

It's amazing how an orgasm can affect you. For a teenaged boy, there was this calm serenity that you feel when you've cum in such an incredible way with a beautiful girl. I felt like was floating on air. It was kind of like the feeling of winning with a clean knockout, but without the adrenaline.

"Nova? Earth to Nova?"

Waking up from my stupor, I turned my to see my childhood friend, Brandi leaning forward with a smirk on her face. I had been staring off into space while we were walking to the cafeteria.

Brandi's family was part of the reason we decided to move to Orange County. Our parents knew each other from way back in high school and had kept in touch since. Every holiday, our families would visit each other. Brandi was like a sister to me, and she knew when something was up.

"Are you alright?" She asked as I looked back at her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I sighed.

"Jeez," Brandi drawled as we sat down with some of her friends. "You seem pretty out of it. If I didn't know you any better, I'd have thought you'd gotten laid or something."

Fortunately, Brandi had reached into her backpack, not noticing the slight blush that filled my cheeks. It was Monday, and even though a full two days had passed, I still hadn't gotten Miss McNeil's blowjob off my mind.

It had been so incredibly wonderful. My first blowjob. My first orgasm with someone other than myself. The taste of her tongue, the feeling of her mouth on my dick.

'Shit, this isn't a good time to thinking about this.'

"Wait... you didn't ACTUALLY get laid or something, did you?" Brandi questioned, leaning towards me, her eyes searching mine.

"Oh yeah, I actually had a foursome with Jennifer Aniston." I sarcastically lied with a deadpan expression. There was no way in hell I was telling Brandi what happened.

I knew that girls HATED when a guy blabbed about how lucky he had gotten. Also, Brandi knew my family well, and she was also neighbors with Miss McNeil. If Brandi found out, I figured my parents would find out, and I'd NEVER get the chance to do anything with Miss McNeil again.

And I very much wanted that chance.

In English, I was staring off into space, when Elijah Collins, a friend who boxed at the same gym as me, said, "Yo Nova, you good?"

"You know," Kenny Doyle, a friend of Brandi's brother Ben, waved his hand at me. "Kai Ledger had the same look last week when Sofia Gonzales put out for him. Ben told me Brandi found out he got laid, and he's not telling."

I frowned, trying my best to act. "What?"

Helene McGregory quickly turned her head to look at me. "Ooh! Is it someone we know? I'm more surprised that you haven't gotten laid yet."

Heather Wilkinson smirked as she read my gaze. "Maybe Adrienne? She has been flirting with you since you moved here."

I sighed. "Guys, I didn't get laid." To be fair, I was sort of telling the truth. I hadn't had sex, only a blowjob.

Twice after Monday, I had considered going over to Miss McNeil's house after school to see if we could do something again. But after seriously thinking about it, there was no way I could figure out a reason for visiting, without it being awkward. What would I say. 'Hey, it's your neighbor that's a decade younger than you who came in your mouth. Can we do that again?'

It wasn't until Wednesday that I got my chance.


"Yeah mom?"

"Miss McNeil called. She said that the tower bar fell off again. You must have not done a good job fixing it."

"Alright, I'll go right over," I answered. I knew I hadn't done a good job fixing the towel bar. In fact, I hadn't done anything to the towel bar at all.

"You forgot the tool box." my mom called out to me as I made my way out the front door. I was definitely not thinking about work.

"Hi Nova." Miss McNeil looked nervously at me. Even though her house robe obscured everything from view, she still looked irresistibly alluring.

"Hi Miss McNeil." I said just as nervous, fidgeting with the tool box in my hand. "My mom said you needed some... help?" I added a little emphasis on the last word.

"Uh... come on in," the attractive brunette averted my gaze as she gave me room to walk in. "We never did fix that towel bar."

"I remember," I said as I tried to look in her eyes, but she wouldn't meet my gaze. Shrugging, I followed her into the bathroom. There, she had finally met my gaze, and I saw the clear desire in her eyes. I then approached her, leaned down, and pressed my lips against her neck.

"Nova! What are you doing?" Miss McNeil hissed.

"Don't you want to?" I whispered pleadingly while blowing a breath of hot air in her air. I then trailed my tongue down her neck, occasionally sucking a sensitive area.

"Ohhh..." Miss McNeil moaned as her body trembled and her jaw quivered from the pleasure. Her gaze was locked on to the rock hard bulge of my shirts that was pressing against her. "W-we... can't, Nova. It was a mistake." She struggled out unconvincingly while biting her lip.

"Your body doesn't say that." I pointed out, backing away. "You haven't resisted me once." 

"But... You're just a kid..." She tried to convince herself as she kept staring at the tent in my pants, her tongue snaking out to lick across her upper lip in her usual seductive gesture.

"You're not looking at my cock like it belongs to a kid."

"Ahh..." Miss McNeil sighed, seemingly imagining how my cock would look without the pants covering it. "That certainly isn't a kid's dick..." She blinked rapidly before tearing her gaze away from it, back towards my eyes. "It's not right, Nova." Her words said one thing but the expression on her face said something else. 

"Oh, God help me," Miss McNeil prayed as she leaned in her head tilting. Meeting her lips, I parted them, before driving my tongue to meet hers in an intense french kiss.

"Mmmm~ I LOVE doing this..." she moaned as our lips eventually parted before we swiftly shoved our tongues down each other's throats again. "Gawddd... , How are you so good at this?" she drawled as our mouths swapped spit. 

