
17: Restaurant

The restaurant is divided into four sections. One is the food stall where you order your meal, the other is a tea parlor where you can buy and drink various kinds of teas. The benches outside near the trees are made to accommodate the customers. The third section is for fast food such as burgers, BBQ, takoyaki, french fries, etc. The last one is a bar, which opens at night.

The restaurant operates in two shifts. During the day, it will be open for lunch, tea, and light snacks. At night, it transforms into a club. Rimuru first thought of this idea when Veldora expressed his desire to dance, and Rimuru missed the atmosphere. So, Ciel being Ciel, created a DJ mixer and taught the innocent souls how to operate it. Rimuru opened the shop at night solely for entertainment and socialization. The bar was opened to set the mood.

At night, when the bar opens, Ivaraj becomes the bartender, and Veldora or Carera becomes the DJ master. Most people who come at night are very tired and stressed, so they enjoy spending time here. Rimuru, after sorting out the necessary things, came outside to where Ciel is currently working.

Rimuru: "Ciel, how is the harvest these days?"

Ciel: "We will be fine since our customers don't seem to increase, so it should be manageable."

Rimuru: "Ciel, can you give a quest to the guild in Sin City to guard our home and to bring materials when need be?"

Ciel: "Okay, master. I shall send it to Lucifer. I also think the evil gods and the chaos creators will most likely take this request."

Rimuru: "Yeah, most likely it would be the evil gods. I heard the chaos creators are pranking some heroes so they won't get wind of it."

Ciel: "Master, you are still delusional about their fanaticism for you. You know they will stop whatever they are doing and do your job. It's the same for Sin City. If you didn't tell them, if you personally inform them to move, they most likely will be the first ones to accept the quest."

Rimuru: "Yeah, *awkwardly scratching her chin*, well, who would have thought they all worship me as a big sister?"

Ciel: "Master, you literally created Sin City and the Eight Sins. To them, you are their master, and you made the aimless evil gods a place to call home and a job. You are the role model for the chaos creators since you, by nature, are mischievous to the point you might as well gain divinity for mischief."

Rimuru: "Okay, okay, you don't have to rub it in."

Ciel: *Looks towards the shop* "Master, it seems customers have begun to come. We should go in as well."

Rimuru: "Yeah, let's do that."

Both Rimuru and Ciel walk to the shop holding hands.

???: "Rimuru-sama, we should open the shop now."

Rimuru: "Yeah, okay. We can open it, Tamamu."

Tamamu is a ten-tailed fox who is the progenitor of the kitsune tribe. She is one of the progenitors who came here because of boredom. Tamamu is a kitsune with blue and white fur, representing the moon's power. She is worshipped as the goddess of the moon.

Tamamu: "Very well, Rimuru-sama."

(Time Skip 8 hours)

Rimuru POV: It is about 5 PM in the evening, which is the time for the bar to open. The bar is run by Ivaraj, and she is currently preparing the counter. I still, in my maid uniform, went to see her. Yeah, you heard it right. I'm in a maid outfit. Yeah, the almighty dragon empress, the ruler of the underworld, is wearing a maid outfit. Well, having Shuna and Shion make me their personal dress doll for more than a decade made me numb to it. Throwing Ciel into the mix, I basically lost my shame. And it's not like I'm the only one wearing it. I managed to make Ciel wear it too. It's not like my subordinates will make fun of me. I mean, I can even bet that all of my female subordinates are having a good time wearing a maid outfit with me. Also, it's not every day that I wear it. I only wear it for two days every week, and today happened to be one.

Rimuru: "Hey, Iva, is everything ready for tonight?"

Ivaraj: "Yeah, everything here is fine, well, except for Veldora. Have you seen Veldora?"

Rimuru: "He went inside the house, saying that he needs to party for my departure."

Ivaraj: "Are you really fine with that? Isn't he like simply saying for you to go away?"

Rimuru: "Wait, wait, wait. You have a huge misunderstanding. He only threw a party because he will miss me for the next few years. This is like a simple farewell party."

Ivaraj: *sigh* "I still can't believe how your customs work. This is simply too complicated."

Rimuru: "Come on, it's not like we are complicated beings

. It's just that you were missing out on the fun being a loner."

Ivaraj: "Well, whatever. Let's just open this bar or whatever."

No one's POV: The night shift of the restaurant went like usual but with the addition of having a big farewell party, which made the venue quite lively. But it all stopped at about 11 PM due to closing time. Rimuru and the others decided to clean up fast so that they can go to sleep and leave in the early morning. And they did exactly that. Now we can see Rimuru and Ciel in their true dragon outfit at the doorstep ready to leave.

Ivaraj: "Will the underworld be fine without you?"

Rimuru: "It will be fine since the V.O.W (Voice of the World) can run the reincarnation cycle normally without me, and Ciel is still supervising it."

Veldora: "Well, take care, nee-san. Bring me some specialty when you come back."

Rimuru: "Yeah, sure. Oh, almost forgot to tell you, when our siblings come here to complain, tell them to solve their own problems with themselves."

Veldora: *sweating* "Nee-san, you know that telling them that means my death, right?"

Ciel: "Just run away. Since you have the storm element, you have the highest speed among true dragons, and it's not like you are weak."

Rimuru: "Yeah, what Ciel said is true, so don't sweat it. And if they are really misbehaving…" *demonic voice* "I will personally come and discipline them in my time chamber."

Ivaraj: *a little scared* "Hey, Veldora, I think we should really calm your siblings when they come here because even I feel a little scared when she is like that."

Veldora: "Yeah, we should be able to calm them down when she is going like that."

Rimuru: "Well, anyways, let's go, Ciel."

Ciel: "Yes, master." *enters into Rimuru's body*

Rimuru then transforms into her dragon form.

Rimuru in dragon form: "Well, then, I will be going now."

Rimuru takes off into the sky and opens a portal and disappears.

Ivaraj: "Hey, why can't she just teleport there?"

Veldora: "Hahaha, well, that's because unlike us, nee-san is very busy, so she doesn't have time to transform into her dragon form."

Ivaraj: "Sigh, well, it's understandable, but I still can't begin to think who the eldest of your family is. Even Veldanava is less mature compared to her."

Veldora: "Hahaha, well, this might come as a surprise to you, but nee-san is the most mature and the most childish of all of us. She is called the chaos creator for a reason. And as for your question, well, neesan literally controls the world that our big brother created, but we have a theory."

Ivaraj: "Oh, what kind of theory?"

Veldora: "Well, I think big brother learned to create the world with nee-san since we can tell that nee-san is the strongest among us. So, we think that nee-san created half of the world."

Ivaraj: "I think you are right about that theory because even when I was sealed by your big brother, my seal was easily broken by her, and she even gave me a chance which even your brother couldn't do."

Veldora: "Well, knowing him, I most likely think that he got flustered and shut his own brain. Well, nee-san did beat him black and blue after she was free because of his stupidity."












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