
Ch 51 The Day Of Balgrud

(Four Weeks Later)

(Slice of Life Ch)

Id spent my time with my Wives and daughters after coming home from the Great ravaging of Östhammar.

Many trading ships and traveling Norsemen on their way to raid in the east had stopped in Kattegat during the past weeks, they had heard of my exploits but after meeting me in person most were awestruck.

When they moved on to different areas the legend surrounding me grew larger and larger, I expected to receive many travelling warriors who would seek to swae their oaths to me the following spring.

I had overseen the Construction of my New fortress and the improved defenses to Kattegat as well, they'd been going on non-stop for a month but still required much more time and money thrown at them to be completed.

Today was Balgrud's Wedding Day so I dressed in fine clothes and placed my legendary blade Skofnug to my fine leather belt and oiled my hair and beard lightly with scented oil.

Lagerta was also getting ready by wearing a dark gray dress with silver adornments and a Silver Circlet on her head....she hated dressing up like a lady but she was the wife of an Earl now.

Of course she still wore a sword at her hip so none forgot what she was capable of.

I walked over to Althea, Thyri and Alfhild who laid on my bed and kissed them deeply before kissing their swollen bellies softly.

"I'll be back past before morning my loves." I spoke and they smiled sweetly.

Then I walked over to the study where Judith and Ealhswith we're teaching Sveta and Anna various subjects and kissed them all goodbye as well. 

"Come back soon My Love~" Sveta spoke sweetly and I kissed her Pregnant belly.

After that I walked out with Lagerta on my arm to the room where my daughters were getting ready.

I knocked and immediately their sweet voices were heard. 

""You May Enter!!!"" 

I pushed the door and they waved happily as the slaves did their hair.

Both of them were dressed in identical bright yellow dresses with gold circlets on their heads, the only difference was Lilyvetta's light brown eyes like her mother and Athwyn's Blue eyes like mine.

"Look at you little flowers....The cutest girls in all of Midgard and the Eight other realms." I spoke softly as I kissed their chubby cheeks.

They giggled and told me to stop as their handmaidens finished braiding their pretty light brown hair.

After that we all walked out along with a few of my warriors toward the beach where Balgrud's Wedding ceremony would take place.

Upon reaching there I found Balgrud dressed in fine velvet clothes and with his beard neatly styled and hair braided carefully, I could even smell he rubbed himself with fine scented oils for the occasion.

My entire warband of Half a hundred men stood and giggled at his nervousness.

none had ever seen him in anything but his heavy armor or half naked when he used to fight as a Berzerker so this fine attire was funny.

I left my family at their places and walked up to Balgrud, we still had about half an hour before his bride would show up.

I patted his heavy shoulder and spoke.

"Why do you look so scared Balgrud, you should be jumping for joy." I spoke and he shook his head.

"IM SCARED BOSS....HOW DO I KNOW IF I'LL BE A GOOD HUSBAND...." He spoke with a trembling voice.

"You have faced and defeated hundreds of warriors in our years together, We've sailed into raging storms that would surely destroy our ship and drown us in a watery grave, we've sneaked into enemy camps in the dead of night and you did it all with no hesitation or fear....Why should you be afraid of this now?"

I asked the giant man and he nodded but I could still see his thick thumbs twitching.


"I have seen how that girl looks at you Balgrud, You have nothing to fear about making her your bride.....Show her your love, care and support...That is all it takes to keep a marriage strong and happy for many years."

I spoke and he nodded and I patted his back before walking back to the crowd.

I found that Ragnar Hasta and Bjorn were in the crowd.

"Brother, it's good to see you here...I wasn't sure you'd make it." I spoke then patted his shoulder.

"I fought with him many times, and he saved my life during our first battle on the beach, I wouldn't miss it for the world....Where's Rollo?" He asked.

"He did not attend, I believe he is visiting the Seer in his cave to the North." I spoke and Ragnar nodded solemnly since he knew of Rollo's troubles with the God's.

Then I turned to his Wife.

"Hasta dear, I'm glad to see you in good health." I spoke and kissed her hand.

"I'm glad you're well too My Lord~" she spoke and I could smell her arousal plain as day.

After greeting her I patted Bjorn on the head. 

"Look at you Nephew, you'll be as strong as your father before long." I spoke and he smiled excitedly.

"Uncle Thenn when will I get to go raiding with you!!!" He spoke excitedly.

"Patience Young Bjorn, You'll fight alongside me when the time is right....but we shall visit Upsala before long, perhaps we'll run into some bandits, wouldn't that be exciting." I spoke and he nodded happily while imagining himself cutting down some enemies.

After that I returned to Lagerta and My daughters as we waited for the bride to arrive.

Before long we all spotted A white horse with a pretty young girl on it....She was a fine girl for my giant warrior.

Her white horse was being led by four slave women with flowers in their clothes.

Kyra was only about fifteen and wore a bright Red Dress which glimmered in the light.

A dress that vibrant was almost never seen since they were so expensive but I gifted them a bolt of the cloth for the occasion beforehand and their slaves made it into something beautiful l.

She had a crown of white flowers in her hair and I could see a sweet smile and tears in her eyes as her horse was led forward to the waters edge.

