
The Titan's Curse

I was sitting in a dining table in Ouranos castle in the sky, the primordial was observing my actions as I stared down at him.

"So, tell me what could you possibly want from me an angel? Sipping wine as the form of Ouranos was fading in and out.

"Straight to the point type of guy huh, well as you can see I'm close to fading, and I need a successor to my power or else that upstart Zeus will receive it."

"And let me guess, you would rather I receive that power than Zeus, for what particular reason?

"I know you are not from here, but I have been watching you for a while and you are the perfect candidate, you are not power-hungry, you interact with mortals, and you are powerful enough to defeat the gods and the betrayer."

"That's supposed to be Gaea, correct? Ourano's face turned dark as he roared.

"Don't you dare speak that name, that traitor was the reason for all of this, I will admit that I wasn't a good husband to her, but she broke the rules when she turned against her own Family." Lightning equal to Raphael shook the castle, as Ourano's voice echoed with venom and spite.

"So to reiterate your proposal, you want me to become your successor and receive your powers instead of Zeus, and in exchange, you get to fade and watch the gods burn and the world run without divine intervention." Ouranos smiled as he nodded his head, and stood up to shake my hand and seal the deal.

"When you brought me here, my first thought was that you had good intentions, but I can see your true plan clear as day." Punching Ouranos in the face and slamming him to the table.

"You offered the same deal as your son Kronos, him being simple-minded with his plan I understand, but someone with your power and status, knows the consequences of killing the gods like you suggest."

"The gods power are integral to the stability of the west, and if that were to be disrupted in any way without balance, then their domains would go unsupervised and cause chaos on Earth, and I think i know why you want this outcome in the first place, your genocidal."

(The destruction would be similar to how the world was when Kratos killed the gods, and Olympus fell.)

Ouranos eyes widened as I figured out his true agenda, he pushed me off him and then activated his power and created a sword of purple lightning.

"You stand before me, the mighty Ouranos, insect." Kneel and beg for forgiveness, or be squashed."

"Me Kneel to you? Who decided that, beg you for forgiveness? Who decided that, and for your information Ouranos, I was created from my father just as you from Chaos, as far as I am concerned the titans and the gods are little children."

I summoned my burning sword and began to battle it out with Ouranos, his pride and vanity blinded his focus, costing him as a saw that as an opening and castrated him, it was the same way Kronos did to him long ago.

"You bastard, this is my world, my power, I am the Supreme being of this world, and I refuse to allow that petulant upstart or anyone else take my Throne." He seethe in anger as I looked down at him.

"Well Ouranos, here is what is going to happen moving forward, I'm going to absorb your power into myself, and then I'm going to destroy the Olympians, the Titans, and Gaea."

"However, I'm going to replace the old with new and better gods, and your going to nothing because you can do nothing."

I put my hands to his head and started to siphon his primordial energy, he screamed in agony as his power was taken from him.

I tell you, absorbing power was the most euphoric feeling I felt in ages, I could see why angels like the Gigori, got addicted to the taste of power.

I felt like I could fight Lucifer with this power, it was so addictive that I wanted more, and was about to find the nearest soul and devour it, when I heard a voice that snapped me back to reality.

"Darling control yourself, you know what will happen if you lose control with that power, you don't want to become like that version of you? The voice of Coseama woke me up from making the same mistake like some of my variants.

I had created multiple variants of myself in different universe's, to observe and experience different outcomes, I gave them free will to do whatever they wanted in that universe, but one variant was so evil and twisted, that even God wanted me to destroy it completely.

Of course, I felt that it was hypocritical that he demanded that I destroy one of my own creations, when he couldn't bring himself to destroy Lucifer in the rebellion, and after Eden.

Father didn't take that comment well, and gave me a painful reminder that even though he loves all of his children, that not even me would be safe if I push my limits.

I finished taking Ouranos power and then teleaported to West Hall boarding school, where the hunters of Artemis surrounded the area.

I walked to the silver tent of Artemis, the hunters aimed their bows at me but stood down as they realized who I was.

Inside the tent, Percy, Zoe, Bianca, and Artemis were having an argument about Bianca joining the hunters.

The room became quiet when I entered, Zoe grabbed her bow and nocked an arrow at my head, ready to shoot at me.

"You! How dare you show yourself to lady Artemis after what you have done." She was about to release the arrow until Artemis stopped her.

"Isaiel, you been my friend and I have known you as long as I can remember, please what do you think I should do? Bianca looked conflicted and was waiting for my Opinion to her situation.

"Bianca, I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do."

"Yes, joining the hunters may seem to be a good idea at first, but what about Nico? You are his only family in this world, and if you leave him for the hunters, he will see that as a betrayal and may resent you for the rest of his life." Bianca stared at the ground as she thought about my words.

"Typical, how you men just want to shackle and deceive young women from becoming free and away from love." Zoe sneered in my direction, and I snapped.

"One, don't talk like we are equals, we are nowhere near the sort." Two, I'm not male or female, I just choose this appearance as a convenience for humans." And three, you rant about how men are monsters and are the problem, but Elisabeth Bathory, Belle Gunness, Irma Grese, Mary Tudor, and Ilse Koch have done equal or worse crimes than their male counterparts."

"In my eternal life, I have seen good people who deserve better than heaven, and people so evil, that the devil himself is repulsed by their crimes, that is the beauty and secret of free will, the ability to do right or wrong, regardless of the consequences of the act, you of all people should know what I'm talking about Zoe Nightshade."

Zoe gave me a hateful look, and jumped at me with two silver daggers, before I sent her to the other side with Telekinesis.

"Keep your hunters on a leash Artemis, I can still drag them straight down to hell for their crimes against humanity, and many other reasons." I got up and left as Bianca made her decision, and I got ready for a purge.

I flew to the location of the Princesses Andromeda, and without hesitation, I release my aura on everyone on board.

"Listen, I don't take joy in killing innocents, so you all have two options, flee or die, there is no in- between just those two options."

When I pulled back my aura, some demigods and monsters left immediately, others hesitated and didn't make a choice.

I sighed as I clutch my fists, and used my much stronger powers to fry and explode everyone's brain, except for Luke who I broke his legs and made him paralyzed.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you said you won't take sides in this war? Luke struggled to get the words out as I walked towards him.

"You are correct, I am talking no sides in this war, I am just making a better solution to the problem."

"Luke, the only universal language in this world is violence, and we spoken that language multiple times it's over, time for a new plot, the destruction of Olympus." I touched his head and quickly took his life and continued my purge of Kronos forces until they were all eradicated.

I teleported to the Throne room of Olympus, and all the gods looked at me with glares.

"You! How dare you enter the place of the gods, leave boy or face our wrath."

I smiled before creating a table with food and sipped on a glass of wine, before looking at Zeus as if I was watching a prey try to intimidate a predator.

"You call yourself the king of the gods, when you are just a king of a small pantheon, in a universe that's barely out of it's diapers, how would you feel if a maggot was standing in your presence and started to get snarky."

I teleported everyone in the Throne room into a different dimension, as I went behind Hestia and stabbed her in the heart, with my sword that produced green flames.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, I am here as your judge, jury, and executioner and I formally declare war on the gods as of this moment."

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