
Chapter 2: Invasion 1



Gotham City, Wayne Manor, March 10, 2010

Underneath a large mansion on the outskirts of Gotham City, you can find a cave that, although it looked dark and gloomy, you could stare many electronic devices connected to each other with large monitors, where you could see that they were analyzing a lot of information per second. This information was quickly collected so, that a person dressed as a bat, could analyze it and, with that information, he will be able to make strategies based on it. This person did not have his mask on, his handsome and masculine face with sharp features, worthy of one of the most sought-after bachelors in the country, but in the world.

His deep blue eyes had no expression, making it difficult to read the individual's emotions, however, anyone who knew the abilities of this bat-man, would know that he was analyzing all the information that was presented to him while all kinds of theories, thoughts and plans ran through his head, one would not expect less from the most intelligent human in the world.

Bruce Wayne, heir to the great fortune of the Waynes when unfortunately he witnessed with his own eyes how the lives of his parents vanished victim of a robbery. Seeking revenge, he trained himself in mind, body, and spirit until he became, unofficially, the deadliest person on the planet. Thus, at only 20 years old, he returned to his hometown, took over Wayne companies that had declined to near bankruptcy, and as the phoenix re-emerged this company into a successful multinational full of many research and development divisions, surely few people could achieve said feat. Although his playboy character was never removed, let's say, the guy was living the high life.

However, he had a secret, one that only few knew, and the main reason to return to his city, purge all criminals and prevent more young people like him from suffering the immense loss he experienced. Since he came back he became something else, a symbol of fear and respect he became Batman.

"Tea, Master Wayne?" asked an old man dressed in a butler outfit, the old man looked frail, but those who knew him knew not to underestimate said old man. This person was Bruce's biggest confidante, his butler, and the person who raised him, Alfred Pennyworth.

"Thank you Alfred", Bruce kindly commented, in front of this person he was not Batman or the millionaire Bruce Wayne, just a young man who had a loss and tried every day to get ahead by his own means.

"Mr. Fox just called and mentioned that the negotiations with the Revenger Group were a failure, they did not accept the expansion agreement to Gotham, sir." "Hmm I guessed it Alfred, since the Revenger group arrived in the country, it has grown exponentially, and it is very rare, since it does not accept external investment, it is as if all the money they generate is used for their expansion, leaving their profits at zero. Were Mr. Fox able to obtain any information from the mysterious owner of said company Alfred?" Bruce asked, "I'm afraid that would be a negative sir, it's still one of the big mysteries, we just know that it's not a large group and that there is one main person as the majority investor, the boss so to speak."

"Even with all my gadgets I haven't been able to get any relevant information Alfred, it's difficult, they have a great surveillance system, almost on par with mine, and besides, I can't leave Gotham unattended for long, their headquarters is in National City far away from here". Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the computer, interrupting their conversation. On said monitor, you could see a video of several people being taken by winged beings coming out of portals. This was not just happening in Gotham City, this was happening in various major cities like Washington, Central City, San Francisco, Boston, in all of these cities more and more people were being taken by force.

"I have to go out Alfred, prepare the jet" "Are you going to call Mr. Kent, Master Wayne?" Alfred asked with a slight tone of concern, he knew what his young master was capable of, but still he couldn't help but worry. "Yes Alfred, I'm afraid whatever this is, I can't do it alone, we need all the help we can get, this is going to be a game changer, after this day the world will never be the same." And how sure he was of his statement.

Metropolis, March 10, 2010

The city of Metropolis or the city of tomorrow, said bustling city by day and calm at night was where the superhero Superman lived or patrolled the sky. However, tonight was one of those boisterous nights where many people were asking said superhero for help, you could see winged monsters with big fangs, kidnapping people and taking them to an unknown place. Superman was trying his best to avoid it, but the number of said monsters increased as time went by, for the first time since his debut, Superman was being outmatched, and he, a person whose ideal is to help everyone, couldn't help it.

