
Slime party

After the two successful manipulation of elements he decided to practice manipulating them, just like how when you first start cultivating the control of your energy is no better than a infants first time attempting to write he believes if he practices he will get better at it. So for the following week he spends one full energy vein amount of energy manipulating water, it is the first one he tried and is the one he most needs in his current situation.

Although hard to tell he is spending a little less energy each time, although it is only coating his hands he has the right amount of energy required to just lightly coat his hands while still being completely covered. The amount of energy has gone from needing nearly half of his energy to only a tenth.

While not usable yet in a fight do to only lasting a minute at full capacity, once his energy increases he will be able to throw water allowing him to regulate the amount of water he uses for each slime.

Fully healed and ready to attempt another fight, he grabs his five water containers and tarp with water in it and heads out. Approaching a sound only 5 minutes away he peers around the rock wall to see how many they're, seeing a group of 25 slimes he knows it is to many and begins to retreat. Heading in the other direction he once more searches for a smaller group, about 7 minutes from the cave he comes across another group but their are only 5 in this group.

Killing them using energy quickly he has 9 minutes worth of energy left to fight with, continuing my journey about 12 minutes from my cave I come across another group of slimes. But like the first group their are to many to handle with it being 30 strong. 

Sighing at my lack of luck I head back to my cave however half way there the group of twenty-five stands there. Stopping for a second I know I have to deal with them now or I may be surrounded by both groups and there is no way he can deal with 50 slimes. Even if he lured them back to the stream it would be hard to deal with that many all together.

Not waiting any longer I get out the tarp and rush forward, due to the tight caverns they are bunched tighter together allowing me to get 7 of them with the water in the tarp. Returning the tarp to my space I lace my dagger with energy and attack, I get through 4 of them before the familiar pain of a slime attack appears. Killing the one on my leg I continue attack them, ragged and injured he drops their numbers from the original 25 down to just five.

With only a quarter of my energy used due to using only my dagger I have enough energy to easily finish them off and get back when a plop sound rings out behind me, knowing I no longer have time left I coat my body in energy and run as fast as possible to home.

Turning a 6 minute walk into a two minute sprint took up half of my remaining energy, however I had to prepare as the slimes will see an injured scared prey and will follow me. With them being 35 strong and me low on energy he knew even with the high ground it would be a struggle to kill all of them, defend his home was easy as long as he killed most of them but he needed to kill all or they would return to the main swarm and tell them of the injured and viable food. 

He will go from facing 35 to easily 100 as the main swarm will gather and come.

His stream will be easily overcome and with little energy he would be consumed, he could go to the water cave but the crops he grew along with all his stuff would be consumed by the slimes and it would be a slow crawl to starvation if that happened.

He would have to risk himself early on to kill as many as possible as fast as possible so as lower the amount of slimes and then use the bowls, pots, and tarp to kill off the remaining ones. Before the swarm was to small so the slimes wouldn't have returned to protect majority but with him being an injured fleeing prey, he would go from potentially harmful to the swarm to struggling food.

Getting everything ready in front of his cave he waits another two minutes for the slimes to come seeing them approach the nervousness and anxiety from the situation truly sets in, circulating his energy he rushes the first slimes with his legs already injured with second degree burns from his fight earlier he knows to maximize energy he can't protect them so instead of limited movements like before he begins jumping while running. It made him slower and less accurate with the knife but none of the slimes could latch on and with them bundled together in the cavern he can go from one to the next. Big targets don't require high accuracy just some.

As three minutes pass he is able to minimize his leg injuries going from barely second degree burns to mid third degree, painful and each move is excruciating he know he is only a second or two from running out of energy but he has dealt with all but 10 of the slimes. Staggering he grabs the tarp and sprays as many of the remaining slimes as possible with them bunched due to having him as a target he is able to get all but one with the water in the tarp, rushing the remaining one I dump one of the bowls on it.

Shakely he makes his way home not even bothering to gather the core that had dropped from one of the slimes he sits down gasping and with pain in his legs only worsening due to the lack of energy he fade into deep sleep.

Third degree burns can be non painful due to burning ones nerve endings, if burnt but feel no pain still go to a hospital as it could mean a worse injury than you know. His burns did not go all the way to the nerves due to him circulating energy while this was happening and although it is a mid third degree burn their is no nerve problems and he will have to deal with the pain.

Kayle_ezelcreators' thoughts
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