I loved kissing. It was the only sexual thing I'd really gotten to do with other girls, and from their reactions, I could tell I was pretty good at it. But I also wanted to see Miss McNeil naked. So while half of me focused on sending convulsing in pleasure, the other half of me focused on pushing at her robe till the bare material slid off her torso. And while I helped Miss McNeil who was weakly trying to take off my pants, I noticed that she wasn't wearing a shirt or bra.

"You wanted this, didn't you?" I realized with a spike of excitement, feeling my dick harden even more.

Finding myself in a similar position, sitting down on the toilet seat, my swollen and throbbing cock waving in the air.

Miss McNeil didn't answer me, but the way she quickly got on her knees, took my shaft in her hands, and swallowed up the first few inches in her mouth served as enough of an answer.

"Unnghh..." I groaned as I bucked my hits toward her. I felt the pleasure in my balls, once again, threaten to overwhelm me as the exquisite feeling of the warmth in her mouth wrapped around my sensitive glans spread through my cock.

"Mmmm~ I might get addicted to this..." She moaned around my cock with her eyes closed. Miss McNeil seemed to savoring my dick as if it were the most delicious food she had ever tasted, leaving no part of my dick untouched. I felt her tongue rubbing the underside of my shaft, her head moving up and down, swallowing my meat until the head nudged against her throat and pulling back until the crown was still inside her lips. She then moved below my cock to attend to my balls, giving them long thorough licks before engulfing them in her mouth.

"So good..." I groaned gutturally as I stroked Miss McNeil's hair. "Suck me, suck me."

She moaned in answer and continued to suck me with even more fervor than before. After a couple minutes, I felt my explosion building up again, with no way to stop it.

"Miss McNeil," I gasped. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum in your mouth!"

"Cum in me! Give me your cum!" She moaned ecstatically in response, sucking me even harder than before. And when I blew, she was ready for it.

Both of her hands squeezed tightly around my shaft and started jacking me upwards. I felt the air leave my lungs, as I literally stopped breathing to unleash my load into her mouth. My abs contracted and my hips shuddered as I let out stream, after stream of my semen, sending an even more copious amount of my jizz splattering in Miss McNeil mouth. She groaned happily and began swallowing all of my shots down while squeezing as much as she could out of me.

When we were done, she was panting heavily, and we both had goofy grins on our faces. But then I realized that I hadn't gotten to touch her tits this time, even though she hadn't gotten to touch my bare cock. That wasn't fair.

I didn't even need to do anything before Miss McNeil stood up to approach me. Straddling my waist, she sat down on my lap with my cock, that was hard again, sticking out from behind her. I could feel her drenched panties on my crotch, causing my dick to quickly harden to it's fullest again. 

Still full of energy, I devoured Miss McNeil's mouth in an explosive nuclear kiss while palming her soft tits, molding them to my desire. I pulled my lips away from hers to swiftly move my head down, latching on to her right nipple with my mouth.

"Ohhh..." Miss McNeil moaned, clutching the back of my head to pull me closer to her chest as I began vigorously sucking on her teat. "Nova... Nova..." she whimpered as I suckled. Meanwhile, my other hand was busy with her other breast, cupping and groping the soft orb to my heart's content while my fingers pinched her nipple.

I felt Miss McNeil shift on my lap as she slid one of her own hands into her panties, rubbing her crotch vigorously, causing me to feel her body vibrate and tremble.

Energized by the sight of her masturbating while I played with her body, I switched tits and continued to lick and nibble at every sensitive part of her bare torso. The feeling of her lower body trembling from her fingers digging into herself and my tongue made me happily soak in the pleasure.

Very soon, Miss McNeil's breaths started getting shorter and shorter, and I felt her entire torso shuddering. Before I knew it, she clutched my head into her chest tightly, her body going rigid before letting out a strangled cry of an orgasm.

Feeling the gushing juices spray out from inside her panties eventually die out, I was finally released by Miss McNeil. I was then able to properly see her. She was panting softly in my arms, her firm yet soft breasts sagged a bit under their heavy weight while her still-erect nipples slightly tilting slightly to the side. Her stomach was taut, neither pudgy or muscled. She basked in the afterglow of her organism, her captivating green eyes sparkled at me, framed by the work of art she had as a face. I couldn't believe how surreal this felt.

Here I was, in the house of a beautiful adult woman twelve years older than me, who was sitting on my lap, naked. Before all this, there was not a single thought in my head that believed she would actually do something sexual with me. Maybe it was the forbidden fact of our age difference, or the fact that I'd never gotten this far with a girl before. Regardless of my fantasies, the idea of making out with Miss McNeil seemed WAY too far-fetched.

Until now.

I watched as Miss McNeil stretched her gorgeous legs which were flexing beautifully. Running my hand lovingly along the creamy flesh of her thighs, I looked at the serene scene of her face filled with contentment. 

I'd never seen something more beautiful in my life.

I was almost hesitant to kiss her and disturb the perfection I saw before me, but I couldn't resist bending over to softly press my lips against hers. Miss McNeil moaned happily as my tongue once again entered her mouth. We sat there kissing softly while I ran my hands all over her warm body, rubbing and caressing it.

My hands couldn't resist going back to the tits I loved so dearly, teasing her nipples and squeezing her globes. As I moved my hands lower, my fingers pressed on the sensitive areas I had found earlier, causing Miss McNeil to moan even more in my mouth. When my hands reached her waist, my fingers latched on to the waistband of her panties.

Still with her eyes closed, Miss McNeil moaned again and began to flexibly lift her legs up. As she arched her butt off my crotch, I used both my hands to slide her panties down her legs, then backing my head away to pull them off the rest of the way, leaving my beautiful neighbor fully nude before me.

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