
Chapter 238: Farewell

Ben, Mikita, Alvida, Zala and Robin all headed upstairs through the back of the ship. They went three floors until they arrived at the dining room like the Miss Love Duck. Ben thought the layout of the two ships were identical besides the gun on the front. He wondered when the Miss Love Duck get an upgrade does this ship also get an upgrade as well.

[The Ships are closely bonded together. You will need to trust them. ]

(Does this mean that if one will upgrade then another will as well, Sweetie?) 

[It will depend on the quest and reward however likely. Please do think bigger, these Ships will be very valuable for travelling, going forward and you will need one more.]

(Thank you Sweetie.)

Ben thought that was good and a third ship would be useful. He thought that as soon as they go to the New World, they would need to split up so having reliable and powerful ships would keep the girls safe. 

"Are you thinking of something my love?" Alvida asked. 

"Well, Sweetie told me that the Miss Love Duck and Miss Love Geese are closely linked and we would need to trust them," Ben explained.

"I trust the Miss Love Duck and Miss Love Geese," Alvida remarked.

"I feel safe and guarded on the ship," Mikita added. 

"Klabautermann are said to appear when the crew loves their ship," Robin commented. 

"Klabautermann?" Zala asked.

"They are water spirits that are ship`s spirit," Ben replied. Robin nodded, she was impressed by the knowledge Ben possessed. It was almost scary how much he knew at times. 

"Interesting," Zala said. 

"Do you think the Miss Love Duck has one," Mikita asked.

"I think so," Alvida replied. 

"Why has it not shown itself?" Zala questioned.

"Maybe she is shy," Robin responded. She giggled. 

"She?" Ben said. 

"She is right, my love, it will be a she for sure," Alvida confidently said. 

"We should make her feel more welcome then," Mikita said as they reached the dining hall. 

There they saw, everyone else gathered, Kaya, HQ, BM, Nojiko, Vivi, Marianne, Saphir, Rubis and Emeraude were sending around the table. Vivi heard their conversation. "Who should we welcome more?" Vivi asked.

"Klabautermann," Robin replied. 

"What is that?" Marianne asked.

Ben explained what a Klabautermann is to everyone on the ship.

"Fascinating," Kaya remarked.

"That does seem logical," Nojiko chimed in.

"The Miss Love Duck gives me a comforting warmth and a sense of security," Vivi added.

HQ and BM smiled at each other. "So has everyone explored the Miss Love Geese?" Ben asked.

"Yes we have,"Saphir replied.

"It is just like the Miss Love Duck, our home," Honey added.

They all nodded. "My lord, I have checked the Miss Love Geese and we are ready to go," BM reported. 

"Are you leaving now?" Vivi asked.

"I think we have to, we have a long journey back," Rubis said.

"BM wants to take the ship even further back," Emeraude said.

"Further back?" Ben asked

"My lord, I will drop them off at the Partia Lab and then take the wreckage of Batan and the cannon back to the Clockwork Island lab to be worked on and fixed." BM said. 

"Yes Master, that will be the most optimal scenario, the two A.S.S will split up, one will travel straight to Partia lab for the upgrade, the other will stick with BM and support her on the back lines," HQ added.

"Okay, is NT and PR okay with this?" Ben asked.

"They are still being created, we will ask them my lord," BM responded.

"However they will serve you Master," HQ added.

"As long as they consent that is a good plan, Sumi and the rest can travel around on the Miss Love Geese until we get the Door Door fruit to teleport," Ben stated. 

They all nodded. Over the next hour, they worked together to transfer the wreckage of Batan and the cannon on the third floor of the Miss Love Geese. This task was easier as both ships had deployable ramps. 

The rest of the girls had said their goodbyes to Emeraude, Rubis and BM. It was not a teary event. In fact the girls were in a good mood. They knew they were going to see each other soon. They gave each other hugs. Saphir, Emeraude and Rubis hugged each other. They were sad but happy for each other. Emeraude and Rubis got to pursue their dreams of working in a lab and have freedom, while Saphir got to stay with the one she loved. Though Emeraude and Rubis did love Ben, they knew they had a different role for him. 

Ben was the only one left on the Miss Love Geese, with BM, Rubis and Emeraude. They stood on the deck. "Thank you all, I will miss you," Ben said. 

Emeraude approached Ben with a warm smile spreading across her face. Opening her arms wide, she enveloped him in a heartfelt embrace. "Ben, I want you to know how much you mean to me and my sister. You've been the best thing that ever happened to us. You have allowed us to pursue our dreams, and saved us all. You've been a protector for my sisters, and for that, I love you,"Emeraude expressed with sincerity.

As she spoke, she gently moved her head, expressing her deep affection with a tender kiss on Ben's lips. The moment was filled with gratitude and love, encapsulating the profound impact Ben had on their lives. Emeraude let go and took a step back. She was flushed but had a wide smile on her face.

Rubis cleared her throat, a hint of bashfulness in her demeanour as she stepped towards Ben. "I might not be one for grand speeches like my sister, but I want you to know that I love you too," she admitted with a warm smile. Closing the distance between them, Rubis walked into Ben's open arms. Leaning in, she pressed a kiss on Ben's lips, expressing her feelings. 

She walked back. Ben was about to say something when Rubis said, "Don't say something to ruin this moment."

"He is good with his word," Emeraude commented. 

Ben smiled. "I love you both," Ben declared. 

Emeraude and Rubis smiled wider together. 

Ben approached BM and hugged her. "I love you too BM. Thank you for everything," Ben said. 

"I exist to serve you my lord," BM responded dutifully. She bestowed a gentle peck on Ben's cheek before stepping back, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"You should have gone for a kiss on the lips," Rubis said. 

"I am happy with this," BM responded. 

Emeraude and Rubis nodded. 

"Okay, girls, take care, we will be in touch with the radio," Ben said as he transformed into his hybrid form. 

"Bye," the girls all said waving at Ben. Ben flew back to the Miss Love Duck. He smiled, knowing they would be safe on the Miss Love Geese. 

Ben arrived on Miss Love Duck. He saw the girls gathered around. Alvida was the first one to speak. "It will be different without them my love but we will all be together in the end," Alvida said.

"We will. Nojiko what does your log pose say?" Ben asked.

"It was pointing up the last time I saw it, Captain," Nojiko replied. 

"Perfect, set a course for it immediately," Ben stated.

"Yes Captain," Nojiko said.

"I will help you," HQ responded as they both rushed towards the Bridge. 

"Pointing up?" Kaya asked.

"That is strange," Saphir said. 

Ben looked up. "There is an entire world and a lightning god up there to face," Ben stated. 

The girls smiled and nodded. 

Hi All, This marks the end of the Simon Pirate Arc. This arc was meant to be a quick pit-stop however turned to be much longer. I know some people will not care about this arc however, it was fun to write and show off the fighting potential of the crew. Next Arc will be Skypia.

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