"Superman, I'm Batman, do you read me?" A communicator on Superman's wrist beeped. This communicator was a gift from Batman to be able to communicate with each other in case any situation was too much for both of them, they did not think that said situation was an alien invasion.

"Superman here Bru... Batman, what are these things? There are too many." "I don't know Superman, based on my analysis I can identify that these beings have superhuman strength, speed and resistance, they don't seem to have their own conscience, they are practically monsters. The only thing I could conclude is that they are alien in nature, and I am almost certain that they are following orders by someone or something." Batman replied to Superman, his quick analysis was able to infer that these beasts were made of an organic and inorganic alloy that was not on the periodic table, indicating that they were extraterrestrial external beings.

"An invasion? And where do the monsters take the people?" Superman asked alarmed, despite all his strength and speed, the number of monsters was too much and thanks to his super hearing he could hear that this was not only happening in Metropolis, they needed to find out where they were going to take all these people and be able to free them before  it was too late. "That's what I'm looking at, I put a tracker on a couple of them before they flew away and they seem to be heading to a warehouse in…just outside of Washing…". Batman did not finish when Superman shot off to Washington to rescue those people, he was not alone since Batman knowing the personality of the flying superhero was already on his way with his jet as well.

Themyscira, city of the Amazons, March 9, 2010

In a city lost in time, numerous beautiful women could be seen at a sumptuous banquet, on the table was a sea of ​​delicacies, and the atmosphere was pleasant and happy. All these women were smiling and at peace, celebrating each one next to their sisters, but don't be confused by the joyful atmosphere, each one of these women were fierce warriors, who were always ready to go to war, to defend their people. and his ideals.

In the head was a woman with blond hair, light blue eyes, who did not appear to be more than 30 years old, her body worked by her training was almost as if it were a monument sculpted from clay by Zeus himself, this was the queen of the Amazons, Queen Hippolyta, this woman was the worthy leader of these women and the second most beautiful woman on the entire island.

Beside her was her daughter, jet-black hair, electric blue eyes a little deeper than her mother's, and a body that would make any man's and woman's jaws drop, if Hippolyta was considered a sculpture made by the gods, Diana was simply a miracle that not even the gods could match, but not only did she have a beauty that eclipsed everyone, she was also the best warrior on the island, an expert in any type of weapon and in hand-to-hand combat, her strength, speed, and resistance were also with leagues better than those of her warrior sisters, but this was to be expected from the daughter of Zeus himself, a daughter who inherited the same power of lightning, no, rather, she had the talent to surpass him.

"How are you feeling daughter?" Hippolyta asked Diana, "the party is great mom", " I don't ask you about the party, how do you feel?, since you came back from the world of men you are no longer the same, before, you were full of dreams, but now, it seems as if that girl who wanted to see the world would have left", Hippolyta commented with concern. "Mom, men's world was great, sure, they had their problems, but when I was in the war... I could see the cruelty of man, I don't blame all men, I don't hate them either, but, it just made me wonder if we should do more, we have the strength to make a change, but we just continue here, doing nothing.

Hippolyta kept thinking about her daughter's words, her daughter was not a naive girl, she had fought for the world of man despite her efforts to keep her away, she simply fled and joined a squad to avoid the massacre of thousands of troops, they called her Wonder Woman, and it was a trigger for many women to raise their voices and ask for more rights and better treatment, this only made her proud, her daughter had made a big change in the world of men, she can't be more than proud.

"Actually, daughter, you're right, it's time we didn't stay silent, your friend's son is also a soldier right?" She was talking about the son of Steve Trevor, the person who helped Diana get to the front and be able to fight the war. "Yes mom, George is a respected general in Washington, as his godmother he sometimes sends me letters, telling me about his achievements and some things about his children." Diana replied, Steve was a great friend of hers, and he named her godmother at the birth of his first child, someone who followed in his father's footsteps and made a name for himself in the military. "Maybe you should ask him to help you generate an embassy from Themyscira, I think it's time to do our bit and help the progress of man, also, if the news is true, with the emergence of people with special abilities I fear that the war and chaos break out in the world and I believe that you can help to avoid it daughter ".

