
Ch 23 Fatherhood

(Wrote two at same time and posted wrong one...oh well, here's the birth chapter.)

A month had passed and word had spread of what I did at the Sealord's Palace.....

1200 shredded corpses were found in the mansion.....so many bodies that they had to take them to sea and feed the Chunks to fish.

At first none believed the Tales that quickly spread of the massacre, However tens of thousands had seen the Monstrous Cannibal land that night, and the next morning the Palace was a bloodbath and the Sealord and all his children were mounted on stakes.

Sinister rumors of my evil dark powers spread and my name caused fear in all those who saw what I had done.....

The High ranking Magisters and Keyholders of Braavos set up an emergency meeting and announced that they would not seek any actions against me after the new Sea Lord was chosen to replace the dead one.

I'm sure they came up with that conclusion when the Faceless men refused to target me or my women.

Father was lost in milk of the poppy and didn't care for the matter.....

He was tired of hearing all the evil I had done, and he couldn't even punish me for any of it.....

The disease on The King had spread even more.....the smell of his rotting flesh could no longer be covered by perfume and incense....

all knew that every day was one day closer to death for the King 

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Today was the day I became a father, both of my women had gone into labour at the same time and I had Rhaenys and Mother helping me as I delivered the babies.

They pushed and sweat fell from their faces from the effort....I made sure to constantly cast healing spells on both of them as they pushed out the Children.

First the head of one came out of Laena....she pushed hard until it's entire head was free, then I gently pulled my first child into my arms as it screamed loudly into the air.....'Strong Lungs' I thought to myself.

I cast a cleaning spell and looked at my first baby girl, white hair and eyes as red as her father's with the beauty of her mother...

I passed her to Laena and had her continue pushing.

Before long I moved to Hilde as the head appeared...she pushed and pushed until finally I took the baby into my arms.

she was beautiful with Red eyes, and Black tuft if hair that shimmered beautifully.....I cast a cleaning spell then gave her to Hilde as she cried with happiness.

I moved back to Laena and she had handed our daughter to the Little maid as she pushed out the next one....with a hard push it came out and I took it into my arms.

I looked down to see her tuft of white hair and beautiful Purple eyes....just like her mother.

My women laid side by side as they cried tears of joy.

I kissed both of them and thanked them for giving me such Healthy daughters.

"So....What names have you all decided?" I asked my women.

First Laena looked at my firstborn, she had Red slitted eyes just like me....

"...Visenya...for the firstborn....may she be as fierce a warrior as her namesake, and her father.."

Laena spoke, and I responded. "And with the beauty of her mother..." As I kissed Laena on the lips.

Then I turned to Hilde who was smiling with tears in her eyes, I leaned forward and kissed her before asking for a name.

 "Jasmine....after my mother..." She spoke and started crying more so i brought her into a hug as she got her emotions out....after some time I turned back to Laena...

"And for my Third born?" I asked while looking at the spitting image of her mother....

"Sarella....for our youngest...." I kissed little Sarella and my women began to feed the my baby girls.

Before long my baby girls had fallen asleep and that's when I placed enchanted bracelets on each of them, they were as airtight as the ones I gave to their mother's.....

I kissed my babies as they slept in their mother's arms.....

I kissed my women and laid in bed with them while our servant girl waited in a nearby chair....

her name was Chali and had gotten over her fear of me, after spending time seeing how I care for my women she grew to work diligently and I had no complaints.

I also gave her an enchanted collar since I didn't want anyone taking my things if I wasn't looking...

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