

I do not meet the masked man with the golden swirl most likely due to him being to high of a rank to be allowed alone with anybody, after that the meeting is adjourned for the day and I return back to the room with Lucien and Nilan in it.

Only an hour later a knock is heard and a guard walks in along with Wyatt wearing his mask, Wyatt tells the guard to leave and removes the mask once the doors have closed.

"My name is Wyatt Ashish I am the current heir of the continental lord and offer both amnesty and protection to your child in exchange for the right to tell the jury the truth of you child as well as to have him speak of the drastic difference in the world's linked by the tower. I swear he will be taken care of by me and I wish to have him made a member of my squad so as to further that protection to not just my people but to me specifically."

I see the look Lucien is giving me clearly not happy I spilled the beans to an outsider but also a look of resignation that this was most likely bound to happen sooner or later.

"I want a sworn oath on your life given that my family and my comrades will not be charged or held accountable for hiding this fact as we did not wish to spread panic where there may not be any." Lucien looks Wyatt in the eyes as he says this, making the fact if this isn't included the deal is not going to occur.

Wyatt replies with, "This is already been agreed to with your child and I will have all of you brought under my watch."

The agreement is fully reached and I am sure tomorrow will be a long and uncomfortable day as it will change from looking at me as one of their own to a potential outsider and even as a new species rather then a human.

I am unable to sleep that night and neither can the other two so me and Lucien spend the whole night sparing while Nilan reads a book on the sofa.

Tomorrow a masked man with a white swirl enters and request me to follow them as they lead me in the opposite direction of last time, we arrive in front of a iron door room with no types of design anywhere to be seen it is a blank area with gray halls. Entering the room behind the door it is a room with medical machines all over here and all the council people from yesterday as well as the masked people are the only ones present, I can feel them looking at me as more of a specimen then a person.

Sitting in the provided metal chair in the center of the room I wait till the questions come, and the first is from the female older elf.

"I can understand why you remained quiet of your origins and the fact you cam forward at all over this is something we must be thankful for as you could have chosen to remain silent and we would have no way to know as even a void being couldn't sense the difference. I would like to ask of the other world you com from and how things worked in your world? I understand that this may be uncomfortable for you as the chance of ever returning there is essentially non existence but we need to know how different these worlds can truly be." She says.

I keep my head bow of I speak of the apocalyptic events that have ravaged my world, the tunnels that have ruined and shaped my life, the difference in cultivation as well as the fact I do not use the same cultivation as those from my world. I also speak of the difference with impurities and that those that lack access to their mental energy are unable to remove impurities from their bodies like those in my world.

By the end a few tears of come out but I have kept my voice steady and even through the whole process and I keep my head down to not have to look at them and feel the fear of how they react, a throat being cleared is heard easily in the silence.

"Child look up please so we may speak with you properly." The voice is gentle and soft even if slightly dragged out due to the accent of the speaker, I look at who had spoken and see the older lizard man from yesterday giving me a gentle and kind look with no looks of pity or looks as though he wishes to dissect me.

I remain looking at him as another voice speaks off to my right, "You and those who knew of you will be pardoned in thanks for your act of coming forward during this period of uncertainty and we thank you for your willingness to undergo a physical examination for this purpose."

I finally turn to my right to see the one who had spoken and the one with a hand raised is the masked man with a golden swirl on the mask.

Wyatt steps forward and speaks, "I will be the one leading this examination as I am the one to have sensed your energy in the past, we ask that you keep the energy in the same way you usually have it to remain unknown we also request to allow us to witness you using the other energy in a practice fight along with your mental energy so as to catalog the differences."

I nod my head and Wyatt signals for me to follow and we enter a side room with just me and him a familiar tube made for scanning is in there, "I need you to remove your clothes so as to get the best and most accurate read on the scanner after you enter."

I undress with him having turned around and I enter the machine hearing the door seal shut behind me, I stand still and my energy is left in the usual resting state.

An hour later I can feel the scanning is far more in depth then the usual and am feeling a little nauseous after the energy pouring over and in me for so long, finally the door opens and I can leave getting my clothes on I hear the door open before I have my shirt on. Wyatt freezes for a second and then nods his head, I rush my shirt on not minding the small wrinkles.

I exit the room and sit back on the metal chair in the center of the room where now only I and Wyatt currently where, the councils and other void people only returned after over two hours of us just sitting in awkward silence.

