

"Ah, no, Young master please be careful."

The young maid, afraid of something bad might happen, can only bite her finger in anxiety.

Little Alaric, who's turned a whole year, toddles in the ducal palace garden, trying to master the art of walking he had just learned. With his personal maid behind him, he toddles forwards, towards none other than his mom, the duchess, waiting for him to walk right into her arms.

"Come on Alaric, you can do it. Come here, come to mommy."

"Mmamma, mammi, mama."

Little Alaric is toddling around while struggling to maintain his balance. His chubby cheeks light up with joy as he takes wobbly steps towards his mother.

"Ah, Young Master."

"Alaric, no."

Alaric almost fell, but he quickly recovered his balance.

"Huuu~." Relieved, the duchess held her chest.

Even though he almost fell, Alaric doesn't seem to want to give up. He looked at his feet, trying to maintain his balance before continuing his steps. The duchess, who was still holding her chest, saw that Alaric still wanted to continue. She raised her arms, and said.

"It's okay, come here Alaric, come to mommy."


With his wobbly steps, Alaric moves forwards. Each of his small steps creates excitement in the heart of his mother.


Alaric falls and stops. Not because he tripped nor because he failed to maintain his balance, it's because he was tired. Sitting down, he fidgets his finger, and plays with his shoes.

The maid ran towards the exhausted Alaric and picked him up.

"Your Grace, it seems that Young Master is tired." The maid said.

The duchess, who looked worried for her son, quickly approached the two with an anxious look.

"I see." The duchess took Alaric from his maid, and held him in her arms.

"Are you tired my little Alaric?" With a cute voice, the duchess said.


Alaric let out a yawn. He is indeed tired from all the walking. It was enough exercise for the one year old boy. He rubs his eyes, feeling sleepy. Little Alaric almost fell asleep until something catches his eyes in the distance.

There is a small bird, flying across the garden. The bird caught Alaric's attention as it was small and a cute white bird.

"What is it my son? What did you see?"

The duchess turned her attention towards the same directions as his son's gaze.

"Ah, did you see it? You wanna play with the bird?"

Alaric reaches out his small hands, trying to grab the far away bird. The bird, seemingly knowing Alaric intentions, flew towards him.

"Oh look, it's coming here."

The bird halts before Alaric, examining the little boy closely. 

"Bbabab~ baa~."

The white bird nods her head in confusion.

"What a friendly bird, it looks like it wants to play with you, my Alaric." The duchess smiled.

"Bbaba~ bbbaa~."

No, it's not like what the duchess thought, the bird is not friendly at all, as it proceeds to fly towards her son and pluck some of his hair.


Alaric cried, the pain of his hair being pulled out made his tears fall. The duchess was shocked by what just happened and instinctively drove the bird away.

"Bad bird, bad bird. Please help me drive this bad bird away." The duchess turns her head towards the maid. 

Both of them were shocked by what had happened. The maid ran out, grabbing a long broom and swung it into the air, driving the bad bird away.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, mommy's here. The maid chased the bad bird away."

"UWAH~ UWAH~." Alaric cried louder, he still felt pain on his head.

The maid, who successfully chased the bird away, ran towards Alaric and started to caresing his head.


The maid's hands seem to help with soothing Alaric's tears as he stops crying.

"That's it, good boy." 

The duchess smiled warmly, praising Alaric for being brave.

"Your Grace."

"Ah, Grand Butler, what is it?"

The grand butler, who was quietly watching them from afar, approaches the three.

"It's time."

"Yes, yes. I almost forgot."

Surprised, the duchess almost forgot how important today is.

The maid, reaching out her hands, tries to take Alaric from his mother but the duchess shakes her head in disagreement.

"It's alright. He could come with me. We are heading to the same place anyway."

"As you wish, Your Grace." The maid presented a light bow.

"Let's go, Alaric. It's time to meet your father."


[Vaelminia Kingdom, Argentvale Dukedom, Sothastirith Region, Harmonis CXIII AH.]

The sun shines above, casting a warm glow over the city of Sothastirith. The air painted the sky in hues of white and blue, revealing the true beauty of the day. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. With anticipation, the people gathered in the grand square, their eyes fixed on the imposing figure of a man with silver hair.

The man with a silver-trimmed cloak, stood tall on the newly erected marble platform. Behind him, two beautiful women in beautiful dresses, stood in graceful manner.

"The people of Sothastirith!" he proclaimed.

His words carried by the wind, resonated across the square, catching the attention of the people who gathered.

