
Paper Rain

I gave a large stack to each of the girls and took one myself, then explained my plan to them.

I also had us all cast an illusion on ourselves so we couldn't be identified when people from the palace started asking questions.

We flew off the balcony and headed in separate directions, scanning the streets for any homeless kids that we could pay for distribution.

I found a group in a run-down part of the city who appeared to be playing duck duck go and dropped down next to them. They immediately startled and ran.

"Hey, wait! I want to hire you guys to hand out papers!"

One of them slowed down, but the rest kept running. She turned around but didn't come closer, "What do you want exactly?"

I felt her gaze scrutinizing me, trying to see if I was lying.

She was a catgirl with black fur and dark grey hair. She looked to be about 15 and pretty even while dirty. She must have good instincts since she's not in a slave market yet. Though with only staying that far away, I don't think she has any idea how fast people can be or how she could be caught with magic.

I held up the stack of papers, "I want to hire you to hand out these papers to anyone and everyone. They are a story that people can read."

She still looked suspicious, "You were flying. Why not just drop them from the sky if you want everyone to have them?"

I realized that she had a point, "I should just do that, shouldn't I? Thanks for the suggestion."

I pulled out a gold coin and used magic to send it over to her before contacting the girls and explaining the new plan.

I was about to fly when she called from behind me, "Thank you! If you need something else, come find me!"

I glanced back and thought about it. I could use someone that has good senses for danger and train them to protect Luna and Lila, or whoever I please—a sort of unseen bodyguard so it doesn't affect their fun time.

I could see with my divine sense about 100m, and I could use it to check talents from about 20m. The range can be improved with higher cultivation.

I used my divine sense to check her cultivation talent from a distance. As soon as I touched her, her eye twitched and her gaze turned just ever so slightly confused.

She didn't seem concerned about it, but a little curious, "What did you do?"

People shouldn't be able to notice a divine sense from someone much more powerful than they are.

"I checked your talent in something. It's good you can sense it; that's pretty much impossible."

Her talent was excellent in addition to sensing things she shouldn't be able to, she's worth keeping.

I had another question, "Why did you stop running when the rest kept going?"

"You didn't seem like you wanted to harm me."

I nodded, "Alright, would you like to come with me? I have something I'll teach you. I think you'd probably make a good bodyguard for my wife."

She seemed to recognize it could be an opportunity for her but was still hesitant and shook her head, "Please don't take offense sir, thank you for the offer, but I don't believe you for sure. I think I can, but I don't know for sure."

"What exactly are you worried about? Maybe I can make a man's oath to alleviate those worries?"

"A slave contract, since I was told they can be forced on me and I can never get away."

I nodded, "I swear to mana that I won't force a slave contract on you, nor give you to another person. If you want to leave at any time, you can, and I will drop you off as soon as possible if you want to be dropped off there. If I want you to leave, I'll drop you off at the nearest convenient place safe enough."

I think that covers everything I need it to.

I felt the string form around my core, and I think if I ever chose to devour it I probably could, though I have no reason to.

She thought about it for a minute and took a few steps forward, "Alright, I'll try it and leave if I don't like it."

"Let's go. I'm going to throw these papers from the sky, then we'll go to the magic tower."

I cast an air platform under me and motioned for her to step on. She walked closer and tripped on the edge of the platform. I let out a small laugh as she stabilized herself and she looked away hiding her face; it was a little amusing.

"You gotta pick your feet up!"

"You should illuminate the platform or something so I can see it!"

"When you form your first circle, you'll be able to notice it."

"I don't know how to do that."

"Don't worry about it; you'll reach a point beyond your imagination if you follow me."

"My imagination goes all the way to 10 circles. So I can't go beyond it." She said dryly and slightly like she was talking to a fool.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh? Is that true? Well, if you think 10 circles is the best you can do, then I guess you're right."

I raised the platform into the air and contacted the girls again. We made a plan to scatter the papers all at the same time with Lila counting us down.

I split the stack in half and handed it to the girl, "Help me toss them around. And what's your name and how old are you?"

"Nyla, I'm 13."


"Just Nyla."

"You look more like 15."

My communication artifact activated, and Lila's voice came through. I repeated her for Nyla since she couldn't hear it.





We started flying across the sky while standing on the platform, chucking papers down into the city as the wind whistled past.

I looked behind us and thought it almost looked like we have exhaust made of paper.

Even as large as the capital is, we covered it in only a few minutes. We were pretty high in the air, so I had to still the wind above the city temporarily to keep the papers from blowing out.

Paper rained from the sky all across the city.

"Alright, let's go to the tower."

"Do you work for the tower, or are you just meeting your friends there?"

I glanced at her and saw she had kept one of the papers to read herself.

Before I could answer, she asked another question, "Are you the genius boy?"

She looked at me with stars in her eyes, "Can I meet the princess!? Can I watch her beat the bad guys? What is she going to do next? Are you going to take me to Alfheim?"

I tried to keep track of her questions, "Not exactly, yes, yes, probably, I don't know, if we go there."

She looked slightly embarrassed then admitted, "I forgot what I asked."

I shook my head amused and put my hand on her shoulder then teleported us back to the apartment.

The girls came into view, and we dropped our illusions. Nyla looked around at the grandeur of the new surroundings with her mouth open.

Lila looked at Nyla, "Who's this."

I pointed at Lila, "She's the princess you wanted to meet."

That snapped her back to reality, her face got excited then turned horrified. She started running towards the door behind me, "I can't meet a princess looking like this."

We burst out laughing until I realized what door she was going towards, "No no no that's the balcony!"

The railing on the balcony was more decorative than functional.

I grabbed the back of her collar, her feet flew out from under her and she fell with her hands covering her mortified face.

She immediately got to her feet and bowed towards Lila, "I'm sorry princess, I'm not presentable to meet you."

Lila looked at her seriously, "You know that and you're still standing here?"

Nyla turned around with tears and started running towards the door again.

"Oh no you don't." I grabbed her again, "Lila be nice and stop playing."

"Aww but I've never had someone respect the title before! Little girl, I'm just kidding."


"Yep, it was kind of funny."

I started giving instructions, "Alright, this is Nyla. Get her a bath. Lila, let's go out and see the city."

Alexis stepped out and took Nyla's hand, "Yes Master, I'll get her a bath."

I pulled Lila close and teleported us to the base of the tower "Shall we find a bakery?"

Her face lit up, "Let's go! Pastries are so good!"

We started wandering around listening to the chatter around. Those papers we dropped were already the talk of the town.

Almost everyone remembered there was another princess born to the Sena family, but everyone had forgotten she even existed. They easily put 2 and 2 together and understood something big was going to happen in the near future. Some were making plans to take a vacation.

We found a bakery and sat down to eat the pile in front of us, "You never did tell me who she was."

"Oh yeah, she has good cultivation talent and was able to notice my divine sense, so I plan to train her into an unnoticeable bodyguard, and when she's not doing that, she can help Elaria."

She nodded and just trusted what i said about noticing my divine sense, "Looks like she'll grow up with good looks also."

I really think that's all she cares about, "Yes, you'll have to see if she'll meet your standards, but she probably will."

We finished eating in comfortable silence and walked back to the magic tower.

Lila wanted to let her second mother cook for a few days before showing up at the palace.

On the way I noticed guards patrolling everywhere but weren't worried about them noticing us due to Lila's powerful illusion.

We teleported into the apartment when we reached the base of the tower, and immediately headed to our room for the night.


Nyla image

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