The wolfman with auburn hair is the first to speak this time, "We have found a slight difference in the way your mental energy links with your body, it should be a hint of such difference in evolution caused by originating on different planets. We also could trace the link of your mental energy to another part of your body specifically the pelvic region which you said is where your kind gather energy another clear difference that if we do right can be detected."

I untense as this means they could now find outsiders and prevent any type of external interferences, the panther lady is giving me a look similar to one would a specimen.

Wyatt steps between me and her and speaks, "You will now show us the difference your original world energy system has so we know what to potentially be wary of as well as allow us to spar with you using it to get some practice against such thing."

I am taken to another area with workout stuff, obstacle courses, and items to test ones energy levels and control.

They make me begin with the treadmill like one would for school, they tell me to run for as fast as I can for and hour and I begin to circulate the spirit energy I haven't used in years increasing it as the machine gets faster I hit 231.5 miles per hour and hold at that speed for the hour of running and I can still go for longer but running any faster and I would have trouble controlling my body.

I can see the looks on the council faces as they realize just what they could be facing, an entire planet of being with such drastic enhancements, but I tell them "You don't need to worry as most like me can't do this as they need high body control and that means access to mental energy." Even if he doesn't use any his body control is beyond what can be done without the access to the energy.

I see some look slightly better but it is till a worry as if they face a planet with both energy then the chances of winning are none.

Next is bench press and I get 50,000 pounds using my energy before I am unable to lift anymore and I can feel the stares on my back, a monster is probably what they are thinking as they stare at me as the only species that could match that on this planet is daemons and they need to be B-level to match it.

Next is obstacle course and we don't even bother with basics this time, I am directly thrown into the situational alternating course where it can go from freezing to burning and heavy gravity to no gravity at all.

I finish the course that takes most even professionally trained soldiers a hours in 10.23 minutes, leaving a score only those at SS-grade can match.

Finally it is the energy test and this is where the energy takes a curve ball as I can't get higher then a E-grade on the machine without using mental energy, the purity test comes back as a SSS-grade but the amount is only E-grade and the senses using purely the spirit energy is like a normal if trained person, suddenly they relax as they realize that this is not a perfect energy and that although they are tough they are not immune to sneak attacks or good at sensing their surroundings.

Essentially their is a balance to this type of energy and although it is physically powerful it is not all covering, and with most that have only one energy don't have the other energy type it is safe to say most people are overly specialized.

Murmurs ring in the room as they also seem to realize the worth of someone able to use both and I have turned from a specimen to study into a monster to be used as my worth in military has gone up. The last test also was something that had me explaining that I use a different cultivation style to my people and that because of it my energy manipulation is better and more precise and the multiple elements I can manipulate is something unique to me as well as such high energy purity.

I look at Wyatt and can see a curve of his eyes through his mask but can't quiet tell the emotion he is giving off, he isn't looking at me in a bad way so it should be fine.

The test is finished and they take me back to my room with Lucien and Nilan and we are told that we will be transferred to a military base soon, two weeks after entering the new country and the true extent of what is too come is finally upon us.


P.O.V. Wyatt (first arrival)

I leave the tower on the 50th floor and the team is given a break from the ragged consistent work they have been made to do by a notice given by my father that I am to come for a continental meeting involving a sudden discovery of a potential mass threat and that because I am the only void person certified as a medic that is in a high enough position I am being called upon.

Arriving in my father Luan Ashish's office I am greeted with him looking at a report with a harsh and cold look as though he is looking at an enemy rather then a piece of paper, my father is over two thousand years old with over fifty wives through his life and has only produced three children and I am the youngest despite already being 30 years old.

I stand at attention and wait for the orders when my two elder brother enter the room both have black hair and eyes distinctive of the void bloodline, one has pointed ears inherited from his elven mother he is the oldest of us despite being the youngest looking barely looking 20 years old.

The other has black horns and wings although he can retract them he chooses to keep them out to show off, his mother a dragonborn beastman is known to have been overly conceitful and it is clear he has taken after her as despite being 298 years old he acts like a teen going through his king of world faze.(This worlds version of the 8th grade syndrome.)

My eldest brother is to gentle to take over for father and he is often more busy in his study and greenhouse to bother doing anything else, he is a direct opposite of his name Griffin Ashish.

