
Chapter 23 : The battle and The test (finale).

Chapter 23 : The battle and The test (finale).

The next chapter will be the finale of this arc. Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

And thank you for reading.

Recap a little. Little daniel was fighting james lee. To test where he stood. But was almost defeated. With self doubting A begin took mercy on little daniel and sent to see the fight between system and baki. Looking at the fight. At their battle climax he was sent back to see where to end the fight between him and james. With broken talent copying both big daniel and baki. Now a true warrior stands infront of james.

Story starts here :

We see little Daniel and james lee standing in front of each other at a distance. Little daniel using the copy of both baki and big daniel. With the aura form the both copies radiated. Making james feel threatened. James can feel the fight coming will be something he will remember for a long time.

Little Daniel Realized soon, That Even if he copy them one at a time its to much for his body. He can feel all the muscles in his body readjusting going best state to copy the fighters. As close as possible, which defies the human knowledge of a body.

The pain form muscle shifting is unbearable. He Wants to scream to ease the pain. But little daniel can also feel the power. The strength speed he feels like he can push a mountain. Lift a car. Run faster then a cheetah. But he can also feel it. In this state he will not last long.

Little daniel thinks of something to make sure he can last as long as possible in the fight against james lee. Little daniel thinking 'I will not last long need to end this fight as fast as possible'. He rushed to James. The copy brought speed faster then before. Wanting to end the fight as quickly as possible.

James lee. The man who easily defeated, The whole Gen 1 kings and their gangs. He was born with an unmatched talent and potential, What ever subject, sport. He picked up he quickly surpassed them. But even with all that success, He never felt any pride or happiness.

He always felt of his talent as a curse. That will always be with him for life. Like rest of the days he encountered some small times thugs wanting his wallet. With his sports mastery of boxing and many others he easily took them down. Was james cursed with this never ending feeling of nothingness.

Like the rest of the days but that day was different. He had contact with charles. After that for a while his life had taken a turn. But we are not here for james back story. But for the fight.

James saw Little Daniel close the distance between them. With a speed faster then before. getting a bit interested in the people that daniel is copying.

Daniel attacks with baki copy using flurry of punches and sharp kicks. But this time instead of dodging. James blocked them.

Seeing this Daniel now uses system copy a leg sweep. But james jumped up effectively dodging it.Seeing james in The air. With his sharp iq and battle instincts.

Daniel uses using karate to land a strike on james who jumped. The punched was blocked by james pushing him back. As a fist mark is  printed on the forearm which was used to block the punch.

Little daniel wanting follow up not give a chance to recover to james. Feels his body stop completely. He feels that his body has reached the limit. Stopping him form using anymore moves or power. Thinking He lost the fight.

The conviction, The motives, All the hope fades form his eyes. With only failure remaining. Daniel was once again was pulled in the pits of dispare. But this time seeing no hope to pull him back. Form the place.

All the memories flash by his eyes. With one sticking in his head the most.

remembering a talk between himself and system.  Little daniel who was deep in thinking asked system " We both can copy any fighting style we can see down to the perfection".

System hearing little daniel remark replies to him "Why are you asking this now, I was clear when I told you we can copy fighting style and techniques just by seeing once. So what are you thinking about?".

Little Daniel re"What if we combine the 2 fighting styles which we copied. Like having speed , precision and technique of Zack. Combined with vasco strength".

system using the big body big body responds " In theory this is possible, But in reality it's almost impossible. Because 2 fighters  who use they fighting style has a lot of difference among them. Weather it be weight, height, or force, everything will be different, we can combine a style if the both parties are equal in strength, speed, height. You can think of combining the styles of fighters into is like putting many chemicals in an random order. You do not know which one will make the reaction. The reaction could be stable or it could explode the whole thing. In short We don't know when you will explode, The risk is high. But the reward higher. if somehow you pulled it off. The power will be something, That No one will expect".

Humans are complex begin. Their emotions, motives, wants, are different for each. But one thing is common for all humans. "Fear" The fear could be of anything. But one fear stands out the most among all of us. "The fear of losing, No one in the world wants to lose. Especially when the thing is realted to your motives and pride".

Little daniel is feeling the same thing. Now the battle might not be a fight to the death. But this is a battle of ideals , motives to prove that he can change.

This instance pushed him out of the pits of despair and hopelessness. With having a new light to follow.

With This he decided what to do, Pulling the risky move of combining. System and baki style into one. Taking the power speed of baki. Combining with the precision and unpredictable movement of they system style. The process of the 2 styles merging together.

Seems like the whole world at a stand still. The trees rustling stops. Winds stops, It's like nature is waiting to see what will become of it. The demon and perfect machine combined.

My naming skills sucks but I will still name this if you can comeup with a better name pls tell " Daniel park special "IMPERFECT DEMONIC STYLE" the name is due to him not begin able to fully copy both. Due to his body not begin able to handle the power.

