
Chapter 117

"This is bad!"

Appearing before him suddenly, Leonardo looked at the dark haired woman with inhumane blue eyes. He just lightly scratched his head as the coffee in his hand seemed to go missing. Almost like it said it was going to the store for milk, but he doubts he will see it again.

"What's wrong, Alia?" Leonardo asked, looking around.

"Kal came into contact with Zod." Alia said worriedly as she took a sip of coffee. "Now a faction is growing alongside disagreement. They know Kal has abilities and they don't and now they want to know why."

'Where did she get that coffee?' Leonardo thought to himself.

Just a moment before both hands were empty, then she raised her hand and it appeared. A few questions were raised, but that doesn't explain why Alia was panicking. So even if he was curious how this magic trick was done, he probably should solve her issue first.

"Is that so? Why are you panicking so much?" Leonardo really didn't understand her worries so much.

"It means time is changing and my knowledge about the inside is going to become useless. Kal didn't contact us until months later, when General Zod and Tess Mercer already had a deal in place. Now General Zod has yet to solidify his position and hasn't begun his plan to turn the sun red."

Leonardo just stared into Alia eyes who sighed and put away her panic expression. Clearly she was acting just now and wasn't panicking about the situation at all. Since she must already have a plan in motion or an idea in the works.

'Well, more my plan.' Leonardo thought while his mind drifted a bit. 'However, why is he making a deal with Tess Mercer? Last I knew, she wasn't in control of Luthor Corp since Lex was still roaming about. Did something happen to Lex in the near future?' 

The reason why Clark went to meet the Kryptonian so soon was because Leonardo asked him too. During which he asked future Alia to contact her present self and become an informant. Which while puts her in danger but truth be told, she is in danger the longer she is a part of the group since she was expendable in Zod view.

As for why she acted like the world was ending. Leonardo could only guess she wanted to prank or mess around showing off her acting skills. Where he would give her a thumbs up, but due to his ability to read most with a glance or two, it wasn't hard to tell.

"So, did you get into contact with yourself?"

"Yes, and boy do mirrors do a great injustice. My body looks amazing especially in the shower." Alia answered.

Leonardo just imagines Alia in the shower before mentally waving the imagine away. It wasn't the time to fantasize about it. Clearly she is in a happy mood if she wanted to mess with him like this.

"Did she agree?" Leonardo asked to bring the topic back on track.

"Well, she wanted to fight a bit since she didn't believe that I was her from the future." Alia began. "So after some convincing and possible a couple Konoha Secret Taijutsu: Thousand Years of Death. We reached an agreement that she would pass along the information to me and help us."

"Weren't you a serious person? Why are you so happy?" Leonardo lightly grumbled to himself.

"Because I finally found the joy in using that technique on others." Alia said happily. "Now I know why you love doing it to me. It's really fun."

Leonardo just rolled his eyes at her.


"So, there is grave news."

Sitting around the dinner table, Leonardo leaned over the side and his mouth with his hands. He wore a serious look as he looked at Aurora, Kara, Raya, Liz and both Alia. The surrounding lights were off and only the light above them was on as they gathered late at night.

"What happened?" Aurora asked. "Did a time traveler come to cause trouble again?"

"No, even worse than that." Leonardo shook his head.

"You ate the last yogurt in the fridge again?" Liz asked.

"Cough, Sheldon, I thought we agreed not to tell." Leonardo grumbled. "No, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Just tell us already." Kara asked, a bit annoyed.

"We lack a game for Friday night." Leonardo said.

"That's it?" Raya raised an eyebrow.

"I also may have beaten up Bruce Wayne of Gotham."

"Who?" Alia asked.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"So?" Raya and Kara.

"Good for you." Aurora nodded happily.

"Well, it was a few hours ago." Leonardo began his tale.

"Please just skip to the part." Aurora asked.

Leonardo sighed as he lowered his hands as the lights came back on. So much for his fun, but anyways. It truthfully wasn't an interesting tale truth be told. He just wanted to have a bit of fun since he finally met Batman and was able to beat him up at least once.

So he began his tale of going to the auction he was eyeing and while he found a few interesting trinkets. He kept his eye on the Book of Rao, just he wasn't the only one. It turned out that Bruce Wayne appeared with an interest in it too.

So long story short, after buying the Book of Rao, for a who half a million. Which truthfully felt wrong to him since it's the biggest amount he ever spent. A man in a bat costume pulled him into the alleyway demanding the Book of Rao. So after a quick match of martial arts, Leonardo left the alley humming a tune since he finally beat up the thug in the bat suit.

"Long story short, if Mr. Wayne comes around, that's probably why." Leonardo finished up the story.


Inside the Bat Cave, Bruce Wayne after wrapping himself up in bandages was sitting before his giant super computer. While he may have many bandages on himself, he wasn't terribly injured outside his ego. Since he was bested in martial arts so easily, something he prided himself in as he considered himself one of the best in the world. For he has trained with the best of the best and often holds his own or wins against other formable martial artists.

"Master Wayne, there is a saying, there is always someone better."

An older man with white hair said behind the dark hair man who stared fixated at the screen. Currently on the screen was Leonardo's history and everything Bruce could find out about him. Which made him moody since in his opinion it seems so wrong, but he couldn't tell why.

"Alfred, he beat me easily and almost effortlessly. It was almost like he had foresight. So I believe he is a meta-human." Bruce grumbled.

"Or, he is very good at reading body language. Even better than you." Alfred pointed to a section. "Many noted he could easily read them like an open book, so many felt it was supernatural. It's also one of the reasons many wanted him off the police force and made a deal with him to retire early."

"There's something wrong with him. I want to figure it out." Bruce said.

"Very well, sir. However, he has many friends you should take note of. Such as Aurora Morningstar, Raya Starr, and Kara Kent who are quickly capturing the markets. Be it advertisements, video games or technology. I suggest you move with caution."

"I will." Bruce said finally

Thanks for Reading.

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