My second brother is to incompetent when it comes to anything not fighting as he often thinks with his fist first and has a terrible temper reminisce of his mother dragonborn blood making him unstable and non viable for fathers position despite him attempting to make claim to heirship, his name is Marco Ashish.

We stand in waiting stance for commands and after ten minutes my second brother finally snaps and demands, "Why have you taken us from our squads for us to stare at you reading?"

I see the dislike for my brother in my fathers eyes as he finally sits the report in his hand down and begins to explain the situation, "I have called you here because the humans have recently showed mass agreement for discrimination like they did 5,000 years ago during the great war and a report was sent for potential war."

My second brother scoffs, "You don't need us for that our job is to keep the other continents from interfering or attempting to take over not regulate the land or it's people civil wars are none of our business."

My father response has us all tense up, "It is if it is being sparked by an outsider." 

My eldest brother finally speaks, "Is there evidence of other continents people here and if so who has made the report and how trustworthy is their word."

My father gives him a look that shows both approval and disdain at him being highly competent and yet he has chosen to refuse heirship leaving him with someone to young in his eyes and a arrogant idiot.

My father speaks a sentence that freezes us where we stand, "The outsiders I speak of are from other planets and their is a body as physical proof."

This is no longer just a our continent problem as if true then it could mean literal war with another planet and a mass fight over new viable territory the likes that haven't been seen since the chaos era over a million years ago.

It is a potential bloodbath.

Silence reins in the room as we wait for further orders and my brother remains silent as well as even he understands the gravity of the situation, after about 5 minutes my father speaks again.

"The one to discover it did so within the tower when a spacial tear occurred in the tower and the tower confirmed the person as not a threat and made offering to have the person integrate with our world but apparently integration was far more terrifying then either new as the person died during the integration process. The body still holds energy of another world within it allowing it to be confirmed, the one to bring this forward is none other than Lucien Null."

Meaning it is a confirmed truth with no way it to be falsified and the one to talk of it is a trustworthy person.

"However the worry comes that they didn't immediately report it when the event happened as it occurred 5 years ago and only now do they come forward of it, and it is not Lucien who discovered it but his adopted son Aadi Null who met the otherworlder on the fourth floor."

I tense as I know the person of that report and think back to our meeting as well as all viable information on the boy, he is a rescue of Lucien from a black market experiment for different cultivation meaning he is using a illegal cultivation as he is unable to swap out of it, he is highly capable and intelligent with healing and buffing abilities no one can match.

Although not close with the boy when we were in the same team he did show great trust and respect for me meaning if I speak with him he may tell us whatever it is they wished to cover up by not reporting it when discovered.

"We have attempted to look into any information viable but none shows up before Lucien took the boy in, not even from the less then legal side have any knowledge of the boy with dark nearly black hair and eyes but none is found. Not only that but the boys talent is beyond anything we have ever seen whether he uses an illegal cultivation style or not, he is an anomaly and I want Wyatt there to study his energy and body, the two of you will come as backups to watch the process."

That is not normal as by all means if something happened on this continent it should be known to our intelligence agency, not knowing either that our agency is missing something or their is something wrong with Aadi.

I am given the purple mask to identify me as the medic examiner of the group, my brother wear the white mask to signify them as assistance and aides of my father.

My fathers righthand man puts on the red mask and we leave for the teleporter, although it is a high energy item we are never short of energy and no one else can use it due to energy registration required to use it. No other kingdom uses it due to the risk from it but us council do making it a emergency use only enchantment.

We arrive in a completely closed and covered in enchantment room with a set of dragon bone engraved doors and wall to act as a protector and blockade for the guest who come through here as either only the truly powerful or assassins would use it.

We leave the room and head for the designated rooms for our entourage we sit in the respective positions our mask dictate my father in the center then the righthand man on his right, me on his left, and my brother on both side with the second child being beside me. We sit for only a minute when the council appears and pays respect with bows to us, before bringing in the body and we need not even scan it to feel the difference as although others may simply feel the energy as different or repulsive we find it highly Crave to take.

It is clear our bodies are interested in a completely new thing it has never been near before, my second brother's breathe has turn heavy and his hand is twitching nothing has ever drawn us in like this before not even within the tower.

I get up and look over the body but make sure not to touch it with the gloves on to prevent me from absorbing him, it is definitely something else as although he has mental energy it is inside the wrong part because the energy veins his mental energy takes is nothing ever seen before and no such pathway exist in us a completely new biological organ for energy no wonder we want him so bad so as to evolve this function for ourselves.

