
Marriage-M rating

This is a mature rating and there is a scene of sexual actions between two men if upset, uninterested, or underage skip the section below the dotted line as there is no needed plot points past those, please understand I put BL in the title so no complaints on the act of homosexuality as you have long been warned in several ways.

The wedding comes quickly with a large cave in no mans land being set up to both house the guest and hold the wedding but the wedding night will be held in traditional norther fashion rather then in stellar empire style, so no one will be waiting outside listening to the first time of the couple instead it will be a duel after the marriage then the husband will carry the wife to a secluded location for the three day retreat.

I am dressed in a gray gown that brings out my more feminine looks along with a brown furred cape so as to keep me warm, brown representing stability and gray to represent prosperity but no signs of any type of emotion involved in the set up.

Only signs of furthering the country through the marriage, even the gold detailing represents devoting oneself and serving another.

Truly the message they mean for this marriage is clear as day with the colors chosen and the designs, you need to go through with this marriage for the sake of furthering the country and serving your betters.

I stand with no veil over my face as is considered customary in the marriages in the north as one is supposed to be on equal terms with ones spouse in their region.

I stand beside Wyatt as the prayers and blessings are spoken, as applause and cheers ring out, and as my god son in this word congratulates on a prosperous couple. Finally the sparring has come and the guest will start the sparring off, one after another challenges the ring and some last a few rounds while others lose quickly but once almost all guest have come up it is now our turn and I am handed a dual sided blade with a gray hilt but a crack runs through the blade showing someone is sabotaging the fight.

I stay quiet about this as if it is known it could ruin the celebration so I infuse energy in the blade and make sure the blade won't break while I use it, I step into the ring alongside my new husband and raise my blade in challenge.

He returns the act and the duel commences, trading blow for blow I try and keep up despite my faulty sword taking a lot of my attention but I manage and last nearly half an hour before purposely making it so he hits the spot of the crack to break the blade making it a win for him while not losing any dignity for me.

I see the look Wyatt send me clearly knowing there is no way this could happen with me wielding it if the blade was normal, we will speak of this when we return to our wedding chambers.

No sort of sexual act will occur but it is best to let them believe it has so I will remain hidden the next three days as though I am too tired from the acts to properly get up and show proper respect, it will give Wyatt a better look in the eyes of his brethren.

As I sit on the bed from where Wyatt has sat me after carrying me from the dueling cave all the way to the futherest back room to far away from the others for any noise to be heard but unlike my expectation Wyatt begins to undo my clothes as though we will actually perform consummation, I look at him in confusion but go along as he wouldn't do this for no reason and speaking could mean trouble for whatever he is planning.

I feel the fabric fall off and my body revealed for him to see, the flush appears even though I know it isn't for such a purpose this is happening.

I feel Wyatt lean over and press his lips to my neck and kiss up the side of my head until he gets to my ear where he nibbles on the lobe of it, he then whispers to me, "Someone is listening in so make sure to be nice and loud for them shall we."

---------------------Mature content nothing past this point is not suitable for younger readers, no other plot points are written past this point until the next dotted line------------------------------------------------

I feel myself tense then relax as he bites down softly on my neck before kissing and licking the wound he made, not enough to tear skin but it will bruise if I do not heal it and I won't for the purpose of showing it off when we leave. I feel Wyatt's hands wrap around my waist and slowly slide up and down my back as though comforting me, I then feel the right hand dip to my backside and his left come to rest on my hip bone.

I can feel myself harden as he squeezes his right hand and his left hand goes lower until it is resting right above my member, truly I can feel my breathe leave me and tears coming as I am unexperienced in this type of pleasure to the point it is nearly overwhelming to have his hands on me like this.

I lay down and Wyatt slides on top of me while undoing his own robes meant for the ceremony though in a darker gray then my own, he is far larger the I expected and I am glad we do not need to truly consummate or the time needed to prep for such a thing would drive me mad with lust.

I can't help staring and Wyatt chuckles clearly aware of my thoughts, when suddenly a now moist finger slips past my back hole and goes to the one I grew during my transformation, the female one.

I feel my breathe leave me in a gasp at the feel of his fingers running over the part and the mixture of roughness from calluses and warmth of his flesh makes it a juxtaposition as a mix of too much and not enough, it is clear from his actions this is not his first time doing such things and as he slips inside a small moan leaves me at the feel of his finger scratching and warming me.

I can't help but want more despite knowing it is an act and as the pleasure builds I can hear the sounds being dragged out and Wyatt has moved his left hand onto my member, starting to please me in both the front and the back.

I feel the pleasure build until it bursts and a long moan comes out as I reach climax, I feel slightly sluggish but in only a few seconds I am fine and able to continue.

-------------------------------------End of sexual content safe for underage to read once more--------------------------------------

I see Wyatt put the fur blanket on me instead of continuing and it means the person listening has finally left, a pity as I enjoyed it but I will not say that too Wyatt, he is my superior to do such things when unneeded would be improper and against military code.

I sigh as Wyatt grabs another blanket and lays next to me, "Sleep if anyone else comes I will awake you for another act so let me watch out while you recover your stamina for our further acts."

