
Creating a new magic system

"Um..." Kevin showed an awkward smile. "Professor, when it comes to school uniforms, considering my financial situation, I think opting for second-hand clothing is a good choice. I just saw a decent second-hand clothing store."

Professor McGonagall looked at the young boy, and Kevin's face had no trace of reluctance. As an adult in his previous life, he was past the age of needing to show off in front of his peers through fashion.

"Well..." Professor McGonagall hesitated. In reality, given Kevin's scholarship loan, buying everything new was indeed unrealistic. Kevin was well aware that his first-year scholarship was for thirty galleons, decreasing by half every year. He'd already spent a third of it on buying a wand from Ollivanders. Essential spellcasting tools were non-negotiable expenses, and buying new textbooks would cost at least ten galleons. The remaining ten galleons needed to cover other supplies like cauldrons, glass phials, dragonhide gloves for herbology, and a collapsible telescope for astronomy.

When he calculated everything, buying everything new would leave Kevin without enough galleons to purchase robes, and he was still growing, so he needed robes that would fit him for more than just a year. After buying a few second-hand robes, they moved on to find a set of used glass phials. They had some scratches, but a good wash would make them usable. The easiest to find were second-hand books, and the Leaky Cauldron's bookshelves were filled with them. Kevin actually preferred second-hand books. They weren't missing a single word, and many of them had notes from previous students, which could be a goldmine for younger students, as they might already have important notes and highlights in them. With a bit of luck, Kevin could even find a book previously owned by a prodigy like the "Half-Blood Prince," which would undoubtedly turn him into a top student in that subject. The only thing to watch out for was not to select books left behind by poor students, especially the ones with doodles and comics.

After buying the second-hand goods, Kevin had five galleons left, and he still needed a cauldron and a telescope, which were difficult to find second-hand. Professor McGonagall suggested, "Why don't we go buy new ones? If you only need a cauldron and a telescope, five galleons should be enough."

Kevin shook his head and said, "No, Professor McGonagall, I'd like to wait. School doesn't start for almost two months, and perhaps I can find suitable second-hand items and save some galleons." Buying new items was an option, but it would deplete his money completely. It didn't align with Kevin's spending philosophy. According to his financial principles carried over from his previous life, no matter how tight things got, he always kept a bit of money on hand for emergencies. Galleons might not be all-powerful, but not having them when needed was not an option. After some thought, Professor McGonagall agreed with Kevin's approach and handed over the remaining scholarship loan. Based on her observations during this brief period, she felt that Kevin was indeed a very independent young wizard who could take care of himself.

Afterward, Professor McGonagall used Apparition to send Kevin back to the orphanage. However, Kevin didn't stay at the orphanage as she expected. He intended to stay in Diagon Alley and work to earn money. He had already realised that if he wanted to get stronger quickly, he needed more than just diligent study; he also needed keen intuition. To develop that intuition, he had to observe and experience magic firsthand. As an ordinary Hogwarts first-year student, the best way to do this was to stay in the magical world and participate in magical society by working.

The most direct way was to get a job! After returning to the orphanage, Kevin immediately started persuading the matron. "Um... Because of my special circumstances, the school introduced me to a work-study job before the start of term. Not only does it pay well, but it also includes meals..."

The matron, who was already under the effects of Professor McGonagall's Confundus Charm and influenced by Kevin's [Charming Humans] aura, easily believed his words.

That night, Kevin spent his last night at the orphanage. He first had to think about his luggage. Apart from a few clothes, there wasn't much to bring. However, he could buy additional stationery items in the Muggle world, like ink. The Wizarding World didn't require special ink for writing magical scrolls, so standard ink would suffice. He also packed some parchment paper, as Hogwarts required parchment for assignments. Additionally, he included a few pens because he'd never used a quill. With limited funds, Kevin had to be careful about where he spent his money, ensuring he got the best deals.

If the school robes could be given to Muggle tailors for modification, Kevin would've considered having them made in the Muggle world, where it might be cheaper. After taking care of these arrangements, there was still plenty of time left. "I remember young wizards aren't allowed to use magic outside of school starting from the first term's holiday. Before that, it seems wands can be used privately. For example, Hermione used to practise spells at home, which means what they call 'Trace' is added after the school starts." With this in mind, Kevin decided to get a head start. He didn't want Hermione to show him up, especially when he had a new perspective on magic from other worlds. So, Kevin opened his book, "Standard Spells: A Beginner's Guide." "Spells, or charms, are controlled forms of magical expression, typically executed by reciting an incantation to influence the world in a supernatural way," he read. "In general, the successful casting of spells depends on four primary factors: wand movement, incantation, concentration, and intent."

Spells are generally divided into several major categories: Transfiguration, Charms, Curses, and Healing Spells. Charms can be further classified by their malevolence, including Ordinary Charms, Hexes, Jinxes, and Curses. It's essential to note that the boundaries between these categories are flexible and blurry. Therefore, specific spells can belong to multiple categories simultaneously.

Charms are spells that imbue specific attributes onto an object or creature. Charms differ from Transfiguration in that Charms add particular properties to an object or creature, while Transfiguration changes them into something entirely different. For instance, the Colour-Changing Charm alters the colour of an object, the Levitation Charm makes objects float, and the Cheering Charm enhances the mood of a living being.

[You've read "Standard Spells - Beginner's Guide" and gained an understanding of the magical system in this world. Inspired by your experiences from various dimensions, you've realized that there are still some deficiencies in this magical system.]

[You've grasped the Arcane Magic system and are attempting to classify spells using this system.]

[You've comprehended an Attribute Template that allows you to assess your attributes as well as those of others.]

Name: Kevin Green 

Race: Human 

Level: LV1 Wizard/LV1 Mind Mage 


Strength: 6 

Constitution: 6 

Agility: 8 

Intelligence: 14 

Perception: 12 

Charisma: 14 

Specializations: Innate Intuition, Psychic LV1, Magic LV1 


1st Circle: Conceal Thoughts, Charming Humans (Passive), Speak with Animals (Passive) 

4th Circle: Dimensional Anchor

Kevin's exceptional innate intuition allowed him to discern the framework of the Arcane Magic system, and he started categorizing spells accordingly. Unlike the vague and rudimentary magical system of the Harry Potter universe, the Arcane Magic system was significantly more organized.

Horizontally, Arcane Magic system was divided into eight schools:

Protective and Resistive Magic – Protection.

Magic dealing with summoning, teleportation, and creation - Enchantment.

Magic related to uncovering information and predicting the future - Divination.

Magic for altering the minds of others and controlling their behaviour - Telepathy.

Magic for shaping magical energy – Arcanology.

Illusion Magic, manipulating sensory perceptions and the mind - Illusionism.

Magic governing life and death – Necromancy.

Magic that induces changes in the nature of objects – Transmutation.

Vertically, the spells were categorized based on their difficulty, ranging from Level 0 to 9 circles, and legendary spells beyond Level 9. Moreover, Arcane Magic included the "Transcendent Magic" system, which enhanced various effects of a single spell by increasing the difficulty level. The Arcane Magic system was highly comprehensive.

Although what Kevin had grasped was only a framework, a rough outline, he believed that as time went on and his research into magic deepened, his understanding would become more profound. Eventually, he could merge the spells of the Harry Potter universe with this system, bringing many unique aspects of the Arcane Magic system to this world. When that happened, the entire magical world's landscape would undergo a revolutionary transformation!

Translation is hard; cheer me up!

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts
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