I back up and report this information to all present and it is clear that it is a new species of human never seen before.

I sit down once more and listen to them talk of what to do next when my father says, "We request the one who found the body be brought to us so as to ask question in person to him not through word of mouth."

The next morning Aadi is brought before the court after speaking with Lucien on the events to come due to him being the boys father.

The boy enters and it is a surprise as although I could see a relation his body and face have changed completely to become a beautiful androgynous face that one would assume him a woman with but his voice bow shows him as male. His hair has become lighter making the dark brown hair into a plain gray color and his eyes have changed from dark brown to yellow brown color, he has completely transformed and it is seen the information provided is inaccurate meaning it is our information department that is lacking.

"You are Aadi Null correct?" I ask in slight shock at the drastic change from the slightly pretty but still clearly male to this near perfect beauty of both genders.

I see him freeze up at the sound of my voice clearly having recognized it from that sentence alone, "That is right sir, My name Aadi Null I was adopted by Lucien Null a month before my 12th birthday and I turned 22 three months ago. Is their any other information I must say or shall I speak of the events that took place on the fourth floor 5 years ago." He responds.

My father then says the reason we are here, "You may begin to tell you personal experience."

And like that he speaks of what had occurred to him on the fourth floor, we had hoped for new details or ones not told previously but it is clear he has told Lucien all he is willing to tell us and no new information is found.

After the story is finished we wait for Aadi to be brought to the one on one meeting room so as to speak with him ourselves, my brothers go first with my eldest brother then my second brother.

I go after the my father's right hand man to do a physical and I wait for the door to fully close and the guard to be away before I remove my mask.

"I had heard you used an illegal cultivation style due to your past but didn't expect it to be a transformation based one, though this is probably one of the reasons you chose to so adamantly leave the group before you began this drastic reformation." Indeed he probably left to prevent suspicion and future problems though now that I know I hope to wait for him to rejoin us even if it meant waiting, besides most the rest of the team aren't up to the grade requirement to go past the 50th floor and it is a mostly individual floor with little team play having a backup is still for the best.

"I wish to hear you tell me of your cultivation as well as allow me to absorb some of your energy to guarantee their is no lasting negative affects, although I am sure your father has done so their are some things not told to lower ranking people that if not noticed early on could be trouble for you." The true reason I am the last to speak alone with him, and my excuse to look into his cultivation.

He has a cold face on when he says, You have no right to demand either of me as the law protects the victims right from such invasion and unless you have a medical license it can not count a being done under medical checking."

I feel somewhat amused by this but I knock his answer down easily, "I do have a medical degree and it is one of the major reasons I was brought instead of others as I am one of the only few of my kind that bothered with what most my kind view as unnecessary, so I am here on behalf of my people to do a medical scan on you and to check for suspicious hints the otherworlder had left on you when alive."

"I invoke the right to have all medical information pertaining to anything before the fourth floor took place protected under the not involved clause in exchange I will swear on all energy in my body it is uninvolved in this case and will only explain to you the cause by which the difference is their but you must also swear on your energy or under the private rights act you have no right to medically look at me who as a had a recent medical scan." Well isn't that interesting as it means there is more to hide before the fourth floor event is involved.

"You realize if we criminally charge you we have right to do so anyway?" I say in response.

"Yes I am aware and I also know that without me pointing out the difference and explaining it you will never know what it is as your machines lack the ability to identify it." He says with a serious face looking me in the eyes as we see who will give first.

"I will make the oath you wish for but you will answer all questions involving you truthfully and as impartially as possible." I am the first to give as he is in his rights to hide personal information like this.

We both take an oath and I remove my glove to do an energy scan and come up with his energy having hints emotion in it despite the energy being in the energy veins, I pull back in surprise looking at him.

"What in the world is occurring with your energy, it is on the right path but is is your mental realm energy not the mental energy usually seen in ones energy veins. Though I guess this is why you refused me before, it is not a normal thing to have that types of information in all parts of the body rather then just your brain." I can't hide the interest in my voice as this is a very different from anything I have heard of.

"You notice no difference other than that correct, then you can see as I said you will not know the difference unless I point it out. Their is a second energy system in my body if you put your hand to my pelvic region you will probably sense it slightly." I sit up straighter and raise up his shirt reviling his thin but highly compact abdominal muscle with a four pack.

