
chapter 9 : We're not beggars

Loras, seeing his father in this state, was overcome by anger, extraordinary fighter that he was, he raised his sword to try to measure himself against Randhall and save his family but Randhall was a mutant.

 Poor Loras had no chance and was injured with a deep gash in his back.

 Margaery came towards him but the raiders grabbed her and started groping her, touching her breasts and thighs while laughing.

 They even started to tear her dress.


 Randhall raised his hand and his men stopped undressing the crying Margaery to push her towards Olenna.

 Randhall: It's been quite a while since we infiltrated the Reach workers, you are a very rich family, all we want is your gold and-(interrupted)


 An arrow lodged in his eye and he continued to mutter something before collapsing to the astonishment of his men.

 "Damn bandits..." Someone said and the Tyrells quickly turned around to see Levy sitting on the window with his bow.

 The bandits tried to come towards him but with terrifying speed, he took two arrows which he shot at the same time to kill two other bandits.

 He repeated this twice before taking out two daggers to start attacking the bandits.

 At this moment, the nanites in the bandits' bodies had been deactivated and they were no longer enhanced but normal people.

 Levy had fun with them and started a killing spree when outside they heard screams of pain and panic before a few seconds later, Jon came in to start killing the bandits from the rear and he killed them only by beheading as if to execute them until all were dead.

 "How did you get there ?" Jon asked as a crow came and landed on his shoulder.

 It was an animal that he had recently taken in and Jon had developed an attachment to this bird very quickly, he would soon make him a mutant and named his new friend "Night" .

 Levy: I climbed up to the window, counted and killed 11. And you, Captain?

 Jon: 27, there were more of them than expected and all the guards were massacred, only the servants are alive for the most part. Certainly those who didn't want to fight.

 Olenna: Who are you Ser?

 Jon: Forgive me ma'am, you must be Lady Olenna. My lords, my ladies, I am Captain Jon of the Night's Watch and this is one of my men, Levy.

 " Lords Tyrells…" Levy said with a bow.

 Jon: We are deeply sorry for your misfortune, but before going into further explanation, it would be wiser to take the injured to a maester.

 "Margaery, go quickly and get the maester for your father and brother…" Olenna sent her granddaughter who returned minutes later to tell them that the maester was dead too.

 Jon asked them to point him to the maester's office where they transported the two injured people.

 He said he could treat their wounds himself right away and that's what he started doing perfectly even though they were skeptical at first.

 Margaery: Do you know medicine !?

 Jon: Ma'am, we are of the Night's Watch and we are immersed in combat beyond the Wall almost all the time so I learned how to treat these kinds of injuries from our maester.

 Margaery: You look so young! How old are you ?

 Jon: 15 years old.

 The Tyrells: !!??

 Mace: (groans in pain) A captain in this sinister order at such a young age ?! It's a lie.

 Olenna: Shut up, poor fool. These brave people saved our lives! (to Jon) How did you know about the attack?

 Jon: Ma'am, if I had known then all this wouldn't have happened. My men and I arrived in the reach to recruit for the wall and we started at Oldtown.

 Olenna: I received a raven from the citadel about this.

 Jon: I'm relieved. Levy and I arrived this afternoon to ask for food aid for the wall and settled into a hostel. It was Levy who in the distance with his archer's eyesight last night observed some of your men being killed so we came to intervene. We split up and everyone made their own way here, Levy being an excellent climber, he arrived before me.

 "And between you two, you killed these 38 scoundrels…?!" Margaery asked in awe looking into Jon's bright blue eyes.

 "That's right..." Jon replied as he finished his treatment on Loras who was still very much alive but unconscious.

 Margaery: So the men of the Night's Watch are as fierce as the legends say!

 "We do what we can my lady, it's the lords and kings who abandoned us in our fight to protect you from what is on the opposite side of the wall." Jon responded a little coldly and then began to heal Mace while Levy went to alert the other guards outside the palace to warn them.

 When things were somewhat settled, Olenna asked Jon to be her guest and servants guided them to their chambers.

 They literally owed their lives to the Night's Watch by these two and certainly, this family was going to remember it.

 (the day after)

 "Is that all you need ?! A small amount of food aid ? Soon the whole kingdom will know what you have done here and what will they say about the Tyrells who rewarded their saviors with a measly little food aid?" Olenna asked sitting in her office across from Jon.

 Jon: It's not about what I want but what the Watch needs and that's this minimal food aid. Lady Olenna, that's why I came but I would like you to answer me honestly. If this very unfortunate event had not happened then would you have given us this help?


 Jon: I'm waiting:...

 Olenna: No, my house has no interest in the wall.

 Jon: How I pity my brothers dying in ignorance of everyone facing the horrors of the other side while your little asses are warm today ma'am. One day the Watch will get tired of protecting ungrateful people and then the whole stupid kingdom will know.

 Olenna: Young man, you-(interrupted)

 "You can keep your donation, the Watch will purchase the foodstuffs it needs from your house if necessary. Thank you for your hospitalité and above all for your honesty , it was a nice night" he said as he got up from there to start leaving.

 Olenna: Wait.

 Jon: (continues walking)

 Olenna: WAIT!

 Jon left there and found Levy chatting with Margaery, the young woman was asking him details about a certain handsome young captain with blue eyes.

 Levy: Captain?

 Jon: We're leaving, heading towards King's landing.

 Margaery: Are you leaving already?!! You have only just arrived.

 Jon: I'm sorry Lady Margaery but we are not beggars, we have already lasted long enough here. There is no point in abusing the hospitality of people who have no regard for us, our work or our needs while we bleed for them.

 Margaery: I...I'm not sure to understand, Ser captain.

 Jon: What do you know about the Night's Watch?

 Margaery: I know that you...you protect the kingdom to the north on the wall.

 Jon: Against what or who?

 Margaery:...there are legends of-(interrupted)

 Jon: No one raises their sword or gets killed by legends but very real things. Continue to live in ignorance of your complacency…ma'am.

 He turned to leave with Levy as Margaery repeatedly called out to him but he ignored her before leaving the castle and riding with Levy to Roseroad with a big smile, his plan was going well. 

Later, they met the others at Roseroad before taking the route to king's landing for the second part of his plan.

Jon already had his plans to provide food and drink for the Night's Watch without the help of the people of the South, he only used the Tyrells for the first part of his plan.

 News of what a young captain of the Night's Watch had done for the powerful House Tyrell had quickly spread like wildfire to the court of King Robert.

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