

(Mc pov):

"I have an idea why don't I give you a name"

"ReAlLy?" She now started looking at me expectingly. Still hugging my torso which if you look from an outside perspective would look extremely weird being hug by a cute ghost girl while not wearing a shirt.

"Yeah but how about we get out of your domain first". I really need a shirt so she can stop hugging my torso.

She just nodded as she deactivated her domain and we reappeared backed into the school roof top.'i see so I was wrong she didn't get the mallet from the domain she was born with it'. Now that were here I made a portal and took out a shirt then made another and took out s necklace with a metal shaped claw holding a purple gemstone

"Before we start anything let me give you name i thought of a perfect one for you while watching you fight.

Your new name now is Ori"

I then put on a shirt and put the necklace infront of me telling her to put her hand on top of if.

As she does so I then start making a Binding Vow.

"In returned for fighting alongside me and being connected to me you would have to follow along some rules I set out.

1. You aren't allow to hurt someone unless that person harms you first or I give you permission

2. You would have to follow my orders but in return you would get access to my bottomless amount of curse energy

And third and last rule I treat you like a little sister in return you treat me as your older brother. What to you say do you accept?"

"AcCePt, AcCePt OnIi-ChAn, OrI aCcEpT" she then gives the biggest smile showing her shark like teeth.

As she accepts the Bindimg Vow purple flames then started to surround her in a cocoon and as the cocoon falls a apart a beautiful girl with long black hair that falls to her back with bangs covering her forehead and big beautiful red color eyes appears in a school uniform.

She then grabs the helm of her skirt with a hand on each side and lifts then up slightly and give a courtesy bow, through teary eyes and a beautiful smile she says "Please take care of me Onii-chan".

I give her a smile in return and say "please take of me as well, Fenix Ori"

She then yawns while saying "I'm sleepy onii-chan" she slowly starts disappearing and going inside the necklace i smile at the necklace and put it on.

???: "Now what the hell just happened, did you really just turned a curse spirit into your little sister"

Not expecting someone to appear I quickly turned around and got into a fighting position only to find Gojo sitting on the fence of the school rooftop eating sweets with a silly smile on his face

"You're probably the only person who would think of treating a curse like a family member which is hilarious" gojo said while still eating and laughing at the situation.

"Since how long have you been here" hoping he didn't see a little girl hugging my bare torso.

"Since you came out the domain shirtless with a little girl clued to you.... Pedo" he said while looking away and continuing eating.

A tick mark just appeared on my head. Not wanting to hear anymore of it I just took a step forward and disappeared only to appear on his left side trying to roundhouse kick him in the head only for a it to slow down when it got near his temple

As it slowed down blue sparks started to appear between the space of my heel and and his head.

"You see those blue sparks it means I'm getting closer and closer to beating the living shit out you." I said with a predatory smirk

Even tho he is wearing a blindfold i can tell he's giving me the side eye.

He just nodded and said "it's impressive but its not good enough. Anyways I just came to check what was taking you so long, you would normally finish this in 5 to 10 minutes.

Did you find her that interest that you decided to stay for a while and adopt her"

"Yup she has the control over rejection pretty sick right and the reason I took so long was cause I teaching her hand to hand combat and how to fight" I'm pretty excited to train her some more since the potential lying dormant within her is emmense.

Gojo just threw him the bag that was holding his sweets and said "dispose of that for me".

"Arrogant bastard I'm not your fucking trash disposal" I shouted while burning the paper.

Gojo just got off the railing and waved his hand in the air while saying "C'mon we don't have all night to finish off all the extra curse spirit".

'Arrogant bastard' while walking behind and as he disappeared I did as well.

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