the surface with regular timing. It took a few seconds for her to realize what was happening, when she finally did, her face was red as a tomato.

She seemed to be fighting with herself over running away. She wanted to run away but was worried about what we would think if she did.

A part of her must not have wanted to run away as she unconsciously leaned closer to me. A flicker of jealousy flashed in her eyes as she looked at Lila's ears consistently breaking through the water.

She sat there, staring and unable to move. Luna glanced at her and smirked before laying her head back and enjoying Nona's fingers massaging the back of her neck again.

Soon I was close, I held Lila's head down and her grip tightened on my thighs. My balls contracted and a load shot down her throat, she started coughing and gagging, trying coming up, her grip tightened further. She knows full well how this goes, she doesn't get to stop until I'm done.

My member finished its spasms and I released her head, she shot up to the surface, coughing and sucking in deep breaths. Apparently she hadn't swallowed what was in her mouth as a little leaked out.

Zari stared silently at her mouth as if in a trance.

Lila took her finger and wiped her mouth, putting what she'd spilled back inside. She looked at Zari and grinned mischievously, "Want some?"

Zari immediately nodded, she no longer had any mind to think with.

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