
Im fucking stupid [Novel Change]

Okay so, I just realized how fucking stupid I am. I read my new review and realized he was right. At this point is MC even a merchant? I completely lost sight of the whole point of the book and somehow ended up where the novel is currently at. How did I even get here? This is no longer a merchant story and frankily this really isnt the story I wanted to write.

SOOOOO time to backtrack and start again. Ill delete the recent chapters probably back to chapter one or two. Shoutout to Yunick for bitch slapping me back to reality lol. 

This time I promise it will actually be a fucking merchant story lol, sorry for turning it into this clusterfuck of a novel. 

Well some times wasted but id rather fix it than keep going with whatever the novel is now. 

If you stuck around this long despite the novel being absolute shit, thanks. 

Attempt two!

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