The wind blows again trees are rustling. It's like the nature is welcoming the birth of a new warrior. Who's ideals and motives are sharper then anything, Which the world ever seen. Throwing away all self doubt and gloating. A powerful fighter is born.

The combination of both copies gave enough power to defeat james easily. But the cost even greater. Daniel can feel his body. Its like on fire, His mind numb. Even a little movement feels like. His muscle will tear out of his skin.He understand The cost of such power.

With little Daniel thinking 'This is the cost of such power, Is this system meant by time bomb. This state will not last long need to end this as fast as possible'.

The combination of the 2 copy changed the aura. The aura before was black and red now. It's dark red due to combination. The change caused james to get serious. He can feel it. The upcoming fight will be higher then any fight he had faced preparing himself. He sees Little daniel take running stance. Rasing his vigilance to the peak getting ready to counter or dodge any thing.

Taking a deep breath Little daniel launched himself to attack james. Putting his whole power in this one attack to take down james. Little Daniel knows if he misses, He will be the one who loses.

James seeing this attempt of Little daniel attack counter this with IA aiming at Little Daniel's chin. Times seems to slow down for both parties. James can feel every single moment the attack which would have landed in a  less then second feels like years to land.

James can feel his leg Hitting Little. But he also feels something's wrong. He sees Little daniel right hand touching his leg. To swipe to side And little Daniel Head turning to left. To avoid the IA, James fought many people in the past. Only 2 people were able to react to His IA his attacks.

But no one tired to parry it. Or change the direction. Why cause the attack was soo fast. Leaving no options other then to be hit or to block.

Shocking him. He can feel how his kick is redirected. He sees little daniel left hand in a punching motion coming at his gut.

He also see how little daniel added spinning motion to increase the power of the punch. As times seems to return as its normal pace. The fist struck james gut sending him flying. The strength of the attack also sent shockwaves through out the area.

Drops of blood trickle form the side of james mouth. Looking at james condition we can see a fist mark showing a hint of rotation on the gut of james.

Now we see the condition of Little Daniel. Blood drops form his eyes. Nose, ears. Mouth. As he falls down. The draw back of such power.

James struggles to get back up on his feet. Finally after a while of struggling he slowly walks up to little daniel seeing his condition.

He breaths a sigh of relief. And lays down not wanting to get up and thinking ' Well I might have raised a monster, for gen2 wanting to give them breathing time to get strong. But accidentally I raised a monster, I can only pray for those who will fight him in the future, I hope you can survive, well who am i to care for it'.

With the fight begin over, Little Daniel landed a single hit which almost defeated the legend of the 1st generation. Is this is the rise of the new legend or will he go beyond the level of gen 0. Only time will tell,

The journey is only beginning for our nain character. The progress he made the hardships he face. Made him into what he is today, This is the only start for his journey there are many more hardships, and struggles for little Daniel to face. And how he overcomes them. Continue reading to find out what future has for our little hero.


The people in the arena are anticipating waiting for the sand to clear to see who won. With many Baki verse characters. Also at the edge of their seats to see the outcome of the intense battle.

Their thoughts are interrupted, form the cloud of dust someone is thrown out in the wall of arena badly damaging it, The gush of wind clears the sand cloud away. we see baki standing in the center with an presence demanding respect. Such drastic change in presence

Yujiro sitting in the stands gives a wide smile looking at baki back. Yujiro says "The kid got talent pushing baki this far, but talent won't help in front of strength". The reaction of others characters saying something else

Katsumi with a smile says "I told you all baki will not lose. He will win like always".

Retsu showing respect for the fallen fighter says "None of us has ever pushed baki this far, He simply became to strong for us to give him a challenge. Yet an unknown kid pushed him this far this is an amazing feat".

Tokigawa adds "I am also happy for baki, But what if he has a hidden final technique".

Hearing this doppo says "Then the fight will end with one winner".

Shibusawa saying nothing but observing. After a while saying " His talent and ability to adapt is remarkable. Form almost a good fighter ,To becoming great fighter infront of our eyes, The strength is always respected. And I believe he deserve all our respect as a fighter".

Hearing shibusawa words everyone nods,

The presence of baki changed the spectators views of the fight. baki stood in place with a piece of bloody shirt. Looking where he threw system, the condition of the system is not good bloody wounds of the dog fight, And many bruises. The condition of baki is also not well having similar wounds but less buries.

Baki slowly walking toward the palce where he throwed system with his eyes showing respect for the challenger who pushed him this much in a fight. But like a wise man said all good things must come to an end. And the fight was also coming to end.

The eyes of Baki which had respect was now showing an emotion longing. Wishing so that he can fight for a bit longer.

Seeing the figure of baki coming near him . system speaks loudly with his voice showing the emotion of a Battle junkie. "You still got some fight in you".

