

I inspected Grandma Langton's Book of Shadows. Carefully flipping through and between pages, casting the Irish reveal spells she once taught me.

I read in wonder and awe. More entries were about the mysterious Jerrold and their relationship.


14th February

Valentine's Day. I never had a serious Valentine, but Jerrold insisted to 'woo' me. The flowers were beautiful, and the night was lovely. He was a gentleman.

I dare say he did indeed 'woo' me, but I'd never tell him that. While I was still a little frightened by the feeling of hellfire whenever we kissed, I was filled with a gentle heat tonight. 

Who knows? 

I should give him a chance. Let's see how this plays out. 



I smiled at the efforts of Jerrold, the way Grandma Langton was describing him; he was smitten. Perhaps he died before my father was born…? They say surprises are left behind often.

I peeled the stuck pages apart, magic tingling on my fingertips, coaxing it open. It was almost like she glued the pages together to hide her secrets.

Alex wandered in; he was a little rushed, "Lexi!"

"Hm?" I looked up, still trying to peel the pages apart.

His skin was flushed, and he looked flustered; I stopped altogether, abandoning the task and putting my full attention on him.

"What's wrong?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed.

"You have a visitor… 'Jack' and some other people? I think they are wolves…" he tested.

My eyebrows shot up. Mum was away on business again. A burly man like Jack probably frightened Alex.

"It's all right, I know him. Can you call Leo?"

I would feel better if he was here while Mum was away. Alex nodded and stayed in the room while I greeted the guests.

Sure enough, the tall wolf took over the whole front door frame. I did not think he would be able to fit.

"Please, come in," I gestured to the living room.

Behind Jack, Tiffany emerged with her big brother, Corey, looking confused. I could not hide my surprise at her presence.

"Hi," she said before quickly adding.

"Hi," I greeted, still unsure why they were there.

I took a peek outside; Mrs Crowley looked towards our front door. I quickly put a smile on my face and waved as I shut the door. Damn.


"Please, sit."

I gestured to the extended sofa, which groaned under Jack's weight. I tried not to laugh.

"So," I started, "What's brought you here?"

The door opened again, and Leo let himself in with Freya behind him. I smiled as he came into the living room, and I spoke to Freya.

"Alex is upstairs," I hinted; she nodded and went up.

Leo came around the back of my seat and leaned on the back.

Tiffany's brother eyed Leo but said nothing.

"We are here for a couple of things," Jack began, "but let's start with Tiffany."

Jack gestured to the sister on the other side of the sofa.

Corey looked at Jack with apprehension, "I don't see how two humans will be able to help."

Jack said nothing and continued to stare at Tiffany, blinking every so often.

"I-I thought you said we were seeing a…" Tiffany's eyebrows scrunched. She did not know why she was here either.

"A witch, yes," Jack said as though it was apparent.

"You know it would have been nice to be asked first," I said, glowering at Jack, "Very few are privy to that information."

His eyes narrowed, "but you go to school together, right?"

"Yes," I regarded Tiffany, "and I know of your heritage. We like to keep ours under wraps for… reasons you know very well."

Tiffany got more confused as we talked about the subject. Eventually, her anger raised, "What the hell are we doing here?!"

"That fact she doesn't know means you are very good at keeping it hidden," Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you," I smiled before finally dropping the bomb, "We're witches."

Both Tiffany and Corey gaped at Leo and me, and words garbled together from her mouth. My attention changed as Sooty came in meowing and brushed my legs.

"Hello, little one," I said and picked him up onto my lap.

"But… Where's the pointy hat? The flying broom? No warts, you're not even old… Are you?" she looked at us suspiciously.

We laughed loudly, "We are not old. There is no spell for age reversal. No flying brooms. Pointy hats are only for Halloween."

"Anyways, what's the problem?" I said, redirecting the conversation.

"I turned 18 a few days ago and still have not shifted," Tiffany's voice was quiet, unsure.

"Give me a moment," I said, entering the room under the stairs.


It wasn't unusual for a wolf to not shift. But it was strange that her healer was not able to do anything. Gathering a few books and herbs, I remembered when I last saw them.

Was she stressed out? Corey was very protective of his sister. Did they fall out? Did she finally have enough of him scaring off every suitor? Or is there another sinister reason?


Carrying wolfsbane and the book on wolves, I steadily walked back into the living room, glancing over a particular chapter on hidden wolves.

"Why haven't you seen one of your healers?"

"What makes you think we didn't try that first?" Jack counteracted, "Before we go galivanting for another healer far away, witches can help diagnose and perhaps coax out the pup. Kind of lucky to know of some so close." Jack leaned back into the sofa.

 "All this time." I heard Tiffany mumble.

"Well, we can try. But I can't guarantee anything. We are still learning ourselves," I gestured to the open book.