A flush creeps back up and I turn to the opposite side of Wyatt knowing he is simply being polite due to the circumstances, I toss and turn unable to sleep with my body still wound up from the earlier actions as although I am inexperienced my body is very good and can easily go several rounds before growing tired.

I hear Wyatt sigh from his spot next to me then he begins to run his hand through my hair, slowly my body calms down and sleep finally comes.


P.O.V Wyatt

I look at Aadi's soft face as he finally falls asleep, I admit I took it further then strictly necessary as the man left before I began to touch Aadi's member but if I didn't get him off there is no chance of him sleeping with so much unspent energy from such activities.

I admit to being quiet shocked when I felt Aadi's energy when he entered the cave for the alliance meeting and once I realized he was in the position of Koju it was simply to easy to take my chance, although I intended to wait until they where on the brink of collapse before going and taking over that is no longer viable with Aadi there.

Him being there and supporting the heir of the southern king means that his mission must be to protect the boy and probably see him on the throne so the original plan had to be scrapped, having Aadi confirm it later made it clear it was the correct call.

Getting up after almost three hours I head out to meet up with the secondary chiefs of the north to plan out the next events, I had changed plans quiet drastically but they probably assumed it was a honor thing and assume I only learned of it recently, many times one tribe would intend to ruin another only to be stopped by a strong warrior on the other side showing themselves as female and alliances forming from that.

Walking into the cave section meant for the northerners I can see the smirks as they most likely smell the scent of Aadi's spent from earlier as I didn't bother to clean up properly, ones prowess is a means of showing off after all.

Sitting on the fur rug on the ground while the others stood I start to speak, "I was given a letter by the emperor's aid about his dual gender status on the day of the alliance meeting so telling of the change before wasn't viable, however he is the number one reason in the past the borders where impossible to take, only when he left did we begin to gain proper footing in the war. His worth along with the ones backing him makes gaining him in exchange for pushing back our plans worth it."

I can see the others nod in agreement as truly the original Koju was quiet fierce but also highly strategic making him a hard opponent for the former northern chieftain, gaining him is a boon even if Aadi isn't in him. Though I would marry him to another chief in order to gain that chief loyalty by giving him a good wife.

I lean back and think of the next moves we have planned now that the alliance is set, we need to make them dependent on us and us less so on them so finding alternative food source is vital but still keep their food source important so as not to ruin Aadi's task.

The tower had to have set us so close together on purpose as we are the biggest competition either could get, add on our near opposing task that will take a lot of work to have both be viable and it is clear the tower set us up to compete against each other despite being from the same planet.

Of course we could procrastinate until Chimon is proclaimed heir but it would defeat the purpose of us being put close together, the tower didn't just want us to compete it wants to see if even with split goals and slightly differing goals can we compromise.

Aadi doesn't originate from our planet and if at any point Aadi's home planet is found the tower is seeing if a viable in-between for our goals can be met, or will it tear us apart.

I sigh as this is clearly overly pointed assignment but it is what it is all me and Aadi can do is find the middle grounds where both sides prosper, I begin to discuss what we will do in the future.

"Koju is the godfather to the heirs of the southern king so taking over the land of my god children leaves a wrong taste, instead we will leave him as ruler there. He is a good ruler as has been proven with this invasion along with knowing the lands and having his peoples loyalty, if he willing bows down to us instead of the emperor the citizens may be more willing to view our rule as valid as the one noble they respect, respects me." It would validate our take over and make it harder for the other kingdoms to argue we are simply greedy as the most prosperous lands in the stellar kingdom will remain in the originals hands.

It will be tricky and a massive political nightmare but once done it will bring stability to us far faster then if he simply executed and took land from all the nobles in the stellar kingdom, of course it also means letting and outsider have large say over a major food supply something many will disagree with.

 I can see some who agree with this and the more greedy ones that dislike the mere concept of giving up such land to and outsider, but ultimately it will make the take over smoother in the political field.

An agreement that once the other side except the south fails to provide and uphold their ends of the agreement we will begin the assault, all this alliance will do is push our invasion back a bit as we are certain with the corruption of those nobles they won't be able to properly feed them with how much of the resources meant for them from the south will be embezzled and once that happens we have viable reason to back out.

It will even provide a good reason for a war as we attempted peace and aid during these hard times and they couldn't even be bothered to properly feed the help we sent and it led to casualties, we will demand reparations and when all but the south refuses we have viable reason for war as to be repaid for the damage and lack of respect shown for help given.

It makes us out as wounded hero's who just wanted to help and them ungrateful swine's that couldn't even spare the food they had almost in abundance thanks to the souths smart and quick action, and if we spare the south who do uphold the agreement and showed respect then it will seem less like greed and more like true aggrievance due to mistreatment, other kingdoms will have to back off from accusing us of breaking the agreement.

I return to the room marriage chambers to enjoy the view of Aadi sleeping while nude under the fur blanket, truly I should be commended for my self control despite such a tempting sight being right before me.

I lay down next to Aadi not even bothering with a blanket as neither heat or cold really bother me, putting my arms over Aadi, I fall asleep holding him in my arms.

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