

"You whaaaat?!"

"Papyrus, calm down," Sans said holding out his arms. "Frisky's still asleep, I didn't want to wake her up."

"Well, you certainly felt like waking me up," Papyrus complained, folding his arms. "Hearing 'hey are you awake yet 'cuz I might have done something stupid' tends to wake a brother up." Papyrus marched back and forth across the floor. "Why, Sans? That was completely boneheaded!"

"It was right," Flowey stood up for him on the table. "It's one of the very few things he finally got right."

"You. You stay out of this." Papyrus shook his bony finger at Flowey. "You are probably the one responsible for putting that idea in his head. Frisky is his wife, for centuries."

"She still will be," Sans said, coming back over. "That can't change no matter what."

"You want her to switch rooms? Sleep with Chance, and just be friends with you? Sans, she is your wife."

"It's already like that now," Sans said. "Seriously. She is here for Chance, Pap. Not me. And, I don't even know if I want her here for me. You know?"

"But she was-"

"Forgotten timelines in a really different Underground," Sans said again. "I don't know how different I was. How different she was. You know? At least this way, I'll know."

"It took years for you to get together in another timeline," Papyrus said, pointing to the flower. "Years. So, how is this a good idea? They were supposed to grow to like each other. Right?"

Flowey just smiled. "Underground was different. If Sans does things right, and him and Faith are still meant to be, three months is plenty of time."

"But . . ." Papyrus threw his bony arms up in the air. "But why? Why three months?"

"So she doesn't . . ." Sans shuffled his slippered foot. "So she doesn't have to touch me as a Skeleton, unless she wants to."

"But . . . but it doesn't matter what-"

"That's Monster thinking. She's not Monster, Papyrus," Sans said, stopping him. "I understand that now. Everything's different."

"So." Papyrus tossed his skull back and then forward again. "If she doesn't try and have a babybones with you before the royalty, you'll be a . . . a fleshy body for the first time . . . in front of the royal family . . . and you said you didn't like that idea."

"Frisky married me for Chance. For me not to lose him. She almost died to keep him here for us." He pulled himself up straighter again. "This is all I can do for what she did."

"This is all just!" Papyrus groaned. "Sans, this must be the most-"

"Genius thing he ever did," Flowey interrupted. "Hey, everybody!" He bopped his flowery head to the right. "Let's not forget that I'm the only one who knew how it used to be." He bopped his head to the left. "And I say, Smiley Trashbag finally did something right. Besides! They already play the friend game. So seriously, Brother of Smiling Idiot? Right now. For now. Not forever. But, for now? You are Brother of Smiling Not Idiot. And Sans just did a very brave thing, so a little bit of brotherly support instead of a flowery support is in order! Don't you think?"

"Well. Um." Papyrus looked toward Sans and then the flower. "I've been called out by a flower. That's new." He looked toward Sans. "Are you sure about this 'be my wife or friends for life' thing?"

"If Faith still belongs with him," Flowey said, "she'll get over the Monster thing. If she doesn't, then-"

"As her friend, I couldn't make her do anything a human didn't like. Like, touch a Monster. With flesh, I should probably be a lot different. Way different. Afterwards, she probably wouldn't even see a connection."


"It's done, Pap."

"But?" Papyrus marched some more against the ground but didn't say a word. "You've never even dated before, Sans. No one. You have no experience. Do you want to borrow my book?"

"No. Um. I think me and Frisky will just feel our way through it."

"Second time Smiley Trashbag said a smart thing!" Flowey shouted. Then he frowned. "I did not just say that."

"Heh." Sans shoved his hands in his coat and winked at him. "Thanks, Flowey."

"I still . . . well. I am your brother," Papyrus said slowly. "If this is what you want?"

"If we should be more, then we'll be more. If not." Sans shrugged. "Frisky makes a great friend." He sighed. "I know it sounds like gloom and doom, Papyrus, but really. You don't get it. I mean. We'll find where we belong and take it from there. What's wrong with that?"

"Oh. Okay. Okay!" Papyrus bucked up. "You're right, Sans. Follow your heart."

"Heh. Thanks, Brother." Sans gave him a bony thumbs up. "I have to get to work soon. I guess I better text Undyne and Alphys all the news. Get yelled at. And go on with life. Because we only get one, and it changes fast."

"Yes, okay, but?" Papyrus rubbed the back of his skull. "You do know there's like an itsy bitsy chance that this might fail, right?"

"Pap. Did you forget it's me?" Sans trotted away. "I figure it's the other way around."