"And," I continued, "I need your permission," I said, turning to Tiffany.


"To use magic."

Corey tensed at my words to his sister, clearly untrusting.

"Sit." I gestured to the floor after pushing the coffee table away. Using string, I created a circle.

"Here." I gave her a small bundle of green herbs. Corey's nose twitched, and his eyes widened.

"Wolfsbane?" he questioned.

"It will help her go into meditation. You will feel high. Just relax and chew."

Tiffany looked at her brother and put the herbs in her mouth, slowly chewing. Leo sat cross-legged in front of the circle with the book in hand, flicking through, curiosity on his face and Sooty in his lap.

'He is very protective,' Sooty says, tail thumping lightly.

'I can tell,' I replied. Leo looked up at me knowingly.


"Lean forward," I urged Tiffanny, who was slowly losing her gaze.

My magic rose despite the growl from Corey. Leo kept his eye on the brother while I continued. I touched her forehead with my own and grasped her arms. Gently, I let my magic wash over her hair, relaxing into the connection.

My power sank, and I entered her consciousness, acting like my own senses. I did not snoop around too much; I only focused on the missing wolf.

'Where are we?' I heard her inner voice whisper.

'We are inside your head, your body. I am looking for your wolf… Do they have different names?'

'Yes, but it is a true name. It cannot be shared.'


My magic glided over her body.

In the quietest part of her subconscious, something felt animalistic, primal. Her wolf, I dared not probe, only viewed.

Their signature was the same; they were one entity. Why was it not waking?

An unknown presence would have indeed awakened it. But there was no growling, nothing else but the beating of Tiffany's heart and the whooshing of blood through her veins.

'Tiffany? Can you hear me?'

'I can.'

'And can you feel your wolf here…?'

'Yes. But she will not awaken; it's almost like she is still sleeping.'

'Sorry in advance…'

My magic washed into the primal space and probed suddenly to raise a response. Perhaps it needed a rude awakening.

It stirred almost groggily, and a quiet growl came over the reserved space.

'You need to wake up.' I ordered.


I felt Tiffany's arms tense; she was resisting.

'Tiffany, relax. It will hurt us both if you resist or push me out. You're doing great.'

She stayed as she was, and I continued, but its energy dwindled, and it once again was quiet. I must do more research; indeed, this has happened before.

I gently withdrew, and Tiffany relaxed once more.

She shook her head as we came back out of the investigation. Leo leaned back and continued to watch Corey, who was on edge.


"Well…?" Corey asked.

"Her wolf is there, but it has no energy... I had to nearly drag it out from hiding. All it did was growl gently. There is nothing wrong other than its withdrawal. No chains, no complete absence."

We were all silent; both Corey and Jack looked even more concerned.

"I will happily do more research and let you know."

"There is nothing more we can do for now. This suggests checking your diet and including more meat and energy drinks." Leo said, standing; I nodded with him.

"Here. This will bring you down." Tiffany took them and sloppily put them into her mouth and chewed.

"It will be alright," I said, patting her shoulder lightly, "If we can't find anything, I am sure another healer will be able to help."

She looked up at me and nodded.


I settled back into the single chair behind Leo.

"I have found some information on Cornelius," Jack announced, leaning onto his knees.

My breath quickened, and I waited for him to continue.

"We may have found his sire or, well, dame, a woman called Victoria. I have sent word to her inviting her to Pendle."

"What makes you think she will come?" Leo asked.

"I don't, but I know the word is spreading about the witch in the abbey defying gods and possibly being a walking goddess on earth."

An eyebrow raised, "defying gods…? Walking goddess…?" I asked, bewildered.

"Whispers of the Fae. Let's not forget against all odds, you are here. Plus, providing some information that might pique her interest."

I slowly nod to his words, "Does Keiron know this?"

"It was him that found her. One of the fae they targeted knew the vamp family well. A small talk here, boom, a name dropped."

Tiffany blinked, the effects of the wolfsbane easing off.

"No word on his whereabouts?" Leo asked, arms folded.

"No. His dam might be able to pinpoint him." Jack hoped.


After they left, I took the book that Leo offered and briskly walked to the room under the stairs.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," I said over my shoulder.

"Not a problem. Happy to help a damsel."

His smirk was infectious as he followed me into the room. He leaned against the doorway, watching me intently.

"So, Enmagica?"

"Nope," I popped the 'p', "Nada."

Leo looked up almost as if he could look through the ceiling, "How old is he now?"

"Nearly fifteen," I sighed.

"Lexi!" I heard him shout from upstairs.

I stood next to Leo, "Yes?" I shouted.

"Erm, I broke the console…" he half called sheepishly.

"He breaks a lot of things," Leo noted.

"Hm, clumsy," I said, leaving Leo to his thoughts.

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