
Chapter 4: Life or death.

The next day came too soon for Vocada as the sunlight made its way through the cave entrance, shining over Vocada's face waking him up.

Vocada slowly opened his eyes while they adjusted to the light of the morning sun, slowly looking around the cave he had spent the night in.

"Morning already?" He said as he lifted his head off of the cave wall and sat up, stretching out his small arms into the air.

Vocada's tail also stretched out as he yawned and proceeded to scratch his chin, taking in his environment.

"Oh... That's right." Vocada said to himself as he looked out across the barren desert world he found himself on, staring up into the sky and seeing not one but two suns glaring down upon him with an intense heat.

"I was reborn as a Saiyan child and sent to this planet to conquer it..." He said, remembering all of the events that had transpired so far.

The memories of what had transpired the day before slowly came back to him too, remembering that he had fought and killed a group of the Vubrothians after they had attacked him.

Vocada understood that his new life would be a complicated one, potentially filled with bloodshed and suffering. After all, he had a job to do if he wanted a way off this barren planet, not being given much of a choice.

However, Vocada still found himself conflicted regarding how he felt about having to kill every alien on this planet. Did that also mean he would have to kill women and children, regardless of them being aliens or not?

Vocada suppressed the thought, knowing that worrying about something like that so early in the morning would do him no good.


Vocada felt a sudden jolt coming from his stomach before it rumbled again, signalling that he was hungry.

"That's right, I forgot to eat last night." He said before he started to look around for his small bag with the food he had placed down.

"Where did I put it, I'm sure it was here before I fell asleep?" Vocada said, not being able to see it.

Suddenly a noise caught his attention, looking toward the back of the cave and seeing a strange-looking creature, looking like some kind of armadillo creature, only bigger.

Vocada then saw the empty bag on the ground next to the animal, quickly coming to the conclusion that this strange animal must have eaten his food.

"No... That was all I had!" Vocada suddenly yelled, scaring the animal as it quickly burrowed into the ground, making a run for it.

"W-Wait a second, get back here you bastard!" Vocada yelled out, trying to catch the damn thing before it got away.

"Shit... I have nothing... No food... No water... Now what do I do?" He said, not being able to think as his stomach growled again, hurting a little.

"So hungry..." 

Vocada walked out of the cave, feeling the blistering head from the sun's, trying to see anything that he could eat.

"Nothing..." He said, seeing only desert as far as his eyes could see before he decided to tap the button on his scouter, trying to find any signs of life.

"There must be something close by."


The scouter picked up a power level signal before it showed 150 on the screen not far from his location and it was heading his way, getting closer and closer.

"150... That's strong." Vocada said, knowing that his power level was only 160 also seeing that whatever it was, it was only 100m away now and closing.

"It's fast!" Vocada said, seeing that it was now 50m away and not within his sights yet.

"20 meters away..." Vocada said, getting a bad feeling about the situation as he took a ready stance, not knowing what to expect.

Suddenly the sand burst open and a huge dinosaur-looking monster appeared from the ground, bearing its fangs at Vocada as it threatened to swallow him whole.

Vocada quickly jumped out of the way, avoiding the powerful jaws of the monster as it crashed into the cave, smashing the rocks to pieces from its large weight.

What the hell is that thing... Vocada thought, getting a better look at the monster as he soared through the air and then landed back on the ground.

The creature was huge, standing at around 15 meters in height. Its head looked kind of like a T-rex, having a long neck and standing on all fours with a long tail that had spikes on the end of it. It also had razor-sharp fangs and claws, clearly being a large and dangerous predator.

The monster pulled its head away from the rocky formation having already crushed the caves under its weight. Then, using its large and spiky tail the monster attacked, trying to take out Vocada with one swipe.

Vocada quickly jumped back and avoided the tail bash attack, shooting a small barrage of Ki blasts at the monster to counterattack, not knowing what else he could do.

"Got ya!" Vocada said, watching as his Ki attacks exploded against the monster's face and body, creating a large debris cloud as he waited to see what had happened.

However, his Ki attacks had done little but annoy the large creature as it charged through the dust, swiping at Vocada with one of its legs, trying to cut him to pieces with its claws.