"I think…", before Diana finished her sentence, she was interrupted by a sound of alarms in the underground chambers, in the treasure chamber. Quickly all the Amazons were on their feet, grabbing their swords and bows and running to meet the threat like the brave warriors they were.

In the treasure chamber you could see a slight change in the air, out of nowhere, a loud noise was heard and a portal opened, coming out of the portal many winged creatures came out, with big fangs and red eyes, if Batman and Superman were here they could identify these same creatures as the cause of kidnapping people, but for Hippolyta, who had lived a long time and gone through many wars, I could give them a name, Parademons, Darkseid's warriors.

When the amazons arrived a massacre began, yes, these creatures were strong but next to the battle-hardened amazons, they looked like just annoying flies, they were easily decimated by these excellent warriors, however this was only a distraction, since from the same portal a fearsome being came out, measuring almost 3 meters, with a helmet with horns, red eyes and pale gray skin, his black armor with red lines gave an image of a fearsome and powerful warrior, his being exuded an evil aura, this being was none other than Steppenwolf and one of Darkseid's commanders.

He was sent to recover the three motherboxes that had been left in the previous lost war, where humans, Amazons, Atlanteans and ancient gods fought, and thus be able to recover the honor of their former loss, to be able to return home with their dignity intact. Putting these three boxes together he could open a portal for Darkseid to go through and thus be able to start his terrestrial conquest, naturally Darkseid despite his tremendous power, could not travel directly, since the ancient gods had put up great magical defenses to avoid it, Hippolyta having fought in that war, he knew they had to stop Steppenwolf from taking the motherbox they were guarding.

Hippolyta and Diana charged at Steppenwolf to prevent him from approaching the motherbox, Diana had a lot of power and strength, but due to her lack of control, she couldn't take full advantage of her abilities, having to settle for enclosing her power with her enchanted bracelets. This does not mean that he is weak, but next to Steppenwolf, a new god still paled, and this was seen when they were gradually dominated, Steppenwolf was cruel, ruthless and cunning, he did not become a commander because he was weak, saying so, only Darkseid, a few Furies, and Granny Goodness could match or surpass him in combat.

Steppenwolf raised his weapon, a scythe created by the best blacksmiths of Apokolips and with a strong sweep hit Hippolyta sending her away several meters, "Mom!", Diana worried about her mother was distracted due to this action and could not prevent her from They hit him hard in the abdomen, leaving him in such excruciating pain that it made him want to vomit up the food they had just eaten. That didn't stop her from charging again though, with a series of quick jabs to Steppenwolf's blind spots causing him to back off and go on defense.

Steppenwolf was surprised, he knew that the amazons were strong but this girl was on another level, and he didn't like that, he didn't want to admit it, but he felt a little scared because of this, his common sense told him that if he kept fighting this woman, he would end up being defeated and perhaps, he could die. The good thing he didn't come to fight, he came for the motherbox and that's what he was going to get. She cunningly focused on the queen who was weaker than her daughter, and attacked with a series of lethal and dangerous combinations, the queen was already tired and injured and could only defend herself.

Diana came to her aid, but when they realized that this It was what he wanted, it was too late, a parademon had taken the motherbox, and was flying away from the island through a portal. Seeing this, Steppenwolf smiled mischievously and walked away through a portal, but not before saying with a serious and threatening tone

"Soon the three motherboxes will gather and Darkseid will come, the Earth will not be able to avoid it, long live Darkseid".

"Daughter, I think you have to go back to the man's world, we need to stop him from putting together the three motherboxes, the world needs Wonder Woman again".

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