At San's Work Post . . .

Parents were weird. Chance built a snowball fort but glanced back toward his parents. Sans kept looking over at his mom every once in awhile, and then his mom would do the same thing. If they wanted to ask each other something, why didn't they just ask?

Okay. I made it through yesterday. Not sick. Doing good. I don't hear any wind in my ears and my vision isn't blue tinted in anyway. So, cool. Oh, who was he kidding? He was dreading turning into a Skeleton! Conduits were so weird with everything, what would that transformation do to him? And seeing without eyes, and just little lights in eye sockets, or maybe no little lights at all. Just raw eye sockets? He was used to Sans and Papyrus, but to actually become a Skeleton like them?

I have to relax. Sans warned me that I have to relax. I can't get all determined and edgy. It'll be harder to get through it. He poured more snow on top of his fort.

"Hey, my kid, don't play in that snow too much. Your fingers get red, it's over. Kay?" Sans said as he strolled over. "Tell me if you feel cold too."

Yeah, yeah. Hopefully his fingers didn't turn red. He had gloves on after all. All kinds of winter wear. It was hard to even hunch over that day since the temperatures were colder. I miss MK. Sans scared him away because I'm his 'My Kid'. Still, it's a lot better than it used to be. And, hopefully, it'll stay this way forever. Dad did marry mom. I mean, Sans did marry mom. Maybe when he was nothing but bones, no one could jump in him too? Still, even saying that made him scared. Nothing but bones.

He watched Sans move over toward his mom. "Hey."

His mom fidgeted with her gloves. "Hey."

"Uh." Sans trotted around her from behind. "So, I need you to contact that Farrisk for me. I need to fight him."

Farrisk? Why did Sans want to fight him?

"Why?" His mom asked.

"Sparring partner. Farrisk made that comment that he wanted to fight me last time. Shouldn't be that hard, right?" Sans asked his mom.

"That was a joke," his mom said. "He couldn't survive long against you. No one can."

"Oh. Someone can."


"Don't worry about it. I promise I won't hurt him."

"Okay." His mom pulled out her MP. "What time did you want to meet with him? Seven?"

"Uh, yeah. Um. Unless Chance hasn't changed. It should be real soon."

"Oh. Okay."

They were acting so weird that day. Chance picked up more of the snow but noticed that it looked a little blurry. And . . . blue. Okay, first rule Sans gave me was calm down! So! I will calm down! I will, in just a bit. Second rule! Go see Sans or Papyrus! Chance took off in a heavy run to Sans, landing straight by his legs. "I see in bluish shades and some of it's kind of blurry!"

"Okay. Relax, My Kid." He picked him up and looked at him. Sans lights bounced all around the different corners in his eye sockets like he was trying to see something. "Do you remember everything we went over?" Chance shook his head. He couldn't think of anything right now! "Chill. It's okay, I'm here, My Kid. You'll be just fine."

That was easy for Sans to say, he'd been a Skeleton his whole life!

His mom came over to his side. "Are you alright, Chance?"

"I'm calm. I am calming down. I will eventually get to the calming down point?" Chance tried to loosen up, but he just couldn't. A Skeleton. He was going to be just bones and he was terrified!

"Hey, Papyrus," Sans said on his phone. "Chance is finally changing. I can probably handle it, but it'd be good to have you nearby, just in case."

"Just in case of what?! Sorry! I didn't mean to yell like I'm terrified!" Chance yelled, terrified. "I'm a Frisk and I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!"

Sans put his phone away and brought him in closer for a hug. Chance hugged him with all the strength he had. I don't want to be a Skeleton! I'm scared. Seeing without seeing. Hearing without hearing. "Whoah, easy there, that is some strength you got. Just relax. There's no way to stop this, so accept it and it'll be easier. Okay?"

"I know! Relaxing is part of the mission!" He was yelling again but he couldn't help it. He'd done all kinds of things before, but this was new. He wasn't trained for this. No one was trained for this. And, he couldn't ask his mom to take over for him either.

"It's okay." His mom stroked his hair. "I know that you're a brave Frisk. I know you're scared, but it's going to be okay. Have faith, okay?"

Sans glanced over at her for a second for some reason. He looked back toward him. "Any other vision changes?" Chance shrugged. Sans turned him around in his grasp. "What's ahead over there?"


"Good guess. How'd you come up with that one all by yourself?" Sans joked. "Anything else?"

"Snow and blurry greens." Chance closed his eyes. "I don't want to change!" He started to kick his feet.