But soon the emotion changes to anger seeing the look in the eyes of baki "Shortie whats with that look I can still fight baki, put that dam look away".

Baki unfazed by the taunts responds "We both know your not in condition to continue, As much I hate to say it. Give up accept defeat. Pushing me this far is a great achievement for you".

System hearing this says "Keep your dam achievement to your self, I am currently the final boss you need to face. And what is a boss without his phases".

Struggling to stand up on his feet system shouts loudly "This is not even ,my final form shortie!!".

And Rushes to grab the face Baki. The hand gets closer to baki face. System is still in heat mode keeping a crazy smile. While baki standing their calmly. The moment system touched opponent face.

Baki started his counter attack intending , To end the fight. kicking system on the cheek with his left leg which forceing him to the left side. Following up with a right hook on the cheek. With a final attack garbing his face pushing his head in the wall of arena.

system falls down and baki turns around with a look of respect looking at the fallen opponent. Turns around and starts to leave.

The crowds goes wild with cheering. What they witnessed was a battle that will be written in the history books. But while leaving baki feels something is off.

The instinct honed over the years of fighting warns him. Turning faster he looks at the fallen enemy. The feeling of danger comes form him.

Seeing the reaction of baki people stopped cheering. Not understanding the reason for strange behaviour of baki. The air starts to shake slowly. Crowd starts to feel a strange pressure. Like someone is holding their neck.

A strange phenomena happening is not natural. Many characters also feel this and are shocked. The fallen man rises. Slowly Exhaling a breath. With his eyes still closed. Not giving any chance baki attacked.

What normal people could not feel. They can't understand the danger baki felt now. Going for a superman punch. But its countered by an attack which many can not see. Even dopo, katsumi, retus, shibisawa can't see. only yuijro saw it clearly the speed of the attack. Reached to the point to leave after image.

He saw it how the kid kicked baki under chin sending him flying. Even in the air baki not wanting to give system to monopolize the chance of his moment of weakness. Does a back flip kick with the help of the strike that system performed. System easily dodged it.

Baki feet touching the ground. Taking a fighting stance raising his vigilance to the highest point, Not wanting to be caught off guard. Baki saw how his opponent opened his eyes. Pure black eyes with a white iris.

Baki thought "I was thinking he was lying about his final form, But looking at him now it dosen't feel like he was lying". Baki can feel his blood boiling . The red aura spreads around the arena.

The system using the second body has entered Ultra instinct. In this state body. The user can adjust to match his strength against the enemy. The stronger the enemy. The stronger the users get, If the enemy is weak the user is also weakened,

Seeing the aura of baki, the system also counters his aura with same strength, the clash happens between 2 auras black and red. Both sides refusing to back down. System ui uses the skill bloodlust overpowering the momentum.

Both fighter rush at each others. Many people cannot see their fists. But they can feel the strength. Hearing them strike and deflect the strikes. As baki goes to land a hit on the face of system. Instead of dodging. Grabbing his fist strongly, using akido to turn baki upside down.

The same move will not work on baki twice countering the akido baki grabs the hand of with his other hand. Not letting him pull back. Going for a head butt. But he stops as he system putting fingers on his forehead, performing the one inch punch.

The sound of the punch was like a gunshot. As baki head is flung back. But he still did not leave the hand. While baki is disoriented by the strike. Baki counters twisting the arm, with enough force to bend steel bars, but baki does not get the chance, As he is hit by the

Retaekwodo baekdu. In the gut which forces him to release the grip, following up with retaekwondo baek noh. Delivering a devastating strike. As baki falls to the ground. System using UI turns his attention to the stands looking at the yuijiro hanma, thinking of him as the biggest threat after baki.

Yuijiro looking at the fight he notices. That UI attacks who he thinks as the threat. Why is he looking at him now. But yuijiro still dose not move. Why cause he knows baki has not lost yet.

Cutting to the arena we see look at baki fallen on the ground. Baki's imagination starts working. Imagining fighting UI system for an indefinite time. After 3 seconds has passed in real time but 3 years in baki imagination. Standing up baki muscles are expanding.

With his hair floating up with muscles on his back showing the face of demon. The dynamic of the fight has changed. With a new fire in the eyes of baki.

This is it the final round between the demon and the perfection.

The air starts vibrating. Every living begin in the vicinity are feeling scared. As now a full baki power baki with demon back and System Ui both standing at a distance. As system looking at baki changes with his look begin on the back .

Story ends Here.

The next chapter will end the arc I wanted to add the fight in this chapter but will push the word count high.

Leave a comment. Telling me what you thought of the chapter.

Don't be mad why I did't made little daniel use ui. Its simple he was to damaged form just copying baki and system and the combination of the both damaged him further. 

I know this chapter is a bit or a lot of wrong. Hope you all will forgive me. And i hope you enjoy.

Have a good day or night, Am out peace

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