I feel it now that his mental energy is withdrawn he has no metal energy veins but rather a entirely different energy system.

"How in the, wait another world." That's right the otherworlder also had something similar although his mental realm was connected to the other energy vein playing the same roll it does in ours but his is completely unattached. "I thought Lucien raised you since you where twelve their is no way you came through the tower so how did you come here." So how had he come here, I need to know and the command comes out almost instinctually at such complication.

"I need to tell you of my world for you to know the full details, only 27 years ago energy like your worlds began to truly affect the species of our planet. Until then it as most likely been in a static state nothing was altered by it or absorbed it meaning cultivation is still new where I am from along with what you call dungeons and my original people call tunnels." Already a drastic difference as their world is most likely fighting with the animals transformed by energy so they have one war still ongoing and no way to find our world with them being so new to energy.

"Tunnels are different to dungeons in that we can enter it but the thing in it can also come out, meaning if you don't kill the monster who's energy is keeping the tunnel attached it will spew all the monsters in it out." I see his people isn't fighting a war on one front but two fronts and with being new to energy they are probably low on population due to sudden attacks by being they had no idea how to fight.

"The tunnels unlike here don't spew out those inside it when it closes meaning if you are in it when it closes you are trapped their until it reattaches itself to another world." He was trapped in a dungeon some time before the age of twelve for who knew how long the aspect he is sane is good enough all things considered.

"When the slime count in the dungeon I was in hit critical mass it reappeared and that is how I came here, I went to people thinking I was now in my world but no I was surprised by being I had never seen before as on my planet only humans exist as an intelligent species." I can imagine the shock at a new being completely unknown to you and the fear at this new unknown as he realized he was no longer able to return to his world.

"They found out quickly of me being from elsewhere as the plants I grew there for food sold me out to Maylen the half-elf, I will speak no more of them to prevent more trouble just know they have taken care of me and treated me as one of their own and I view myself more as a member of this planet then my own. It is even on my status screen in the tower." I see well nice to know we can gain information advantage in such way against other worlds.

"I think what you most want to hear is the difference in our energy, my birth worlds energy is more about physically enhancing you but the control given is horrific so although we have a strength greater then that of daemons when using it we waste a lot of energy and are not precise with the strength." An energy that make one more like a animal with one physicality but sacrifices control, everything has a upside and down side and everything has a balance.

"We also can't cure impurities and most people in my world die of it then anything else." I stop for a second and think, why do they not deal with impurities it just comes clean on it's own doesn't it?

"We do not have access to mental energy in my world and I only gained access to it in the dungeon, and mental energy is what gets rid of impurities meaning without it the impurities build up until it blocks the veins and those like this self implode. We have medicine for it but only those with high potential can get it while those of lower grades can only resign themselves to such horrific death." Meaning their already slim numbers is lowered even more drastically, truly nothing they can do will be a threat as they are a limited number people fighting a two way war with the enemy able to appear in the middle of their defense. 

"I use a cultivation that give me access to both so all that I can do is a mix of your and ours so not the best example, we also can use elements but only S-grade and higher can use it and our energy grades are ten times worse then yours." Essentially less energy, and less flexibility with said energy truly a one trick pony that only worth is as a front line kamikaze fighting.

This is a serious matter because although his world is no threat it doesn't mean world's that are can't do so as well and they don't even need to use the tower just piggyback on a dungeon and sneak out when it connects no way to know their origin just like with Aadi.

"I should report this but you know I can't with the oath I have taken, I will make another offer then I will act as your benefactor and will have Lucien and his people pardoned for hiding this information along with guaranteeing their is no chance you will be used beyond asking questions and basic physical check ups. No experiments or removal of your rights will be done and you will be granted full citizenship by my people if you agree to allow me to speak of this in your place." I offer as we need to prepare for such danger if it exists and regulate the dungeons even more for the purpose to look for such thing.

"Can you make that promise?" Aadi ask, understandable but I nod as the heir of the continent protector my word is law second only to fathers and he will definitely make use of such a good asset in war.

"I agree if you can truly guarantee our freedom outside of performing highly illegal acts." He is believing in my trustworthiness and ability to protect him, I smile slightly at the trust he is showing.

My perfect little healer is back and I intend to make sure he stays.

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