

Word Count: 880


As Yasu exited the alley, he can see a lot of civilians walking around, going to different stalls, shopping, and talking to each other.

As he was looking around he spots a stall that was selling Dango, so he decided to go see how it was.

"Hello, I would like 2 Dango please." Says Yasu, as he seems somewhat excited about trying some.

"That would be 150 Yen please." Says the shopkeeper, as they start preparing the Dango.

'Hmm... I forgot about money, I guess I can just create some...[Create]' Thinks Yasu, as he makes 150 yen out of then air.

"Here you go, sir." Says Yasu as he hands over the Yen.

"Thanks, Here you go kid" Says the shopkeeper, as he hands Yasu 2 Dango, and goes back to what he was doing.

'Finally got some Dango, let's see how it is.' Thinks Yasu, as he takes a bite of one. 'THIS IS SO GOOD!'

As Yasu is walking on the streets of Konoha, He thinks about what he is going to do after exploring Konoha.

'Hmm, Maybe I can create my own village? Maybe I can go to a smaller village and help them grow? Maybe create a organization like Akatsuki? There are so many possibility's.' Thinks Yasu.

Suddenly, Yasu feels someone bump info him while he is deep in thought.

"Sorry!" Says the young boy who bumped into Yasu.

"Its okay, but why are you running?" Asks Yasu as he helps the boy up and checks if he is ok.

"N-no reason" Stutters the boy, as he try's to separate from Yasu.

Seeing how the boy stuttered, Yasu figured something happened and examined the boy closer.

'He is bruised up..' Thinks Yasu. 'He also seems malnourished, well lets take him, seems fun.'

"Hey kid, want something to eat? I can take you somewhere" Says Yasu.

The boy looks at Yasu suspiciously and asks. 'Why would you do that?'

"I just felt like it, want to eat or not?" Says Yasu, as he starts walking away.

"Ill come!" Says the boy, as he runs to Yasu to keep up.

As they were walking, they stumbled upon a place called 'Ichiraku Ramen'.

'I've always wanted to try this...' Thinks Yasu, as he remembers watching Naruto eat ramen here in the show.

"Lets eat here." Says Yasu, as he walks into the shop with the boy following him.

"Welcome!" Says Teuchi, As Yasu and the boy sit down.

"Hello, Could I have 2 Bowls of Miso Tonkotsu?" Asks Yasu.

"Sure, Coming right up!" Says Teuchi, as he goes into the back to cool the ramen.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Asks Yasu, as they wait for the ramen to be ready.

"Kenji" Says the boy now named Kenji.

"Kenji... that's a nice name, what do you usually do Kenji?" Asks Yasu, as he looks at Kenji.

"Well..." Says Kenji, as he looks at Yasu, feeling like he could trust him. "I usually walk around on less populated streets to find someone to pickpocket... I'm an orphan and I need money to get food."

"Is that why you were running?" Asks Yasu.

Kenju nods his head, so Yasu continues.

"Whats your dream?" Asks Yasu.

"I want to be a strong ninja, someone strong enough to choose how I want to live." Says Kenji, as he looks at Yasu with a serious look.

"Haha" Yasu laughs a little then Says. "You said you want to be a strong ninja, does that mean you also plan on becoming the Hokage?"

"No, being the Hokage might seem like the best thing, but the Hokage has to manage the village as well as instruct ninjas during a war, I don't want to do such a troublesome job." Says Kenji.

As Kenji finishes saying that, Teuchi brings them their ramen.

"Here's your ramen, enjoy!" Says Teuchi.

As Yasu and Kenji both say their thanks, they both start eating their ramen.

'This is so good!' Thinks Yasu. 'But what should I do with Kenji... I don't feel like traveling with anyone at the moment as that would limit my freedom, but he seems like an intresting young man... well, I'll at least help him on his journey.. I will bless him.[Blessing • Luck][Blessing • Talent]'

After Yasu blesses Kenji, he finish's his Ramen and then creates more Yen to pay for the meal.

"Here's the payment Mr.Teuchi." Says Yasu, as Kenji also finishes and gets ready to leave.

"Thanks, Come again!" Says Teuchi, as he picks up the Bowls and goes to clean then.

"So what do you plan on doing now, Kenji?" Asks Yasu, as they start walking down the street.

"I guess I'll go back to the Orphanage, academy starts soon so I will start pursuing my dream soon." Says Kenji, as he seems excited about starting Academy.

"Well, good luck Kenji, I hope you achieve you dream, and perhaps we will meet again in the future" Says Yasu, as he ruffles the boys hair.

"Thanks!" Says Kenji as he smiles, then starts running back to the orphanage. "Bye, Yasu!"

Yasu smiles and thinks. 'With my blessings, he will definitely rise up... but now what should I do... well I guess I will leave Konoha for now and do my own thing. [Teleport]'

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