"Easy there, Chance. Give being a Skeleton a Chance. Here you go, Frisky. I think he probably wants you right now."

Chance clung even tighter to his mom.

"Uh, Chance?" His mom sounded like she was struggling. "Not so hard at hugging, Sweetie."

Oh yeah. He loosened his grip. I'm a Frisk. I'm a Frisk. I'm crying, aren't I? He wiped his tears away. He had to be brave and do this. That is what he did, he was a Frisk. Face any obstacle head on, but this was so different. After it was over, he would never be the same.

"Well, one good thing about turning into a Skeleton?" Sans commented. "It's a great way to get out of work. Hey, Undyne. My kid is changing now. Yep. Yep. Yep. Okay, if we can get off that subject 'cause My Kid is changing now? Uh huh. Ow. That's kind of harsh, isn't it? Yeah. Alphys would what? Geez. Yes, I get it. But, I need a day off. Chance is changing. Uh huh. Thanks, wish you similar luck in the lavas of Hotland too."

Weird call. It sounded like Undyne wasn't happy with Sans. Chance clung tighter as he felt a deep knotting ache in his tummy.

"Chance, momma can't handle that."

"I got him. His thinking is going to be out the window. Let's get him home in bed safely before any delusions start."

"I don't want delusions!"

"Hey, Chance, you'll be okay. Alright?" The voice was echoey though, like he was hearing it through a blizzard. Getting scared he opened his eyes.

No one was there. Just a blue and blurry blizzard all around him. Whistling winds. "Momma?" No answer. "Sans?" No answer. No, no. Sans could answer. He had magic. "Sans, is this the normal delusions thing that was normal?" No answer. "You said I'd still be able to hear you through them though?" No answer. "Sans, I'm scared!"

"Grab 95451."

Chance saw himself in his cell with his mom. The soldiers who showed up to correct his behavior were there. "Momma?"

"It's alright, hon'. Momma has you," she said, holding him tighter.

Delusions. Delusions. Sans said there would be delusions, and I would be okay. Chance focused for the focal point he was supposed to find to escape the delusions. It would be a brighter area than the dim blue all around him. He saw no brighter area at all. It must be past the soldiers. Brave, be brave. They weren't real, no matter how much it seemed like it had been.

"95451 is coming with us. He will be returned after this is over for you."

"I said no!" His mother shouted as the soldiers tried to reach him. "I am 95452 and I have the DETERMINATION to stop you."

"Now, now. That's no way to act in front of our boy."

"Huh?" Chance looked behind him. That wasn't Sans. Who was he? He was a human. "Who are you?"

"It's okay, 95451. You're just turning into a Skeleton. Perfectly normal thing for a little Monster." He pulled him out of his mom's grasp. "And you know what? This is all just delusion." He waved his hands and everything disappeared. Through the glaze of blue though, a strike of red was showing. "Except me. You probably don't recognize me? You were so young when I claimed you and your mom as mine. I made sure you got to stay with her. That you grew up with her love so that you didn't change into a re-reset at all." He pulled Chance against his chest. "I was your dad. I did my best for you. And how does your mom repay me? By locking herself in with that Sans the Skeleton!"

Delusion. Delusion. Delusion. "You're just a delusion!"

"Wrong. I am 04823. And if he thinks he can claim you away? Well then, he's just going to have to be man enough to come in here and get you. Because I'm not letting you hit that bright circle. I'm not letting you escape this body. You'll die and whither away because of your precious daddy, Sans the Skeleton."

Delusion. Delusion. Delusion. "You can't hurt me, you're just a delusion!" Chance said defiantly again. "You're in my head. You're just much more vicious."

"Believe what you want. Because your Aunt Chara can physically keep my body out, but she can't keep my magic from gripping in. And while I can't do much so far away? Well, a little boy changing into a Skeleton leaves a big hole to work with. So don't worry."

He felt 04823 walking away with him. "This is in my head. This is in my head. This is in my head. Where are we going?"

"Oh, just for a pleasant walk around the ship," 04823 said casually. "You may have to die naturally, but I'll hold you in my care still. So calm your breathing down. I'm not going to hurt you. You will leave this world. Calm and natural. And maybe when the source of your mommy's determination is gone she'll stop defying me and we can move on. Hey, Chance? What do you think would be a good name for a little brother or sister?"

"I don't know." This delusion was really strong. "You can't hurt me, this is just in my head."