"Shit!" Vocada yelled as he jumped back again, having to dodge another attack before the monster extended its neck and opened its jaws from above, threatening to eat him once again.

Vocada dived out of the way, rolling across the hot sand in order to avoid the attack, feeling his heart almost beating out of his chest as the monster's neck started to whip back around to its original length.

"What the hell is this thing!" Vocada yelled out as he stood up, trying to catch his breath, being put on his toes again as the monster let out a powerful shriek and spun around, using its powerful tail to smash down into the ground where Vocada had just been stood.

Vocada had to dive out of the way to avoid the monster's tail bashes, rolling again and again as the creature used its tail to smash down onto the ground over and over again in an attempt to kill him.

"Take this!" Vocada yelled out, shooting a stray Ki blast from the palm of his hand, watching as it sailed through the air and hit the monster in one of its eyes.

The Monster dropped back from the force of the attack, howling out in pain giving Vocada a moment to scramble back to his feet.

"That one did some damage... Guess I'll aim for the other one next!" He shouted as he jumped into the air, wanting to get a better aim at the monster's face.

However, Vocada had been careless as he jumped too close to the monster. With a quick motion, the monster reared back again and spun its whole body around, whipping its tail around for another attack, this time leaving Vocada with nowhere to go.

"Oh shit!" Vocada yelled out, not being able to get out of the way of the attack, crossing his arms over his face and chest in an attempt to defend himself as he watched the tail come flying toward him.

The monster's tail hit Vocada with a sickening crunch, sending him flying through the air before he smashed into the sand below, causing a huge burst of sand to fly into the air from the force.

Vocada had never been hit so hard in his life, feeling blood spill from his mouth as his back smashed into the ground. He wasn't sure if his arms were broken and his chest burned while he tried to breathe, hearing himself wheeze every time he took a breath.

The monster roared out in victory, letting out a powerful shriek before it set its eye on Vocada, having lost its other one to his energy attack before.

"I-I can't move..." Vocada said, not knowing what to do as he watched the monster with blurry eyes take a step closer to him.

"A-Am I going to die... Again?" He asked, not seeing a way out of this situation.

Vocada could feel his heart pounding in his chest, feeling every cell in his body fighting against the pain he could feel, refusing to give up.

"I don't want to die..." He said, looking up at both sun's that glared down on him, trying to stop himself from falling asleep.

Vocada could feel a power welling up inside of him, not sure what it was at first.

"I have to live... I don't want to die again!" He said, feeling his body fighting against the overwhelming odds he faced.

As if time had slowed before him, Vocada opened his stats display screen and placed all of his ability points into his Ki control, boosting the number to 9.

Name: Vocada.

Race: Saiyan.

Age: 4 years old.

Power Level: 80 / 200


Level: 5 [EXP 0/200]

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Ki control: 9

Ability points: 0

Abilities: [Oozaru transformation] [Zenkai boost] [Basic Ki control]

Vocada could also see that his power level had dropped due to his injured state, knowing he had only one option left as the monster was now right in front of him, bearing its fangs as it prepared to eat him whole.

"I won't let you!!!" Vocada yelled, putting all of the new power he felt flowing through his body into his final attack, suddenly having a better understanding of how to use his Ki and control it.

A powerful beam of blue energy burst out from his hand as it engulfed the monster due to the size of the attack.

"I REFUSE TO DIE!!!" Vocada yelled, putting everything he had into the attack, watching as the power and heat that came off of his energy beam swallowed the monster whole and ripped through the ground, leaving a huge path of destruction before it exploded far away in the distance, sending a powerful shockwave across the entire desert and whipping up a sand storm as a result.

Vocada had used up all of his remaining energy as he tried to catch his breath, feeling his strength fading slowly.

"I-I did it..." He said, seeing that the monster had been killed, leaving only half of its charred body on the ground before him.

[Reward. 100 EXP for killing a Thoroxicor.] A system notification pinged on his display screen.

"I really did it..." Vocada said, forming a smile on his face before his eyes finally gave way, closing shut from exhaustion.

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