
Chapter 368 – Marching into War

The countdown of the 10 minutes of peace had approached the end. 30 more seconds before the all-out war between 5 teams.

Other teams prepared their strategy. Their leaders took their role seriously and made a plan for how to win this event and get the glory.

Some planned to move together, and some planned to spread out and kill players who got separated from the group. All kinds of strategies were talked about to see the pros and cons.

Two groups planned to send spies and scouts to find other teams and launch a surprise attack. Everyone was serious about finding the best tactic.

Meanwhile, Team 3 was slightly different from the others. Following a leader who could be called the type of 'screw plans and march forward', everyone's morale was pumped by a speech.

"Remember! When you meet an enemy, gang him up! Punch him! Bash him! Stab him! Chop him! Show him no mercy and instill fear on them!"


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