"Today marks a momentous occasion, a day when the threads of fate weave a new chapter for our noble house."

The man turns his head to a woman behind him, smiling warmly. The woman, who held a grown baby, stepped forward, her eyes filled with pride. The man proceeded to take the baby, and raised him up high, displaying him with joy.

"Behold, my firstborn son, Alaric Argentvale!" His voice filled with excitement. 

The crowd cheers erupted into a chorus of joy, echoing through the air.


"As my father did to me once. Today, I shall cherish each moment with my little Alaric, guiding him through the journey of life with love and wisdom." The man spoke with determination.

His eyes gleaming with fatherly devotion. The people who gathered watched, captivated by the heartfelt scene unfolding before them.

The woman, Alaric's mother, gazed at her husband and son with happiness, her heart brimming with joy. Tears of joy form up in her eyes. The baby, Alaric, looked around with wide, curious eyes, seemingly aware of the warmth that surrounds him.

"Hahagh, babbpa."

The man smiled at his son's incomprehensible words.

"Haha, it seems like my son is also enjoying this moment, hahaha."

"Hahahaha." The crowd replied with laughter.

"May he become strong, brave, compassionate, wise, and true to himself as he grows, enveloped by the same joy that surrounds us today."

The murmuring crowds nod in agreement to their lord and leader.

"As my father did for me, so shall I do for Alaric, passing down the legacy of our house, and duties from generation to generation."

"Lord Argentvale, whoooaa."

"May the best of luck befall you, Duke Argentvale."

"Long live Duke Argentvale!"

"Congratulations My Lord, My Ladies."

"Duchess Elysienne, may your son become a handsome man!"

"Lady Serana!"

Cheering, the people of Sothastirith, expressed their blessing to Duke Argentvale and his family. 

Satisfied with his people's response, the duke adds to his words.

"My people, remember, his name is Alaric, a noble who will rule this land."

Echoes of cheer filled up the air as he said that.

"Hahaha, tonight, we shall feast, to commemorate this joyous occasion."


The crowds were excited. They cannot wait for today's banquet as they cheered louder than before.

The duke descended from the platform to meet with his people. He shouldered little Alaric through the crowd, ensuring everyone could see his beloved son.

That day, not a single citizen in Sothastirith managed to get some sleep. They drink, dance, play music, until the dawn of the next day. The little Alaric, who is the star of the feast is asleep, he was tired from his first duty as the son of a duke.



A magic portal opens beside Viviane. The white bird flew and landed on Viviane's shoulder.

"Good job. Now, give it to me." Viviane raised her hand as she said that.

The bird drops strands of hair into Viviane's hand.

"Hehe." Viviane grins.

Staring at the strands of hair, some mischievous thoughts cross her mind. 

"It's time to give you some unforgettable nightmares, my cheeky apprentice."

"Hehehe." Viviane starts to laugh.


Now, Viviane didn't just laugh. As if something was wrong with her head, she laughed like she was crazy. She is still irritated at how Satria had forced her to become his master. The thought of teaching her cheeky apprentice a lesson makes her laugh viciously. Even the small bird found it hard to believe that, the same Viviane she knew, could laugh like that.

"Hehe, Should I do more than just give him nightmares, hehe?"

Rubbing her hands together, Viviane said it with a grin on her face.


The bird shakes her head in disagreement, she even crosses her wings. It was a bad idea. Even if Satria is a cheeky bastard, that's not the case for Alaric. Alaric is just a small kid who only turns a year old today.

"Alright, alright. I'm not gonna do any weird thing, not to Alaric." 

Viviane exhaled in disappointment.

"But instead, I'll teach him a lesson when he comes here later, hehe."

As the mischievous grin played on her face, she plotted a revenge that would catch her cheeky apprentice off guard.


The eerie laughter echoed through the room. A sudden chill ran down the bird spine. The bird, couldn't hear the eerie laughter any longer, decided to fly out of the room.

Raising her arms high, Viviane continued to laugh.



Waaaah~ Uwaaah~.

The maid, who was just tidying up the room, stopped as the young master she served suddenly woke up and cried.

"Ah, Young Master."

She ran towards his master, grabbed him and held him in her arms.

"Again?" The other maid who was in the room asked.

"Yes, Young Master is suddenly awake, again."

"How many times was it today?"

"I don't know, I lost count after the tenth time."

"I will go and call the Duchess."

"Please, only the Duchess can calm the Young Master down."

"Alright, please wait a little."

