
First floor- Part 2

We head to the center area as the map is spread out by region with a mountainous region in the north a Sahara in the south plains in the west which is where we are and a jungle to the west making with a mix of areas strewn in between these areas lot of monsters appear in the Sahara so it is a profit along with high fertile land in the west with mines to the north and almost nothing but small hills and splattered trees in our area.

We are attacked twice by groups of other worlds one with a more tribal like outfit and another with a slight steam punk look the tribal one is a animal people with mixed creatures and the steam punk are like genasi with metal skin and small horn but different metals and elements.

They are easy to deal with low in strength and numbers but we do not kill instead subduing them before releasing them and continuing no one comes for revenge.

We get more to the center area with fertile land and more trees a proper forest along with running water all around and many animals and low grade monsters we travel with no difficulty as most of us are mixture of humans and beastman making us seem quiet intimidating and with Wyatt releasing energy they immediately run away.

We approach a log fortress like spot with guards and proper towers while are people struggled they clearly built a luxury town, well we would take it thank you for your work.

Wyatt approaches with us standing in the tree line waiting for them to come out or attack, someone is sent out to talk a man with SS-grade strength they clearly knew Wyatt was powerful and hoped to put him off by making SS-Grade seem like servants but we already knew there numbers and with my enhancements we are more then capable of beating them.

I can see the anger on the other side face they are a species of Therianthrope capable of changing into animals and with markings showing there species like small scales or tufts of fur, spiked ears and so on they are a more ancient style with looks of no type of advanced technology amongst there weapons meaning they are a physical based species something we are good at dealing with.

The more Wyatt spoke the angrier the other became until a person came from the fortress a woman with hippo genes making her on the heavier but over muscled side and pinkish hair she released her energy of SSS-Grade but Wyatt does the same back using his own energy to quiet literally suppress her to the ground silence reigns as they realized the strength difference while Wyatt speaks while enhancing his voice.

"You either bow down or get decimated by us, you pushed our first people too the edge and expect us to simply negotiate be happy we don't do the same to you, you will be allowed to fight for other positions but not interfere anymore in others fighting ones spot depends on there strength not who they impress or suck up to."

We all walk out from the forest and I enhance them so they release higher energy grades making it clear our army is far more powerful then there's, the woman may be ugly by our standards but she is a good ruler as she willingly gives in for the sake of her people.

The mark of a proper ruler, knowing when one needs to bow their heads and when to stand strong a remarkable woman for both strength and integrity of a ruler.

We walk into the base to a well built village if more ancient style then ours making the log buildings and weapons all more rustic and weaker, it appears the tower puts those in similar styles together so my world will go to a more technology based one meaning less likely too fight like this and instead will work together.

It only says contribution on building the town it says nothing on making the town together, meaning if those of these worlds worked to make a town it would count.

I whisper this too Wyatt as he stands in front of the soldiers we have brought that face the people of the other world, he looks around then at me and nods in understanding before walking forward to the ruler who has come too stand in the center of the two sides.

"We offer to help you further your village with the technology and information we have in exchange for you doing the more manual parts like mining and tree chopping, the task was only to build a viable colony it never said we needed to do so separately if all species joined together the task would probably be over already." The woman stares at me over Wyatt's shoulder clearly knowing I am the one who said so to him, she appears to realize I am as much a ruler as Wyatt as she nods her head to me.

"I agree to this deal though leaving ones spouse behind to make a deal is considered improper in our culture as it is a sign of belief we would attack a weaker one." She says and I feel my face flush as snickers run though our people knowing who she talks about Wyatt indicates for me to walk forward.

I walk up beside him and can see the look of distaste on the other sides face do to me not looking good in there perspective, most likely strength is the be all there so the woman ruler is good looking to the over me.

I see Wyatt is displeased at this so I release energy form my body and suddenly looks of shock and interest go through as I look like a weakling and they had originally felt no energy until I released mine.

"He is not my spouse but second in command and is a healer capable of repairing damage as well as enhance ones strength during fights we can show you using one of our owns and one of yours if you are willing to see, he is highly respected person and I expect him to be treated with authority just under my own."

I see the interested look on the hippo woman, "No need for it to be done on one of your own just show with me, we have a hard stone even we have been unable to break here given from the mines for strength testing I will have him do it with that."

I see Wyatt nod in agreement so a stone the size of a medium lion is brought out with nearly ten people having to pull it.

I see her give me a look and I push my energy out and into her using my normal mental energy from my veins not from my mind although slightly weaker it is easier and less suspicious making it a card up our sleeves for emergencies.