"Absolutely. I could never hurt you. You used to be part of my family before Sans claimed you back again. Which. Doesn't leave me in a good mood. Do you know how much your daddy messed everything up?" Chance could feel them continue to walk, but 04823 placed him on his shoulder. "The Monsters were the last of a pure breed. Now there are just monsters and humans. Even now, Monsters are leaving the Underground more and more, making lives outside of the barrier. Some will stay, and some will go. But, the Underground habitat is destroyed forever. Even if we pulled the barrier away, Balancers, humans and Monsters are all mingled together. The chance to keep it pure is gone forever."

"Things have to move on," Chance said. "You can't just lock something away."

"That's right, you can't. Everything always finds a way. Too bad your mommy didn't remember that advice. Then again, she never does." He stroked Chance's head tenderly. "Too bad, but you're right. You can't just lock something away. Something always finds a way back in. Doesn't it?"

He started walking away again, stroking Chance's hair. Even though the delusion was in the shape of a human it was strong. Real strong. He tried to kick away and struggle, but it was like his body couldn't move.

"It's okay. Sssh. Everything will be fine. There's nothing kinder than a natural kind of death. But, I'll tell you what? I'll let you do one great thing before you die. You can pick your next sibling's name. How about that?"

So powerful. Too powerful. Too powerful. "Something's wrong! Something is really wrong, this isn't a delusion!"

"That's a real long name for a sibling," 04823 chuckled. "Let's shorten that to Reality. What a pretty name."

Chance didn't know what else to say. How to move. Until he finally heard something.


Sans' voice?

"Did he bottom out?" Papyrus asked. He pulled his hands away. "I don't understand this."

"He was speaking for awhile, then it just quit." Sans touched Chance's head. Come on, Kid, really? Where are you? You can't bottom out. You are really ready this time.

"You are sure he was seeing in blue?"


"And his vision was blurry?"

"Yeah, Bro. I know he was ready." Sans laid his bony finger on Chance's pulse. "I don't feel anything. I was hoping I could get Frisky some good news."

"This doesn't make sense. We drilled the basics into him," Papyrus scoffed. "Ignore any delusions he sees and run toward the bright circle. He'd start to sense us. What's going on?"

"I don't know." The flower had nothing to contribute. Sans had already tried to hold him with Frisky but it did no good. "Alright, give it more juice. Dial up slowly with me, okay?" They both laid their hands on Chance in the bed. Come on, where are you? You aren't bottoming out this time. Why aren't you answering, kid? A squeal? A yelp? There's no reason you shouldn't be able to have a decent conversation with us. Come on!

"Sans, we are going to blow a hole off the door again. We need a place that can contain the degree of magic needed for this," Papyrus said.

"Yeah. I know." Sans let go and looked out the door. "We're going someplace."

"What's going on?" Frisky asked. "You said this shouldn't be too hard."

"I know. He is a conduit. Me and Pap are taking him to Judgment Hall. It's the best place to withstand heavy magic without damage. It'll be okay, don't worry." He gave her a confident thumbs up. "He'll be okay, Frisky. We'll be back before you know it."

The usual bright colors of Judgment Hall only held small hints of orange with blue dominating it.

"I don't get it, he needs to come out!" Papyrus shouted. "Hellooo! Why won't you come out?!"

Sans was putting everything he had into it now. Chance's body was already gone. Physically seen but it was dead. It couldn't function anymore. He had to pull out of it. "He should have been scared, I know that, but this is not right! He should be able to hear us, Pap!" The roaring magic within Judgment Hall was so great, yet, not even a sound. Come on, come on! This is such a simple process, My Kid! Run to the light and we'll guide you, come on! He warned him the delusions would be tough. He warned him the worst parts of his memory could be used to scare him, but just get past it and the light would be there.

"Sans! Maybe . . maybe being a conduit was just too different?" Papyrus said.

No! No, no, no! I don't care if it's different or tougher, you need to break out and come to us! Chance, your family is right here. Come on, my kid, please. Please!

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans! Chance's voice was terrified. I can't escape, it's holding me too tight! I can't move!

It's an illusion, my kid, an illusion! If you don't break free, you're going to die and there are no resets! Break free from it!

But I can't, and it's no good, Sans! He's not like the other soldiers that were here. He wiped away the illusions, everything but the ship! He's only a human but he's so strong!

Illusion, Chance, I swear. You have the power to take him out!

You don't get it, you don't get it! No, let me go! Let me go! No, no, no . . . Daaaaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyy ! 04823 is going to kill me!

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