The maid ran out in a hurry, she didn't want to waste any second for the young master's sake. 

"Young Master, please calm down."

The maid put on an anxious look, caressing her young master's forehead.

"Waaaah~ Uwaaah~."

Instead of calming down, Alaric just cries even louder.


The door opened with a loud sound. The duke and the lady rushed through the door, checking on Alaric's condition. His mother, who was still in shock, followed the two from behind.

"How long has he been crying?"

"Just a few minutes ago, My Lady."

"Ah, my son, here, give him to me."

"Yes, Your Grace."

The maid handed Alaric over to his mother, and took a step back.

Everyone looked worried. Alaric, who was once cheerful and playful, suddenly became calm, and he also cried often.

"Shh~, shh~. Calm down my baby, mommy is here."

"Sis, do you think he is hungry?"

"I just fed him before he went to sleep."

"Then what happened to him?"

"I don't know." The duchess voice trembled with sobs.

She was tearing up as she watched her son cry a lot. It was painful for her. No mother in the world wants to watch their child cry.

"Should I call the Grand Physician, my dear?"

The duke approaches them, accompanied by the grand butler.

"The Grand Physician can check on him, if you are worried."

"We've already called him my love, he said nothing is wrong with Alaric." The lady answered.

"Hmm, let's just call him just in case, he knows this field better than us."

"Yes please. I'm sad seeing my son being like this. Sobs."

The duchess turned her gaze towards the grand butler.

"As you wish, Your Graces."

After presenting a light bow, the grand butler went on his way to call the grand physician.

"How many times has he cried today?" The duke asked the maid.

"Pardon me Your Grace, but I lost count after the tenth time."

"Alright, you may leave."

"Yes, Your Grace." 

The maid presented a light bow with a heavy heart. She's afraid that the duke thinks she is incompetent as the young master keeps crying over and over again. With a heavy heart, she took a step back and walked towards the door.

"Ah, wait for a moment."

The maid stopped and shifted herself to face the duke. She is almost tearing up.

"On second thought, please fetch something to help the Duchess calm down."

"As you wish, Your Grace." the maid replied as she gave the duke a light bow.

The maid left the room with a face full of worry, but in a lighter heart. She ran across the hallway and saw the grand physician, accompanied by the grand butler, running in a hurry. The grand physician ran towards the nursing room and greeted the duke.

"Your Grace."

Exhausted, the grand physician tries to catch his breath.

"Yes, please check on my son over there. I'm concerned about his well-being."

"As you wish, Your Grace."

The grand physician walks towards the duchess.

"Grand Physician, please tell me what happened to my son."

"Of course, Your Grace, let me check on him first."

The grand physician proceeds to examine Alaric's body.


"How is it? Is there something wrong?"

"Luckily, nothing seems wrong, My Lady."

"Then why did my son keep waking up and crying? The maid said it's at least the tenth time today." The duchess asked as she cried.

"Perhaps, Young Master experiencing sleep disturbance, Your Grace. It's a common occurrence for a child his age."

"So, there is nothing wrong with Alaric?" the lady asked.

"Yes, My Lady."

With a confused and worried look, Lady Serana thought that there must be something wrong. If not, Alaric wouldn't wake up and cry that often. Even sleep disturbance won't occur this often.

"Your Grace, if I may."

"Yes, what is it, Grand Physician?"

"Perhaps the Young Master is experiencing something akin to a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" the lady asked with a confused look.

"Yes, My Lady. Although the concept of nightmare may differ between adults and toddlers. The Young Master may have some sort of difficulty during his sleep."

The duchess and the lady listen to the grand physician's explanation with utmost attention.

"I suggest, for the Young Master's sake, it's best for him to sleep with his mother. Perhaps that will ease the Young Master, as he could also feel his mother's presence."

"So, if I sleep with him from now on, will he get better?"

"Pardon me, Your Grace, but I can't say for certain, but I do hope that it will help with the Young Master condition."

"Alright, that's fine. Thank you, Grand Physician."

"You're most welcome, Your Grace."

The grand physician presents a light bow and takes steps back.

"I will ask the maid to prepare a room, my love." the duke said.

"Yes, thank you husband."

The duchess, who was still crying, wondered what had happened to her son. The lady, standing beside the duchess, rubs her hand against the duchess back. With a comforting smile, Lady Serana stayed beside her, supporting her older sister in bond.

"Oh my poor little Alaric, what is happening to you?"

The duchess cries as she holds her son tight.

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