She Dismounted and walked Slowly toward the water where the Druid and Balgrud now stood.

The ceremony continued for ten minutes then their kiss was made and my half a hundred warriors let out a fearsome warcry in celebration of the new couple.

Before long we all headed over to my Great Hall and moved in to celebrate.

We all piled in as my Slaves served every man and their wives tankards of Mead.

I walked around as the children all moved to one corner to chat with each other and the Women sat together and gossiped amongst themselves.

I looked over and saw both Balgrud and his little Wife with tears of Joy in their eyes....My warrior was surprisingly a softie.

Eventually the gifts began to be given one by one as my warriors walked up and gave their blessings and offered gifts for both of them.

Eventually it was my turn and I walked up as everyone watched while chatting or drinking their tankards and tearing into the delicious roasted meat on their plates.

"Lady Kyra, Balgrud I offer my blessings for your Union and congratulate the both of you....Kyra I must thank you for finally making Balgrud a family man after all this time." I spoke and she giggled and kissed Balgrud on the cheek as he blushed like a little girl.

"As my gift for your Marriage I offer Balgrud a Ship from my fleet as his Own with the same conditions I once managed out of Earl Haraldson...And for Little Kyra I offer you a position as official Handmaiden to my first Wife Althea if you desire it..and this Sacred Talisman...."

I spoke while taking a small wooden box out of my belt pouch.

I placed it on the table and Kyra grabbed it meekly and opened it slowly, her eyes widened in amazement as everyone in the Hall wondered what it would look like.

"It's Beautiful....Thank you My Lord." She spoke meekly and bowed her head.

"It's not just beautiful, it ensures for easy pregnancies and safe births....you will need it since I want many of Balgruds son's as my warriors In the future.....I wish both of you a happy and long marriage." I spoke and I saw both of them smile sweetly.

"DONT WORRY BOSS, I SHALL HAVE MANY SONS TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE YOU AND YOUR HEIRS!!!" Balgrud bellowed happily and Kyra turned bright red and hid herself into his huge chest as everyone in the hall yelled out a toast.






They all bellowed out and Kyra hid herself even deeper into Balgruds chest out of embarrassment.

I returned to the crowds and chatted with my men as we ate and feasted like ravenous beasts.

In this feast it was only our crew and their families so we all got along far better than ever before as toasts were made and drunken Vikings wrestled as we all placed bets.

I much preferred this since we all let loose and had our fun without worry that anyone would take offense to our jests and crass humor.

After a while I walked over to Lagerta who was chatting with the other wives and brought her into a deep kiss as the other women watched on in slight envy.

"Husband...Please....I'm Busy~" she spoke out in protest but I just savored her mouth slowly and then separated as she sat there in a slight daze.

I leaned in closely and whispered so only she could hear. "I can't wait for a few more raids My Love..." I spoke and placed a hand over her belly.

She turned beet red and pushed me away, she loved and hated the fact that I wanted to impregnate her badly....she also wanted it but her desire for fighting and raiding was also strong.

"Later Husband....Stop teasing me or I'll pinch you~" She spoke half heartedly and moved to pinch my stomach as the other wives laughed at our little exchange.

"Fine...Fine....But one more kiss before I go see the Girls." I spoke and she nodded.

I leaned in and shoved my tongue into her mouth as sloppy lewd sounds filled the air, even the wives of my men blushed at the sounds of our deep tongue kissing.

After that I squeezed her thick thigh then walked over to where my daughters were at, they seemed to be holding court over all the other little girls and boys.

"How are you my little flowers." I spoke and kissed their cheeks.

"Daddy!!! Don't kiss our cheeks I'm front of so many people..." Lilyvetta cried in protest.

"She's right Papa, we can't have them see this....they'll think we're babies..." Athwyn spoke and half heartedly pushed me away.

I smiled at their rebelliousness and grabbed them both and peppered them with kisses on the cheeks as they screamed and tried to free themselves as the other children giggled at them in good humor.

Once I was done I have them one final kiss on the forehead and walked off before they could complain much more.

Soon after I heard one of my men yell. 

"MY LORD!!! THESE TEN SAY THEY'D BEAT YOU IN TUG OF WAR!!!!" The crewman yelled out, he was piss drunk.

I smiled and walked up to the rope and pointed at it. 

"IM WAITING.....BUT IF YOU LOSE YOU'LL HAVE TO SHAVE YOUR BEARDS!!!" I roared out and everyone laughed and pointed at the table of men.

"AND IF WE WIN?" One asked.

"ILL DO THE SAME." I spoke and everyone stood up and rushed over to the rope excitedly as my other warriors watched on at the drunken fools.

A few minutes later I had ten slaves shaving the drunken men as they pleaded for mercy from their punishment while everyone laughed at their suffering.

Eventually the cups defeated my warriors and theyaid strewn out on the floor as my slaves came and tossed blankets on them before their families began making their way home, the warriors who lived out of town had their families given quarters to rest in as well.

I headed upstairs with Lagerta and my daughters and soon slept soundly.

in a few days I'd have my pilgrimage to Upsala after all.....

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