
Chapter 379

I and Krizel our finalizing our hospital bag in preparation for our baby girl when Nanay Hermie called. 

They rushed my sister to the hospital because she was found unconscious beside her closet. 

I was about to call Paul, but Krizel held my hand tightly. 

"Just go, babe. I am not in labor yet. Your sister needs you now," she sternly said. 

"What about her husband?" I asked her. 

She avoided my eye and did not answer. 

She kissed me on the cheek and pushed me to rush to the hospital. 

I don't understand what she is trying to imply but I just obeyed her and rushed to the hospital. 

When I arrived, Nanay Hermie was wiping the blood on her arms. 

I immediately panicked and asked what happened. 

She cannot talk properly so Paul's mom replied. 

"She found Naya unconscious near their closet. She was bleeding," she answered while she tried to hold her tears. 

I was left in shock to hear what happened. 

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