She punches the rock and a chunk the size of my fingernail chips off leaving no other traces behind, murmurs go through the area as they look at me.

She said unable to break I assumed it meant only in small amounts but even with my enhancements it only got a small chunk, truly a powerful stone I wonder what it is as I have never heard of it before.

She looks at me in a greedy but still in control way making it clear she wants me but knows she isn't powerful enough to make claim to me.

"I am more then pleased to be in an alliance with you for the foreseeable floors as such thing will allow us to do far more then we could have ever achieved, the stone is one from our world and is known as the kings stone as only king beast have achieved in even cracking it must less chipping it like this I hope we will bring each other to a glorious future." So the stone is from her world, meaning it is a new substance I really want to study it I look at Wyatt and see the amused look on him as he nods slightly.

I can study it with my team from the school who I helped in tutoring if the stone has worth we will most likely earn even better standing and profit from this town.

We begin to integrate the towers language translation allowing for communication for all but we also choose to learn there language with a imprint that one of the people agree to allow for, he is now having constant headaches from us learning but we give respect by using there language when speaking.

We even give them a few enchanted items they can do this in the future with so after the auto-translate leaves on the tenth floor they won't be completely out of luck for negotiation.

Slowly the town expands as the year passes with on month being a week outside making 84 days having passed outside and my birthday having gone by we are almost to a full year mark soon and most likely will reach it while still having not even passed the first floor.

The town is now surrounded by stone walls with many treaties and agreements with the other a total of 100 different worlds are here and most are humanish in looks.

The 100 different towns condensed to only ten with us sharing the middle with nine others increasing the speed and strength of us, all ten flags flew on the walls and the town is more like a beginning city with easily several thousand people here we have large lands of crops growing outside with guards killing off the monsters.

Some mining and animal husbandry but our biggest gain is that we are at the center so we act as the trade location making it so almost all goods come through here at some point, the town will be a big profit for all involved.

As the first year within the tower finishes I lay on the bed for a break as I have been in constant motion planning and making things non stop only now I can relax.

I pull up my status bar.


{Status Window} {Auction} {Store} {War}

[Status Window]

Name: Aadi Null

Age: 26

Awakening Age:10

Affiliations: Planet Cerulean Base no.4, Ira planet(Title:???)

Spirit Energy status: 1st expansion phase/ energy synchronization phase

Mental realm status: 1st purifying phase/ energy synchronization phase

Mana realm phase: 2nd purifying round

Energy type: Healing, buffing, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, lightning, metal, mist, oscillation, etc.(expand to see full list)

Combat arts: Conductor spearman ship, Military style dagger art of planet cerulean base no.4, etc. (expand to see full list)

Strength:98(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Speed:95(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Agility:98(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Stamina:99(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Endurance:99(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Spirit Energy:25,000(the average amount for your current level is 1/100,000)

Mental energy: 50,000(the average amount for your current level is 10/500,000)

Mana energy: 1(The average amount for your current level is 100)

Current skills: sense control S-grade, reaction speed S-grade, mental energy control C-grade, etc. (expand to see full list)

Current Talents: mid low-grade Mental Energy Forging, low-grade blacksmith, low-grade first aide, etc. (expand to see full list)

Current level: SS


I look at my level and feel accomplished as I am reaching far beyond one would expect of my age even Wyatt was only S-Grade when he was at this age meaning as long as I work hard I may catch up, I am now able to begin to study the mana cultivation book.

I open and read, Mana is the act of combining ones physical energy with mental energy some worlds this is a natural thing but in others only one energy system exists making it far harder to reach this level. One will combine all the mental energy and physical energy together to make this energy that is a mix of outside and ones own energy.

<Slowly they will push out all energy that is not there own to make a mostly before the slowly expand covering starting with blood veins then muscles, bone and other parts integrating into ones self until it in including your mental spirit cores. You undergo transformation if you survive process be given unimaginable strength able ignore world rejection due low you.>

It is the exact same as my original cultivation meaning I skipped many steps to reach the same result, but now I must skip straight to the energy spread part.

Meaning I need to condense all my energy into the mana then spread it out like last time, I am already accustomed to this so it should be easier the second time around as my body will be used to this.

I will take this out for them to study and begin to advance using the method given.

I know I am using the same type but he got the result like this precisly because it is the same allowing him to begin the process earlier and smoother then others.

I am contemplating writing something alongside this but not conected in any way to this story or world so as to relax my mind and let me not over focus and therefore loose passion, it will make it easier on me to throw my other ideas somewhere so as to focus on this, if you are interested let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kayle_ezelcreators' thoughts
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