
The First Statue

As soon as Adam stepped out of the maze, the surroundings changed - instead of smooth walls of massive stone slabs and narrow passages, there were wide caves with no rules.

There were no more torches, not a single one, but they were replaced by bright purple crystals, which strangely enough worked even better than the dim torches.

The light from the crystals reflected in the walls, the glint running along the sharp edges showing Adam the possible paths.

However, there was no need for him to do so since he had the flame thread.

"Hmm... Though it's not a maze, it feels like one." Adam looked around, gazing at the dozens of paths leading in different directions.

Unlike the flat passages that could only move left or right, the caves had no such restrictions, they went up and down as well, at different angles, constantly wriggling like snakes.

It made Adam wonder if the path indicated by the flaming thread was the only one.

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