
Chapter 484 Golden Lion Head_1

Several seconds later, Qian Jiangyue sent a "Thank You" message.

Qian Cangyi did not respond, as if Qian Jiangyue had conceived these self-doubting thoughts, he himself, in the same spacetime inversion, could not possibly remain unaffected.

It's a pity that many things, despite planning for them in advance, still manage to cause a feeling of helplessness when confronted in person.

At some point, a strange thought began to subtly influence Qian Cangyi's cognition.

In his memories, numerous Populus euphraticas appeared, along with the memories of their growth. However, these memories are not based on a 'human' perspective, but on the feelings of the Populus euphratica itself.

This feeling, akin to personal experience, gave Qian Cangyi a disorienting sensation as if removed from his own world.

At this moment, his consciousness became doubtful of itself, and curious about the new cognition.

It's a feeling of exhilaration, like being reborn.

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